Alistair Darling doesn't think much of this government, according to a report on the BBC News website. In an article on the Tories' response to the G20, the writer insets Darling's name instead of Osborne's. So now Darling is actually quoted as saying "The truth is Britain will be clearing up for the economic mess left by this government long after the G20 show leaves town."
See, it's not just bloggers who make careless mistakes! Or is it a mistake at all?!
'Mr Darling also said: "This shows what the UK can do to shape the world's destiny." '
Doesn't sound like George Osborne. Sounds more like George Orwell.
Mr Darling said: "The truth is Britain will be clearing up for the economic mess left by this government long after the G20 show leaves town."
Perhaps they published what he thought, not what he said?"
Gordon Brown was elected to the post of Prime Minister by his Labour colleagues and not by the electorate. He has now made an agreement, without reference to parliament, to borrow more gigantic sums of money which he expects British taxpayers to repay. Are we now living in a dictatorship ?
Unlike you Iain, I put my money where my mouth is and protested FOR CAPITALISM yesterday.
My TV Interview at the G20
On Newsnight it has just be stated that the Tory leaders (Cameron and Osborne) were invited to come and talk about G20 and refused to come on.
Danny Finkelstein is having to pick up the baton.
Does anyone seriously think that anything will actually come out of the G20??....even if it does Tosser Broon has lumbered us with trillions of debt. Sleazy mandleson was asked about paying this debt back on newsnight and slithered and refused to answer...Danny Finkelstein giving a good performance on NN as well....
Desperate Dan said... “Gordon Brown was elected to the post of Prime Minister by his Labour colleagues and not by the electorate...”
Er. Teensiest constitutional point. No British PM is EVER elected to the post by the British electorate. That’s not how the system works.
To become PM you just have to command a majority of MPs in the Commons - umm which Brown did.
The only time you get the truth out of the BBC, a Freudian slip!
Simon Gardner said...
To become PM you just have to command a majority of MPs in the Commons - umm which Brown did.
Er, not quite. The PM is the leader of the governing party (i.e. the party with an overall majority). Gordon Brown became leader after Phony Bliar stepped down and Brown won by standing unopposed in the leadership election. There is no evidence, on the basis of the leadership election, that he commanded the votes of any MPs, let alone a majority.
At the moment the government is trying to survived financially by what might be called the "Old Mother Riley" strategy. That is, by taking in your own dirty washing.
Course, if it had been a Tory politician who had been wrongly attributed, all the comments here would be about a conspiracy by the cryptoliberal NuLab BBC....
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