Alastair, if Iran find themselves behind at half time, do you think they'll be able to launch a counter-attack in the following 45 minutes?
I must also share with you these words of wisdom from Ally C...
When training for Soccer Aid, I had a chat with Terry Venables who said that the Prime Minister is probably one of the few people who can understand the media and public pressures on the England manager, because he is the one person in the country who is under even greater scrutiny. Tony Blair has survived a fair few frenzies too, and manages to keep focussed on the big picture and the big policy changes needed to take Britain forward. I think one of the reasons so many in the media loathe him is that he has survived so many tons of their bile, not to mentions their calls on him to go at a time of their choosing not his. The public all have their own individual views of high profile people like Tony and Sven. But whatever those views are, they tend to admire people of strength and fortitude who just keep going.
Indeed we do, Alastair. Indeed we do. But we still remember David Kelly. Incidentally, I am most grateful to the Labour Party for making clear on the blog that "Views expressed in this blog... are the views of the individuals and are not those of the Labour Party".

Just shows how desperate Labour are for this world cup to overshadow their Government's performance recently.
I think that EDM 2284 shows the Labour party's true colours on this.
England wins the world cup,Labour has a world cup blog,Alistair writes the world cup blog, Tony contributes....
I'm counting the votes already.
"We are entering an era in which national government, instead of directing, enables powerful regional and local initiatives to work, where Britain becomes as it should be - a Britain of nations and regions" --- Gordon Brown, Jan 2000
So Laboure Regime MP's, who is playing att he World Cup?, is it one of 'Britains nations' or is it one of the 'regions'.....which is it?.
"The public all have their own individual views of high profile people like Tony and Sven. But whatever those views are, they tend to admire people of strength and fortitude who just keep going."
But Tony's been going for ages now; what the country really wants to know is: "When will the bugger finally be GONE?"
"I have had great arguments with myself over the ethics of linking to it"
so you decided to put two links to it...
phone cam foolery - Blair has already tried but for security reasons he is not allowed.
Ahh Campbell - he really is a charmer isn't he?
And just what does he have against Andy Marr and Nick Robinson?
Gary, you are a sad deluded fool. But most of the readers of this blog have already worked that one out for themselves.
It seems such a long time since I voted in 1997... and how many times have i regretted that choice!
This is completely ridiculos, I can't imagine upon what basis someone thought this was a good idea... and why they never stopped to think of the potential comments the blog would attract... speaking of which I really should go and throw some stones!
Yes clutching at straws. Poor old Labour, if they are pinning their hopes on Eriksson then they really are finished. Elsby will be counting the votes eh? Shouldn't need an abacus for that.
Politicians really should learn that pretending to like something doesn't add to their appeal, it just makes them look stupid and cynical, Iain's obviously genuine support for West Ham aside. I mean, who would pick the Hammers if he was looking for "cool appeal"? :-)
Watching pols try and be trendy men of the people is a bit like watching a middle aged parent try and disco dance with their teenage kids. In fact it's worse; at least parents usually love their kids.
Remember Swiss Tony and his oh so genuine remenisances about standing in the Middlesboro ground watching Jacky Milburn? Doesn't Tony and realise that the public already know what they really think about football and England in particular? It's plastered all over the pages of the official NuLabour mouthpeice, The Guardian, after all.
Still, it appears that the Interweb community are using the opportunity to contribute to the debate wisely.
And if you'll excuse me I'm off to add some in depth analysis of yesterday's Germany v Costa Rica match to Ali's site. Hehe.
Haven't several local Labour politicians been prosecuted for counting the votes?
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