I want to emphasise right from the beginning that this Top 100 and the rankings are my opinion and obviously opinions are subjective. But the list should at least generate a debate. I marked each blog out of ten on the following 10 areas: design; frequency of posting; writing ability; personality; comment; humour; range; interaction; popularity; independence of thought. This generated a mark out of 100.
To download the Top 100 Labour blogs as a PDF, click HERE. I will be uploading the full document as a PDF on Monday morning. You can get a dead tree version HERE. The Top 100 LibDem Blogs PDF is HERE.
So feel free to let me know what you think of the Labour list. I'll be posting the Conservative and Non Aligned lists tomorrow, with the overall Top 100 appearing on Sunday.
I like the bit at the bottom which says "Blogging from work can get you fired!"
I have a feeling that I'm not going to get into the top one hundred Conservative blogs - though I suppose it will be deserved. More controversy, more anti-Iain Dale stuff... there's a thought..!
Iain: thanks for including me...chuffed i'm on your list at 73...
Is there anywhere on the net that is having a serious discussion about the way the BBC is treating "the Pope is an awful fascist" story?
I cannot begin to describe on how many levels they have got it so wrong, (and I'm low church C of E).
Common Iain start a thread.
Get that tin hat ready Iain - all hell will break loose...
TMMDIHABI - Cranmer's covering it. It is indeed a disgrace. The word flames and fanning spring to mind. PS - Kerron's blog is pretty turgid. Prolific? Yes, but how did he win out in the other categories.
Marks for design?
I suspect then that my position is artificially inflated by my claret & blue colour scheme and Hammers badge at the top of the page...
Miliband is not going to be a happy bunny, with or without his wiki.
Thank you for your generosity, Iain. A good list, including some I must add to my links. A couple of notable exceptions, perhaps: Skipper, and Never Trust a Hippy. Also the excellent Ministry of Truth, written by a Labour Leftie, so it should qualify.
Damn that Kerron Cross... (although I suppose it leaves something to strive for)
hmm, 100 blogs? Isn't that a bit excessive. Should have stuck with 20.
That's a real kick in the teeth for the Milipede. Thought I would check out some of the lowlier blogs (who beat the Milipede) to try for size. At No 63 there is "From Socialite to Socialist". He last posted over a year ago, posted a total of eight posts and most of the posts had long spam comments or unanswered direct questions. Anyone below 63 who takes blogging seriously deserves a degree of sympathy.
Merchant of Venice.....? I suppose you now have your epitaph ready.....
I second tone made do it.Please start something on the Pope.
Mr Dale,
I'm honoured, kind sir.
Sorry Iain, off topic I know. Tone made me do it might be interested in Cranmers blog on the Pope not specifically on BBC's treatment.....
A bit nit-picky, but I'd point out that your number 8 pick, Dave's Part, isn't a Labour blogger.
I should have titled it Top 100 Labour/Left blogs, but that doesn't have quite the same ring to it! The Tory list will also have a few non Tory right of centre blogs in it too.
Many thanks Iain, I'm very flattered! :-)
Not quite sure how you can be familiar with 200 blogs in enough detail so as to rate them accurately. But - well done if you can.
And you forgot Skipper in the Labour section.
Skipper is in the Non Aligned Section on the basis Bill Jones is an academic. Maybe I got that one wrong...
14 Tygerland http://tygerland.net
Very flattering, thanks.
Look forward to the book.
No Paul Linford? Strange.
Paul Linford is not a Labour blog. he is in the Non Aligned section to be posted shortly.
First time I've ever commented on a Tory blog (and probably the last) so I'll keep it clean.
Errr thanks for the rating.
Am pleasntly surprised, thought I would be a bit frther down the list. Being in the Top Ten (No 9) is an undeserved honour :)
Iain, like Kerron, I too am extremely flattered. It is probably a very unforgiving task and one all of us mentioned should be very grateful for. Hopefully your book will succeed in its aims of upping the profile of political blogs across the board and making you very wealthy (at least one of these two things is possible). We have our critics in the mainstream media, but the fact that anyone with rudimentary computer skills and a point of view can get it published is a terrific boost to democracy the way I see it. These days I find I get more information from other bloggers than I get from 'respected' journos... and OK, you cannot trust everything bloggers say, but I don't trust the other buggers either.
I will be in Manchester if the Party succeed in sorting out my credentials in the next week, and I'm willing to give a hand if you need any help at the Labour Conference.
Thanks for putting me in at No.47 -but bloody hell you must have made a mistake with the scoring - I've only been at this seriously for a few weeks and I was on holiday in Greece blogging like Judith Chalmers for 2 of those.
politicalhack notes:
Only number 29? Can I get a recount?
Actually, I'm pathetically grateful for the attention. This AND the BBC in a week.
Thanks for the mention and like Bob, can I commend the Ministry of Truth to you. Top bloke.
(Blogger in beta won't allow me to log in to comment on non-beta blogs)
*still seething*
Oh ta!
As flattered as I am by my inclusion, would it not have hurt to spell my name correctly.
The blog is 'Snedds' rather than 'Sneds' (#31) The clue is perhaps that the URL is www.snedds.co.uk
I'm surprised and duly grateful about the inclusion of my blog. And I'm glad you understood that being passionate about politics doesn't mean being obsessed in a po-faced way.
You appear to have erroniously omitted the REAL Luke Akehurst site:
and included that aweful spoofster instead.
Recheck your criteria, young man!
Otherwise, I'll cancel that bottle of claret I was just about to courier around.
belated thanks Iain, I shall have a bit more respect in future, I read you before Guido every day, and top stylee for putting Snedds in I love him lots
I dont know whether I am thrilled at being on the list of the top 100 (and a very respectable 55 at that) or horrified at just how anoraky I must be!
Thanks Iain, I think your blog title is great by the way, Louise
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