John Rentoul has details of tomorrow's ComRes poll for the Independent on Sunday. The Tories are up one point on 39%, Labour is unchanged on 22 and the LibDems are down two points on 18%.
No doubt I will be discussing this with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown at 11.20 on the paper review on the BBC News Channel! I'm sure she will be as uplifted as I am!
What, only 17 points? Given how useless this government is, the Tories should be ashamed that they're not doing better.
Are you aware of the procedure used in order to pick political journo's with something to say and more importantly to contribute to the fount of public knowledge on newspaper stories?
In the case of Alibi Brown and that awful Labour Baroness with the blond wig whose name escapes me - their one sided slant in favour of all things labour are so cringeworthy as to drive any sane viewer into supporting Tory views purely in order to retain a vestige of unbiast sanity set against a mindnumbingly consistent diatribe of nu labour drivel bordering on the lunatic.
Be careful they don't try to feminise you and you leave wrapped up in cotton wool, Iain.
BBC: Voice of Liebour's nanny state, with added positive discrimination.
I wonder how UKIP will be polling. We've been on 6%/7% for the General Election recently..
Iain, note the additional questions in the poll and the push nature of them. They are designed IMHO to elicit an answer that someone ?? wants...
She will be quite likely to bring up the old "the Conservatives aren't doing as well as Labour pre-97" myth.
Be ready to correct her by pointing to sites like Political Betting and UK Polling Report which explain the change in polling methodology since then.
And point out that the punters there stake cold hard cash on it.
Invite her to buy the Labour seat spreads if she is so confident. Tell her she could make tens of thousands of pounds if she is right.
The truly ghastly labour creature spoken of at 9-10 is one Baroness Billingham, I believe, and is enough to make one retch. Both her and the vile Alibai-Brown are enough to make me switch off nowadays.
You CAN see why a lot of people think it's all a cosy stitch-up though, can't you. "Aww, she's just an old sweetie pie really" etc. These people do more to ratchet up hatred against minorities than any inarticulate retard on his soapbox, and that's a serious point that should be forcefully made. Frequently.
They are so utterly despised that the people they choose to patronise are then disliked not for themselves but because of those who defend them.
Labour and the EU: I name the conspirator
Posted By: Daniel Hannan at Jun 20, 2009 at 22:47:00 [General]
Posted in:
David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Lisbon Treaty, Peter Mandelson, referendum
In tomorrow's Sunday Telegraph, I try to explain why Peter Mandelson, of all people, is propping Gordon Brown in place at a terrible cost to Labour. It's all about keeping David Cameron out of office until after the Irish referendum. You can read my piece here.
Witness, once again, the EU's hideous strength: its tendency, not just to be undemocratic within its own structures, but to subvert democracy within its participating states. We've seen it in Belgium, we've seen it in Ireland, we've seen it before in Britain. In order to preserve the anti-democratic order in Brussels, the national leaders must sacrifice a measure of their domestic democracy, too. Shame on them; and shame on us for letting them.
Anonymous: are you referring to the SMUG Labour baroness on Sky News, who when asked twice by fellow commentator, thought it fine to collect £27K in expenses as "it was within the rules" and that it was very good value to put £6 on 'phone charges for Broadband? CRINGEWORTHY is the word.
It took me a while to get off to sleep that night. How do we make our views known to Sky. She is so biased it's unbelieveable.
The lead will shrink big time when Cameron has problems when the Irish vote for the lisbon treaty......cival war.
Can't find this info yet on the Indy website. But the total for the three main parties is just 79%. Any figures on how the remainder splits?
Daniel Hannan's piece (posted here) ties in with a piece in the Sunday Mail today suggesting Brown might step down in the new year, citing big progress on the economy and expenses, and allowing a new face at the helm to prevent Labour meltdown in June '10.
I suppose 'delivering' the Lisbon Treaty would be part of the legacy....
I thought your paper session was a bit low key. We didn't really expect the BBC to encourage you to talk about that poll did we? You are so tolerant with daft people, be they fellow jornalists or beeboids. It works a treat!
Oh Ho. Lefty drivel warning. Keep clear BBC News Channel at 11.20. Yasmin Allisayisbollocks-brown is getting more of the taxpayers money to talk drivel. Don't encourage them. Turn off.
And no doubt she will perceive a race angle justifying a bigoted whine.
I wonder how big the Conservative lead would be if they came off the fence with respect to the Lisbon Treaty?
Referendum whether it has been ratified or not.
Cameron needs to get some balls on this issue.
Over 20% me thinks.
The Tories are not doing well at all.
They should be "miles" ahead. We voted UKIP in the EU elections. Firstly to give NuLab a bloody nose, and secondly to make Cameron sit up and take notice. Obviously, that did,nt work. And come the GE we may just not bother going out to vote at all.
Where's the Beith? Beith, Beckett and Bercow all mired and Brown uses God to grease his passage
This might be why!
I have to admire your cast-iron stomach to spend any time with that odious woman. I have to change channels quickly when she appears in case I vomit over my television.
Here Here Anonymous.....Iain are you the only one that will appear with this vile creature.....I know I could`nt..
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