1. Chris Whiteside on the unprecedented number of government ministers.
2. Danny Finkelstein recommends ten blogs to read during the financial crisis. What, not this one?!
3. Jon Worth proposes Ken Livingstone as Britain's next European Commissioner. Seriously.
4. Hopi Sen says if you want to get on in politics, become a whip.
5. Richard Spring recalls some personal horrors from 1987.
6. Kieron O'Hara on the CPS blog takes a sceptical look at political blogging.
7. Toby Harnden has the top 12 presidential campaign gaffes caught on video via Youtube.
8. Dizzy alleges the UK government is involved in the Nigerian 419 scam.
9. Boulton & Co have a black penis caption competition.
10. PoliticalBetting speculates on the likelihood of Vince Cable: Chancellor.
11. John Redwood on the imminent death of the Monetary Policy Committee.
12. Kerron Cross has his own personal banking crisis.

He is managing not to keep licking his wound and stitches and is now walking around a little but, albeit on three legs. The stitches will come out next Thursday. The vet seems to think he may be enjoying the extra attention he is receiving...
Gio -
The short-term answer is chocolate
Keep cultivating those sad brown eyes...
Jon Worth must be bonkers. It was Ken wot put £30m of our dosh in Icelandic banks - when he was mayor of London.
Iain, when will the Nigel Farage interview be up? Cheers. :P
Go Gio!
The Farage interview was for Total Politics and will be in the next issue, out on 21 October. However, there are a couple of extracts which I may post here which may not go in the magazine. Watch this space.
Who put Kent's £50 million in the Icelandic bank? I was pleased that Dimbleby prevented Denham from spouting the party mantra again. Its time he took control and prevented continual party political broadcasts on QT.
What's Gio's view on the Icelandic financial crisis? Does he know which way the Dow will go tomorrow at 230pm?
Good news on Gio. I know what it's like to have poorly dogs. You must be relieved.
Shouldn't he be wearing a lampshade?
The pic was taken before his op. He wears a lampshade when no one is with him. Luckily he seems not to even want to go near his stitches anyway.
2. Danny Finkelstein recommends ten blogs to read during the financial crisis. What, not this one?!.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very droll Iain, given your ignorance on anything connected with the economy.
My best to Gio and here's hoping a swift recovery!
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