Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Politically Incorrect Kim Howells

Foreign Office Minister Kim Howells, speaking in the House of Commons this afternoon.

"It's not enough to assume that if you eat the right kind of muesli and go to first nights of Harold Pinter revivals and read the Independent occasionally that the drug barons of Afghanistan are going to go away. They are not going to go away''

Tory MP Julian Lewis responded: "It is wonderful to have such a politically incorrect ministerat the dispatch box.'' Indeed.


HowRidiculous said...

Perhaps you could edit a collection of Kim Howells' quotes.

Alfie said...

Kim Howells? Bombastic know all, straight out of the Neil Kinnock school of windbaggery.

I don't take any notice of that guy, ever since he shielded those two Welsh miners from the law. He knew they had chucked a kerbing slab off a motorway bridge that resulted in the death of a taxi driver during the strike - yet still chose to protect them.

The man is devoid of any moral fibre - he should do pretty well for himself in today's HMG.

Anonymous said...

You call that politically incorrect? Standards are dropping in Blair's police state.

Anonymous said...

Appears poor Paul Flynn is a bit pissed off.

He does have a beard so he would be offended by Kim's "un-PC" comments.
