Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Chipmunk Bites Back: Blears Resigns

Sky is reporting that Hazel Blears has resigned from the Cabinet. Good on her. In a meeting. More later.


Nigel Allery said...

There is little doubt now that Brown will be going.

The fact that Ministers and MP's are going in this unprecedented fashion illustrates that he can have no sanction against them in the future.As he will be out.

So who will be his replacement?

Pam Nash said...

Wow - Liebour is imploding, surely now Brown will see the writing on the wall and go??

DespairingLiberal said...

A "cabinet of all the talents" would be bloody hard to put together now!

Frank Field for President.

Bill said...

good riddance, she won't be missed by (m)any

The Watcher said...

This is it people! The storming of The Reichstag by the sisterhood has commenced!!!

Won't PMQ's be fun? That is if Gordon can hang on for the next 90 minutes!!!

DMC said...

its on BBC too.

They are saying that this might lead to a challenge to Browns leadership.

Blackacre said...

Jumped before she was pushed? She should have resigned immediately on the "totally unacceptable" comment.

Damon From Birmingham said...

Will the last Cabinet member to leave please turn out the lights.

Anonymous said...

Good work to get out before the rush! I'd LOVE to see her resignation statement ...

"Dear Gordon. You're a tw@. See ya."

Benny said...

Her comment she came out with rather obviously blasted the current Labour government. My respect for her has grown

Anonymous said...

As usual the media, stuck in the Westminster village mentality, focusses on the personalities and internal party wrangles. I suppose this and Smith's resignation yesterday are all to do with public embarassment and their personal relationships with Brown?... absolutely nothing to do with potential tax fraud and a police investigation, of course.......

JuliaM said...

Gordon's sinking ship is fast running out of rats. Now even the chipmunks are heading for the lifeboats!

Bill Quango MP said...

Its like an Agatha Christie all star extravaganza in the 'Death on the Nile' mould.

"And then there were none"

Oldrightie said...

Cue a coup?

DMC said...


Abit of news for you, Nick Robsinson for the first time has said that the next 48 hours will determine whether Britain gets a new PM, he thinks that sometime after the elections Blears will ask publically for Brown to stand down.

Rob said...

Lets hope she's got something to say too. Don't go quietly, love!

Obnoxio The Clown said...

The skies must be ginger on Planet Dale!

"Good on her"??????????????????

Iain, what the f*** are you on? This little slag was stealing from us. She's been a cheerleader for the most awful British government in living memory, and you are still bigging her up.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Simon George said...

There is an term in electrical engineering. It refers to a kind of power failure that instead of occurring instantly, can take a long time to occur. It plays havoc with equipment and is usually much more damaging that a normal blackout

It's called a 'brownout'

Peter Thomas said...

Another one bites the dust! For the well-being of our Nation, this farce cannot continue. Brown MUST call a general election now or be deposed after tomorrow's elections.

Northampton Saint said...

Who's next?

Just A. Punter said...

At least the chipmonk has said she would sign the Constituent's Contract. It seems they are all going to jump on this bandwagon now.

HarveyR said...

The chipmunk deserts the sinking ship.

Dungeekin said...

Gordon's not going to have anyone left to do a reshuffle with!

Just imagine.....

Late at night, in his Downing Street Bunker, GORDON sits, hunched pensively, over an almost-blank pad of paper. All that is written on it is 'Mye Noo Cabbinet'. GORDON picks up his black marker pen and, sighing heavily, begins to sing. . . .

'I'm Reviewing The (Cabinet) Situation'

Lionel 'Dungeekin' Bart

jpkatlarge said...

Maybe by tomorrow all the Cabinet will have resigned, leaving Brown on his own as our unelected dictator—we know he really would like that.

I do wonder what will happen if a few Cabinet minsters don't agree to be reshuffled. In one sense, if some don't refuse, we will know they are all spineless lardarses.

Unknown said...

Good for her. As good a sign as any that there is a structured plot to remove Brown. Let's hope there's more fun and games throughout the day!

Trend Shed said...

I had forgotten how messy Labour infighting and wars can be.....

The Tories are so much more clinical and straight forwards.

Labour, however, make the entwined politics of the Middle East seem like a straight forwards game of noughts and crosses.

Jon Harvey said...

Tis true:

Who is next to go?

Anonymous said...

Yohoho (rubs hands together in gleeful anticipation), PMQs today is going to be SO much fun, isn't it. Labourlist is saying that there are expected to be another couple of resignations today.

It's all getting to be like a political version of Haydn's Abschieds-Symphonie. What larks!

Steve Horgan said...

Very serious for Gordon Brown, ministers voting with their feet has always been suggested as one mechanism for the removal of the Prime Minister. It is astonishing that this is happening just the day before a major election as well. Labour County Council candidates must be in despair.

JMT said...

Is this to be the "Howe moment" from the back benches, just before the SNP no-confidence vote?

VotR said...

Right before a PMQ as well. How conveniently timed, Hazel. I'm sure it's not personal, or anything.

Brown is going to be cremated at noon. With some thanks to the chipmunk. I actually think this is better entertainment than Corrie.

Cameron will be a fool not to seize this moment and the initiative, his watched performance will be a performance test of his real strengths and weaknesses if he does or doesn't take this diamond-lined opportunity to lash Brown at mid-day.

PMQ's, more like PM whiplash and so appropriate to bring him to account, will be essential viewing, Iain.

javelin said...

McGoing ... McGoing ... McGone

Anonymous said...

Chipmunk says that she "wants to help the Labour party to re-connect with the British people".
How can someone who's fiddled at least £13000 from the "people" do that?

Wrinkled Weasel said...

We have all been saying it, over and over, but this must be it. This must be Gordon's Downfall. There's nobody left in the bunker to be the target of his mad rages.

It's got to be over.

I predict, Brown to go by next Monday. (Especially since Harperson was busy today telling everyone he was staying on)

Gordon Brown said...

I love the last sentence in the resignation letter quoted in the bbc article.

"Finally, there's an important set of elections tomorrow. My message is simple: get out and vote Labour."

Hazel, I hope you don't mind but do you mind if I don't this time? I don't mean to be rude but maybe next time - is that alright? Thanks darling, knew you would understand. See you in the bar later for a few orange juices. XXX

*PMSL!!!!* oh, that is the best joke I've heard all week

javelin said...

Darling should resign. Brown has stiched him up - time for revenge.

Kate. said...

Thats it, Gordo is cling on by a thread....

Out by the end of the week?

Anonymous said...

Chipmunk = a rat with a PR man

Pubatron said...

Labourlist reporting 2 more ministers at least to follow today

Social Pariah said...

Can't wait for PMQs and there is now also the possibility of Blears making a resignation speech. A deliberate act to destabilise Brown personally.

Never underestimate a redhead...their vengeance can be sharp and deadly!

However, she may not survive the Salford vote to come back as a propsective leader.

Anonymous said...

After the Salford bye election, Blears said "the people of Salford's values are the values of the Labour Party".

Now she's out, it suddenly becomes "Most of all I want to help the Labour Party to reconnect with the British people, to remind them that our values are their values, that their hopes and dreams are ours too."

C Hogan-Taylor said...

Bringing some authority to BBC News, good work. Must have been rushed on as you didn't even have time to tweet your imminent appearance!

Hacked Off said...

"Today I have told the prime minister that I am resigning from the Government.

My politics has always been rooted in the belief that ordinary people are capable of extraordinary expense claims, given the right support and encouragement from the Fees Office.

The role of a progressive Government should be to seize power from the people. I've never sought high office for the sake of it, but for what I can gain, and for what I can achieve for the people I represent and serve, my family.

In this next phase of my political life I am redoubling my efforts to squeak up for the people of Salford as their Chipmunk of Parliament. I am returning to the grassroots (where I began), to political activism, to the cut and thrust of political debate.

Most of all I want to help the Labour Party to reconnect with the British people, to remind them that our values are up for sale, that their hopes and dreams are for sale too.

I am glad to be going home to the people who matter the most to me: the Blears family of Salford.

Finally, there's an important set of elections tomorrow. I'm a bit simple: I'll still get out and vote Labour."

The Penguin

Anonymous said...

A couple more to centre him on the trap door then a drubbing on Thursday to pull the lever.

Brown out then maybe, just maybe a glint of light at the end of the tunnel.

Thats News said...

Sky is falling on Gordon Brown. How long can he last?

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget what has brought us to this .... we are still in the middle of an enormous recession. A recession sprung on us thanks to all of Browns previous disastrous decisions.

The labour Party is in its own mess because of 20 years of manoeuvrings and bullying and plotting and mismanagement by Gordon Brown.

Clearly though the mini watershed in all this was Browns bizarre YouTube appearance.

Cameron - ? Right now Cameron should just leave Brown to stew in his own juice. It probably won't happen but the last thing the Tories want is Brown to go.

The right thing for Cameron to bang on about the need not for a change in Labour Leader but a general election. that has been his line and now its clear it was the right one.

Anonymous said...


'Cabinet of all the talents" ?

Cabinet of all the felons more like.

If Gordon survives by the way ... then Balls is inevitably going to be Chancellor and Woodward will be Home Secretary.

Swiss Bob said...

If Fawkes's place is too much for you the Daily Politics blog is also running a daily live chat, including PMQ's on Wednesday.

Live chat the Daily Politics and PMQs 11:30am today, 12:00 midday every other day.

PS Guido says he has enough windowlickers to go round.

Thomas Rossetti said...

I know I seem to say this more or less every day now, but this is extraordinary. Can anyone remember so many cabinet ministers resigning just before an election like this?

This is the most exciting thing since... since Denmark won the European Championships in 1992 (you know, when they hadn't even qualified).

Ex-pat in Washington DC

Barnsley Bill said...

Iain, this seems to be a case of "my enemies enemy is my friend" with you. Blears is a trougher of the highest order, in a fair and just world she would have been sacked from parliament and be facing charges.
Saying "good on her" just because she is twisting the knife in "target one" is ridiculous.
She does not deserve our respect or support.

Anonymous said...

I have found the lyrics to a Dio song going round in my head today - I am sure the dear Leader knows this feeling right now:

Caught in the Middle - Dio

Looking inside of yourself
You might see someone you don't know
Maybe it's just what you need
Letting the river in you flow

You can sail away to the sun
And let it burn you while you can
Or walk a long bloody road
Like the hero who never ran

You'll feel it
You'll feel it
You'll feel the rush of it all

Flying away int the clouds
You know you're loosing your control
Finding you way in the dark
Like some poor forgotten soul

You'll feel it
You'll see it
You'll feel the rush of the city lights
You'll feel it
I see it in your eyes, you're

Caught in the middle
Just like the way you've always been
Caught in the middle
Helpless again

Looking inside of yourself
You might see someone you don't know
Maybe it's just what you need
Letting the river I know that's in you flow

You'll feel it
You'll see it
You'll feel the rush of thunder
You'll feel it
I see it in your eyes, you're

Caught in the middle
Just like the way you've always been
Caught in the middle
Helpless again

Liz said...

Today's events have actually brought me a bit closer to your position on Hazel Blears, Iain - I'm very grateful to her for doing such a good job of destabilising Brown today of all days.

Cynic said...

Anyone running a book on the next one?



In my view if Jack Straw went that would really finish him, but what a loss for Cameron. Brown was always the Tories best asset./

Still, never mind eh. If Balls gets it he will be just as good and of he doesn't the blood letting internally will finish them anyway

A Tory Government by December?

IanVisits said...

Hazel Blear's resignation is an act of "treachery with a YouTube smile on its face"

Anonymous said...

As the saying goes - "Revenge is a dish best served cold!"

Brown has learnt the hard way that you don't mess around with Lancashire Lasses unless your intentions are honourable because one way or the other they'll put your cojones in the vice and squeeze hard if you play them false

A.C Ronym said...

Cabinet of
Nobodies and

Balding Nobhead Party said...

I've never commented on this site before. Do I get censored for saying that your endless appologism for this terminal cancer of a system does not reflect well on you. You are just a Tory Draper, hoping that if you suck enough cock under the table you might eventually get thrown some decent scraps. It will be interesting to see if you still sit up and howl for your owners as they are led to the scaffolding, or if you will scamper off in search of new masters.

Paul Halsall said...

LabourList is reporting two more ministers to resign today.

From my point of view this is excellent. It will help push GB out, let Johnson or Harman take over, and then state they will call an election within 100 days.

Save the Labour Party, Save the World

Andrew said...

Hell hath no fury like a chipmunk scorned. Could Blears' departure be Brown's Geoffrey Howe moment?

Russell said...

11.23 by my laptop's clock as I type this. Apparently Darling has already said he won't move to the Home Office.

Still time for another quick resignation before PMQs?...

VotR said...

It would appear the women / sisterhood have discussed a strategy to destabilize Brown.

This could be bad for women in politics, and portray them as untrustworthy.

A complete breakdown in trust is not a good thing and produces no winners on either side. It might be a long time before we see women in the top posts again, to prevent history repeating itself. I wonder if the female cabinet members really know what they have done and started?

javelin said...

labourList saying Flint will resign today. Straw Camel Back

Man in a Shed said...

She must be applying for the Geoffrey Howe memorial position in this government.

Lets hope the speakers sufficiently pissed of to allow her to make a resignation statement.

Dimoto said...

VotR said...
Right before a PMQ as well. How conveniently timed, Hazel. I'm sure it's not personal, or anything.

Brown is going to be cremated at noon. With some thanks to the chipmunk. I actually think this is better entertainment than Corrie.

Cameron will be a fool not to seize this moment and the initiative, his watched performance will be a performance test of his real strengths and weaknesses if he does or doesn't take this diamond-lined opportunity to lash Brown at mid-day.

PMQ's, more like PM whiplash and so appropriate to bring him to account, will be essential viewing, Iain.

June 03, 2009 10:43 AM

Cameron would be well-advised to stick to something like the D-day balls up. Taunting and triumphalism would be counter productive.
Leave them to stew in their own juices !

Conand said...

Lemmings/Rats: Chipmunk ...maybe Badger.

Never let it be said we don't indulge in a high level of political discourse on this site :)

Mike Thomas said...

Blear's resignation wasn't so much a knife in the back but a bite on the bollocks.

Well, they say everyone has their chance at salvation. In the £13,000 scheme of things, that was her 2p worth.

SHB said...

Challenge to Brown's leadership on Monday?

Anonymous said...

Kay Burley on SKY who is interviewing opposition spokesmen is taking devils advocate to risible proportions. What an inept numpty.

Shaun Woodward for Home Secretary - (possibly for Deputy PM?) anyway he is heading for Browns right hand. Denham for Communities or higher??

Anyway it will be all boys together. In office but not governing.

frankie said...

It will be intolerable if another unelected MP becomes PM!

Bets are on for a September general election.

Dave H said...

She always had the ideal incisors for biting on a cyanide capsule. Might she now symbolically push one up Gordon's nostril and punch him on the nose?

golden_balls said...

brown was let off the hook by cameron at pmq was it intential ?

Philipa said...

Broon in PMQ's didn't answer one question from Cameron, NOT ONE. It's all bluff and denial.

I think Hazel Blears voted with her feet.

G Laird said...

Dear All

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Now; she out of Government it is high time the Met Police and the Customs and Revenue paid her a visit regarding Capital Gains Tax.

I would like to see the ‘cheery’ smile as she is brought in for questioning.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

David Lindsay said...

Between the Cameroons and the Lib Dems?

What sort of "choice" is that supposed to be?

julie freeride must go! said...

so Iain, does this satisfy your need for balance? Are we going to get some more conspiracies about galloway after the labourites? Or are you only concerned with attacks against your own?