Number Ten are seeking to play down the seriousness of McBridge-Gate, describing it as juvenile. The Telegraph and the BBC have fallen for the spin. No matter. They will revise their opinions when they see the contents of the emails which will presumably be published in tomorrow's newspapers.
Downing Street also played down the planned website RED RAG, which, they say, never saw the light of day. Really? Dizzy has proved otherwise. There's no content on it, but it's registered and ready for lift off. The fact that they even thought such a site was a good idea and could remain secret says it all really.
Damian McBride is a special advisor, paid by the taxpayer. He is not paid to smear Tories. He's paid to give advice to the Prime Minister.
By chance, I met Derek Draper in Dean's Yard recently, after his appearance with Guido on the DAILY POLITICS. He wanted to be friends again. I explained that I couldn't have a professional or personal relationship with someone who behaves as he has done and insinuated that I hold racist views. I then asked him about receiving emails from Damian McBride. He denied to my face that these emails existed. There's a word for that. It's called lying. I wonder what a professional psychotherapist would make of it.
ToryBear has put this short video together which shows Draper denying that Damian McBride had ever had any input into LabourList. Fingered.
Meanwhile, Donal Blaney wonders whether Damian McBride has ever read the Civil Service code.
Poor Dolly.
I feel so sorry for him.
I do hope this spells the end for Brown. Draper McBride and the, as yet unnamed minister/s?, involved in this anti democratic plot.
If they were going to publish lies, Surely there is a criminal offence of conspiring to commit a criminal libel?
Are there any lawyers out there?
Wouldn't it be a fitting epitaph for the Brown Years. Chapter three. IN THE DOCK.
On the couldn't-make-it-up stakes, this is just truly appalling and doesn't it just sum up the nasty student politics agenda of Draper and McBride?
And the bare-faced lying is astonishing - but just shows them all for what they are.
Iain - you were so right about the Telegraph piece - it should have had 'by D McBride' at the end of it.
And I could hear Draper talking as the supposed source.
"The Telegraph and the BBC have fallen for the spin."
Maybe they're part of the spin?
This all depends on what the emails say if its childish banter then i don't see anything other than an apology is due.
If its gone past just talk and you can show evidence that meetings have been held and information relayed to people then this might be more interesting.
At the moment your creating a mountain out of a mole hill lets wait for sunday.
ps I'm still much more interested in what the rumours were about ozzie and cam
Well said Iain. But you are too kind. The Telegraph and BBC have not "fallen" for anything. They are an integral and essential part of the spin machine. They are in it up to their ears.
This is going to me such a great weekend. I have put extra Bollie in the fridge to help the celebrations along...
Golden Balls
Do try to keep up.
'The Telegraph and the BBC have fallen for the spin.'
Most people don't read political blogs and would not hear of any slurs or allegations which are made on them unless the mainstream media report it.
Therefore I would contest the point that either the BBC or Telegraph are unaware of the full facts of this case or have been taken in by it. The fact that both organisations have moved to kill the story so quickly would seem more to me to point to their complicity.
Labour would not take the risk of such an smear operation unless all the pieces were in place, and that must include at least some of the MSM.
Surely the real match made in hell is between Draper and Guido - they really are opposite sides of the same coin
I've just read the damage-limitation exercise in The Telegraph.
Nauseating. I was particularly sickened by the spiteful profile of Guido by Andrew Pierce,which is in contrast to a milder view of Draper.
I bought a copy of the paper today, but never again.
My first thought on reading this is that Labour are rapidly turning this country in to East Germany in the 1980's.
But - it is far, far worse than that. Maybe Zimbabwe really is a better comparison, given the printing of money and Browns lack of electoral mandate.
Even Mugabe hasn't written a dodgy dossier to support a flawed war though.
Since 1997 this Labour government has been an appalling blot on our nations history.
2010 is just so far away.....
What is Gordon's definition of Britishness - decency and fair play? The time has come for all decent and fair-minded members of the Labour party to stand up for Britishness and break ranks against the corrupt practices of their leader. Do they really want to go down in history as bystanders to criminality? What will they tell their children - "I was only following orders" - "I didn't know what was going on"?
And the Washington Post is reporting that the Police have found zero evidence to convict the 'terrorists' in the high profile raids either.
What a great day in the morning !
Bob Quick, Jackboot Jackie's favourite policeman gone, McBride/Draper in the frame, Brown the warrior against terrorism with feet of clay.
Such a treat that as well as being so low, corrupt and venal, they are also utterly stupid and incompetent, and with regard to the internet, witless. The fact that they can deny the existence of the red rag website shows that for sure.
Can't wait for the emails. And is it not illegal to use Number 10 for Labour Party purposes?
As for Dolly,
Well goodbye, Dolly, goodbye, Dolly,
It was great to have you back just one last time,
Your lies, Dolly,
Your conceit, Dolly,
Takes the biscuit just so well.
What a splendid Easter morning!
If their was nothing in this story we would not have seen the rapid rebuttal unit leaning on their fellow travelers at the telegraph and BBC jumping in to dampen the flames and we would not have seen an immediate apology from downing street.
Please can somebody get a camera in front of draper and sell the footage to Sky News so we can see it down here in NZ
Slightly off topic but it's a BBC CV of Dolly, complete with very attractive photo and words that even take the piss out of him a bit.
This all looks a bit like student politics. Massively important to those in the magic circle. Nothing to do with the general public.
Tory boys never grow up - Your moral equivalence is pathetic. Guido is the salt of the earth. Draper is the scum of the earth.
What a surprise - labourlost ['influential website'- The Telegraph] has no mention of this story.
"Nothing to do with the general public."
Not the sharpest knife in the box are you.
It's the content of the mails that will make or break this story. If Guido has them and if they are clearly damning, I wonder why he doesn't publish them.
What's also interesting is how he got hold of them. Is this the Downing Street mole again? I woder if the police will get involved. There may be a public interest defence, but again, that will depend on the content of the mails.
Guido should publish.
Who hacked into No 10's system? That's the real story.
Bollocks mate. Dreper is a New Stasi stooge, Guido speaks for himself.
Not too bright, are you?
Will this give the impetus for the Labour Party to replace the current administration? A face-saving way of not admitting Brown himself was a mistake, just his team are intolerable? Or don't they have anyone who will make the sacrifice of leading a losing team?
It works in Guido's favour that someone leaked separately to Iain. But it sounds as though both leaks were about the same time period back in January.
AProle84 - the suggestion on PoliticalBetting is that there was a whistleblower in Labour ranks.
NuLieBore mud is very sticky. I heard Guido described on mid-day BBC news as "The right wing blogger who has been accused of being a racist."
I wonder how long it will be before this morphs into, "The racist right wing blogger."
A leak in the Labour ranks.....of course there is, its the plant the Tories put in there in the 80`s to reek havoc when the moment is right. So far the `plant` has been doing a fantastic job of buggering everything up...who is it?....
Hattie Harman
Stands to reason.........
I just hope that this is final chapter in this sleaze ridden, UK destroying government, but before they go I hope there is a public enquiry, open to all evidence except the ID’s of our soldiers and agents to keep them safe, so we will finally have the real reason why Tony Blair, with A Campbell help and advice along with his Cabinet, Gordon Brown included took us to war in Iraq on what appears to be lies?
When that happens we will see who is responsible for the deaths of our soldiers and the Iraqis and if enough evidence is found, then TB and his crew should be up on war crime charges if they did take us to war for bogus issues.
Guido is carrying an unconfirmed rumour that McBride is now McDivorced.
Draper is rumoured to have updated his CV and has become Derek Garroway, who has spent the last few years fronting an early morning TV show. He is also said to be heavily pregnant............
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