At 6pm we start our live election coverage on PlayRadioUK.com. Just go to the website, click on LISTEN and then choose Play Talk. If you have problems with the stream copy and paste this link into your browser.
Mac users should go to the homepage of Playradio below the list of stations on the left.
UPDATE: For those of you who are having trouble listening, click on this link
Click HERE for the iPlayer
Click HERE to launch Play Talk UK in your default media player
It may take a few seconds to load, so be patient!
We'll have lots of interviews with leading politicians and commentators, but we'll also be taking calls from listeners all over the country, as we glean information about what happened yesterday.
If you want to appear live on the programme call 01243 556161. Obviously we can only take one call at a time so you may have to wait a bit, but don’t give up!
Dial up play.radio.uk . We can take Skype calls, and also Skype chat messages.
You can use my twitter name @iaindale, and it will appear on my Tweetdeck app, or you can use the hashtag #electionstudio. The hashtag is probably best.
For those who don't wish to listen to my dulcet tones for six hours and prefer more traditional coverage, the BBC will be doing an election programme from 9pm on BBC 1. Sky News will also be doing a rolling programme from 8pm. But you'll have far more fun tuning into what a Twitterer described as Iain Dale's Huge Election programme... Can't think what he meant.
Sorry to be OT, Iain, but there's something wrong with PBetting - the content stops at 25th April, all else is wiped. Is Mike Smithson OK?
Enjoyed Friday show: any chance of you having more than one mike? Also, some callers were less audible than the 'off-mike' whispering, which was a little disconcerting. But, thoroughly worth the effort. Thank you - Robin
We have three mics in the studio. I shall be asking my colleagues to desist whispering though!
No idea what is up with PoliticaBetting.
At what time is the first and
last UK result expected?
At what time is the first and last Irish result expected?
And when Brown is confronted with the results I suspect he's going to point to the tories and say SNAP.What's all the fuss about?
Humpty Dumpty, go to
and follow instructions
Do you know when we can expect to see the results start to come in, Iain?
Many thanks - worked!
Looking forward to this evening Iain - for all your previous offerings I have been either asleep or at work - I can't be alone in this so hopefully your listening figures will be even higher than usual.
Um, according to the Radio Times website the BBC election programme is on BBC2 and starts at 10pm. The Apprentice is more important, clearly...
can we text in?
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