Saturday, April 08, 2006

Mitt Romney Gets Healthcare Boost in Presidential Race

An interesting piece on about Governor Mitt Romney's possible presidential bid and how he's apparently found a solution to healthcare provision and funding in Massachusetts, which is also receiving the support of Democrats. I still find it implausible to think that Americans would vote for a Mormon as President. Click HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not so sure about the mormon point. Oddly, there has been more hoo-hah about Blair's semi-Catholicism than US Presidents' denomination. Comes from not having an established Church.

Reagan and Johnson were both Disciples of Christ, a radical evangelical group which many Britons would view with some suspicion - Jim Jones' mass suicide group was affiliated with it although obviously on the margins. Eisenhower was brought up as a Jehovahs Witness, although he distanced himself from it.

Overall there has been a fair old mix of religious traditions. It always amuses me in a sick kind of way that those old warmongers Nixon and George W were/are a Quaker and a Methodist respectively, two of the most pacifist denominations you could think of.