Guido believes that CCHQ is "concerned" by the advent of 18DoughtyStreet. Read why HERE. I doubt it very much. There may be some who see it as dangerous but Francis Maude understands more than most that new technology can reach parts of the electorate traditional politics cannot. [plug] Francis and I are speaking alongside Dame Ann Widdecombe at the Hansard Society fringe event on politics and technology at the Tory Conference [/plug]. I guess I'll find out what he thinks then. I'm sure Ann will say people ought to have better things to do than watch TV on their computers - unless of course we start the Widdy Channel. Oh God, let me take that thought back. Frightening!
PS I'm doing the papers on News 24 again tonight at 11.45pm
It's pronounced Dowty Street.
Verity, why do you bang on about this? No one has suggested otherwise.
Hum..They're describing it as 'right of centre'... ( but I htought it would have politically interested contributors of all backgrounds?)
and 'anti establishment'...( which I am cool with).
Would you describe it as right of centre? Most of the time? All of the time?
Rachel, if you were a lazy journalist and you saw two of the presenters were Tim Montgomerie and myself I guess that's what you;d describe it as. We always knew people would try to dub it Tory Telly. Water off a duck's back. The two female presenters are on the left. Many of the reporters will be on the left. We're not seeking impartiality. We are seeking to be opinionated. But unlike CHannel 4 journalists our viewers will know where we're coming from. They can then form their opinions accordingly, just as they do from the blogs.
Rena Valeh one of the other presneters is a leftist Labour Party supporter. Zoe Ann Phillips is also left inclined, but I think probably more to the LibDems.
Tim's programmes will have a definite Fox News flavour, but he will always have guests on who disagree with him.
My programme, Vox Politix, will me a discussion programme with all sorts of opinions. I can assure you it will not be Tories talking to Tories. That would be a complete turnoff for everyone.
Mike, that would be highly irresponsible, wouldn't it? Of course, should you wish to make a suggestion...
I have just had a relevatory moment, why dont we send Dame Anne to sort out the mad mullahs ?
I wouldnt give Iran or Hezboallah more than a 5/4 chance of defeating her.
"dowty" could be "doety"
did you mean "doh" (homer simpson)
or "dhow" a means for Arabs to navigate the regents park canal?
Just watched it. That Krishan Guru Murthy guy is a complete cock. (If you are reading this Krishan, you are a cock.)
I am sorry I happen to be stateside...but..when did our Ann become a Grande Dame...what order...?
hm stanley
some ladies are just born to be Dames (not broads).
Although I find Ms Widdecombe infuriating , I have to admit she is magnificent.
An iron clad dreadnought of a lady(in a good way)
"...an iron clad dreadnought of a lady.."
In the sense, one assumes, of top-heavy, difficult to manouevre and almost impossible to bring quickly to a halt.
(At least that was always the view of Great Uncle Admiral of the Fleet Sir Brompton..)
peter hitchens:
Surely Ms. [btw, I do not think she goes in for "Ms."..does she? Sounds like a "Miss"] Widdecombe qualifies as broad as well as dame. Just thought I had missed some recenty released honors list. Surely if Teresa Gorman could have been made a Dame, it is way past time that Anne is Damed too, no less for her immortalized "something of the night" comment.
"Tim's programmes will have a definite Fox News flavour, but he will always have guests on who disagree with him."
Iain, look forward to seeing your Vox Politix and I fully expect it to be as interesting and varied as your blog. But Tim Montgomery doing a Fox news style programme will simply appeal to the same headbangers who are attracted by his editorial line on ConHom.
I think any medium through which the public can get an impartial slant on the news is a good thing, although surely you'll feel a little tug on your Conservative heartstrings as we near election time?....
I think it is a great idea but the name is, to put it politely, rubbish. If you want word of mouth at dinner parties etc, get a decent, easy to remember website address. At the moment I am having to say:
"go to eighteen (that's in numerals) doughty street (all one word no spaces and by the way it is spelt d-o-u-g-h-t-y: no 'b' ha ha!) dot typepad dot com".
Tried it twice tonight over dinner and I don't think they'll remember it by morning. Except for the guy who used to work at the Speccie.....
And how long before somebody registers 18doubtystreet?
Can't wait for the first broadcast though.
Ch4 interviewer Krishan Guru Murthy quote:
"There's no point in criticising the BBC or Channel Four.."
Quite. That's why new info streams are needed. And wanted.
Smug lefty meeja types just don't understand, do they?
Well I think it is very exciting, and about time someone did this. More content, more debate, more voices being heard = good thing.
Doughty Street? Isn't that where the my bleeding heart learned friends hang out?
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