Today we sent my Guide to Political Blogging in the UK off to the printers.
APCO have very kindly sponsored its production. It's rather bigger than I had first envisaged, at 32 pages. It ranks 400 UK political blogs. We're printing 10,000 copies. It will be distributed at all the Party Conferences. As well as the Blog charts there are are articles from Francis Maude, David Miliband, Lynne Featherstone, Adam Boulton, Kevin Maguire, Guido and Tim Montgomerie.
My design consultant James Fletcher has been an absolute star, and you will see what a brilliant job he has done when you see the finished product. I'll also be uplaoding a PDF to my website so those of you who aren't going to the Party Conferences will also be able to see it.
I've already bought my tin hat for the grenades which will be hurled in my direction from those bloggers who haven't been ranked as highly as they would like!
You've opened up a right can of worms with this Mr Dale!
Want to borrow the keys to my JCB so you can dig a deeper hole?
delete if applicable
Excellent work Iain. When will the pdf be available? Also, I've been wondering how you went ranking yourself? Clearly you're in it, but who chose your rank, or did you just mdoestl;y put yourself at 100 or summat?
zzThis should be very interseting.
How di I get one.
Hopefully, the guide will show how to avoid all the articles from not appearing when the page loads...
Please fix it Iain, as we have this problem on all the computers in the house, so if it's not your site I have a mega problem
Why have the Association of Pest Control Officers sponsored your book ?
When's that bloggers golf game happening? Or is it cancelled due to lack of interest?
I'll still speak to you.
hope you've got frank chalk in there ian... brilliant blog about teaching and, given today's daily tel, very timely
I see you've got a reference in the latest Private Eye Iain. Concerning the email leaked to you about Blair's school visit last week.
Are you on the PE lunches list yet?
When's the publication date Iain? We've a big blogger conference coming up in Dublin on 7th October (http://tinyurl.com/kzd8c). Be good to have some copies if it's available by then...
Couldn't they just have been listed alphabetically with a comment from you?
Have a look here:
for small editions, this is quite a good method of self-publishing, you write and type set it, and they print it on demand.
So, heh, beware of rival blogging guides appearing =)
Sorry to go off the issue folks but I have an appeal to make.
I don't want to reach conclusions too early but does anyone know who that rather friendly looking woman was doing with John Prescott on TV News last night whilst walking down some stairs in front of Gordon Brown?
Make sure you list the biggest moaners :-)
I can't wait to have my blog blasted as the deranged rantings or a reactionary.
In my defence, I've only been bloging for a year.
I am with Dizzy. Please tell us when the PDF is going to be out?
Ah well, time to fall back on the old ego boost of looking oneself up in the 'phone book....
Was it really necessary to have that gargantuan noggin of yours all over the cover? It really is quite disconcerting. It's all 'me me me' with you Tory bloggers isn't it?
Any chance of offering an incentive to improve placement , you handsome witty devil you?
Getting Mr. Dale on the A-list might help serf.
Excellent work, Iain. Can't wait to see a copy, should make for interesting reading!
Why is your book sponsored by the Association of Chief Police Officers, Iain?
What is your view though on some of the comments blogging / bloggers can bring with regard to being rather personal on individuals and in some case the use of language?
In any other medium, some things on blogs would be liable thus what are the ethics in blogging - especially if they become more mainstream?
Crikey ! I thought for a second you were being sponsored by the Association of Chief Police Officers !
Good old APCO. Once the finest lobbying firm of its kind in London. Wonder if any of the blogs ever have a dig at lobbyists?
APCO doesn't stand for anything, though it was rumoured to stand for Arnold & Porter Corporation, after the DC law firm it grew out of.
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