I want to emphasise right from the beginning that this Top 100 and the rankings are my opinion and obviously opinions are subjective. But the list should at least generate a debate. I marked each blog out of ten on the following 10 areas: design; frequency of posting; writing ability; personality; comment; humour; range; interaction; popularity; independence of thought. This generated a mark out of 100.
To download the Top 100 Conservative/Right of Centre blogs as a PDF, click HERE.
I will be uploading the full document as a PDF on Monday morning. You can get a dead tree version HERE. The Top 100 LibDem Blogs PDF is HERE and Top 100 Labour Blogs HERE. So feel free to let me know what you think of the Tory list. I'll be posting the Non Aligned list this afternoon, with the overall Top 100 appearing on Sunday.
PS I didn't score my blog myself, Tim Montgomerie did!
PPS Until a few minutes ago I was unaware of Andrea Leadsom's blog, which you can click on HERE. Andrea is Conservative Candidate for South Northamptonshire. Glad to see a candidate with a blog - it's a rarity! Apologies for not including it in the list. It would have been quite high up!
"PS I didn't score my blog myself, Tim Montgomerie did!"
Did he rank his own too?
No Guido?
Guido is not a Conservative. He will be in the Non Aligned List which I will post later.
Iain - thanks for all these lists. My favourites list has just grown by something like 150% in the past hour.
His Grace is humbled, not simply by the inclusion, but to be ranked so highly.
Choice Cuts at 82 should have been much, much higher in my opinion.
*skips around in girlish glee*
Thank you Iain (seriously, I didn't think I'd make the list, being fairly new and all)!
You know I'm trying to get some work done here in my Shed - and your feeding my blogging ego has just cost me another 15 mins of self indulgence. Lets hope the wife - whose taken the kids out shopping so I can get some work done - doesn't find out.
But thanks anyway !
A big kiss from me Iain, many thanks, (the continental type)!
As i've only been blogging for two months, i'm really chuffed to be in at 57.
I feel very humbled.
Iain- Thank you. My ghast is well and truly flabbered.
I'm also constantly gobsmacked by how much you read, let alone post. Me, I'm a very slow reader, and an even slower typist.
Keep it up, as it were- you're saving the rest of us an awful lot of hard work.
Thanks Iain, pleased I beat that Little chap!
Thank you, Iain. I am ecstatic to have made it in at 22. :)
Like Andrew Woodman, I also promise to update more often.
Thank you for taking the time to compile this list. There are many interesting blogs in this list that I didn't know about.
Flattered to be included.
Now, to arrange a few "accidents" for those above me...
Many thanks, Iain. I'm 'umbled, I truly am. I'd rather not follow Ellee and send you a kiss, so please accept this (manly) hand-shake instead.
The Boris site certainly has vastly more contributions there are about 300 in the last week . In what cunning way have you cooked the books so as to beat the spinsters delight into 3rd
Wow, I can barely believe I made it in, especially as high as 79!
Cheers Iain!
I had no idea anyone was reading the tap. I'll have to present it better. Just started in June. #92. thanks.
Thanks Iain.
This is all such fun but I spend too much time commenting on everyone else's site to post on my own!!
If only I didn't have children. Or a wife. Or a business to run. Or a council seat!!!!
I hope the book is torn from your arms all month.
This is the second time in six months that you've had me in print. You can be my agent if it carries on at this rate!!!
My father always told me I should be a Conservative. And now I am!
Woo-hoo 83rd!
Well I'd like to say thank you for including me in the list. I am also pleased to note that I do not have to upgrade my personal security :)
Thank you Iain.
I think I'll mince my way over to the fridge and fetch another drink to celebrate.
There's no shame in coming 76th, as a Premiership footballer in a room at the Dorchester might say.
Thanks for the mention and all the hard work. The PR department is busy working on how to spin being sandwiched between Thurrocktory whose profile has been viewed just 24 times (I get that in a day) and just above a very British guy who links to "a cumwhore's diary" and "a British girl's wank diary".
Who could care about losing the CF elections after being included on your list! You made my day Iain. Excellent list in general. Look forward to buying the book at conference.
Blimey! 46?
That's about 102 higher than I'd have scored myself.
Thanks, and like Andrew I am now inspired to post more frequently
Try my new blog: www.hermanlandow.blogspot.com
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