I want to emphasise right from the beginning that this Top 100 and the rankings are my opinion and obviously opinions are subjective. But the list should at least generate a debate. I marked each blog out of ten on the following 10 areas: design; frequency of posting; writing ability; personality; comment; humour; range; interaction; popularity; independence of thought. This generated a mark out of 100.
To download the Top 100 as a PDF, click HERE. I will be uploading the full document as a PDF on Monday morning. You can get a dead tree version HERE.
So feel free to let me know what you think of the LibDem list. I'll be posting the Labour one either tonight or tomorrow.
You tease....
treat'em mean keep'em keen huh?
Good to see Richard Allan and David Morton (Republic of Hyde Park) on there. Can't say I read any of the others, but when I have time I'll check out some of the top ones.
That must have taken you ages... all by yourself? I'm dead impressed.
Looks interesting Iain, umm probably utterly off topic, but you might want to consider making the web addys for these 300 blinkin blogs you are to recommend hyperlinks in your pdf file/s.
It would motivate me to at least check a few of them out if they are clicky links as opposed to manually typing the damn thing into the address bar.
I know, I know I'm a lazy scrote...Blame the internet I frequently do !!
Wot no Labour Watch?
As a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan I a little upset to have missed the magic number Iain. But At least I missed it by being better than that position by one.
Amazed that Liberal England isn't top and that Forceful and Moderate is as low as 29. But as you say, it's a subjective opinion.
I can't believed I'm even listed - thanks Iain (also thanks for pointing me in the direction of Politics in Demand, I'm currently listening to your Tony Benn interview).
Congratulations to Jock Coats on a Top 10 finish.
Liberal bureaucracy.blogspot.com in the list at no:30 is a fine blog by someone whose views I share not at all. But the author -Mark Valladares- is it seems a thoroughly decent chap and he writes with conviction and humour in a blog devoted mainly to his ceaseless globe trotting or Lib Dem. evil doing.
Well, er thanks, Iain.
I am not sure I knew there were a hundred and more Lib Dem blogs either! A great piece of research and I certainly look forward to seeing the other parties' ones too - I'm particularly short on Labour blogs in my blogroll.
But I am extremely flattered to be in there so high. And, if you have time, I'd be interested to know what it is about mine you like - whether it's particular topics or whatever.
I am hoping to move it soon to my own site once we've got the blogging server software debugged (well really just the API bit of it for techies). And was wondering what I should be focussing on - I'm never sure people read the longer pieces on my pet topics, and I don't know if I have the time to do the sort of quick and witty commenting on several news items a day type posts. But they do seem to be what people read.
Both you and GC are far too kind. Did I get extra points for having been, in the loosest sense, one of your political adversaries at UEA?
What no Darbyshires? I know they've gone into non-political retreat in Singapore, but surely they still count.
I'm bemused how romsey redhead - last updated 31/1/06 can rank 68th out of 100, how desperate were you to get to 100?
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