Rishi Saha's
Wave Network has produced a nifty little booklet which they were dishing out in Manchester. It re-enforces the Cameron 'Change' message which was the the dominant theme at the Spring Forum. The title page encourages us to BE THE CHANGE. Page 2 tell us IF WE WANT THE SEE CHANGE WE ALL HAVE TO TAKE PART. Page 3 has a message from David Cameron which says:
"Change is not just about one person or one small group of people. If we want to see change in our country and in our cities, we all have to take part. Personal action is the most powerful way to bring about change. We're becoming a Party which is more like modern Britain, and which likes modern Britain more; a Party in tune with the aspirations fot he British people; a Party with a clear message of change, optimism and hope." Page four carries the slogan LET US BE THE CHANGE. Page 5 has a list of suggestions which individuals can take up to effect change on a micro level (Note to Rishi - get a better proof reader, mate - three typos on this page!). Pages 6 and 7 list four examples of Conservatives who've made a difference to their local communities. It's a good initiative and a very well designed booklet. Wave's who raison d'etre is to encourage political engagement and if they can get literature like this out into the right places it can only be a good thing for the Party.
Iain, that the right link to the Wave Networks website? All I seem to get is: http://www.edge-logic.com/JELWeb_ELL/JELWeb_ELL
I'm sorry but what a load of patronising nonsense. We are not going to win more voters/supporters by asking them to fill their kettle a little less.
Surely it wouldn't be a bad idea to point out the differences between Conservatives and Labour, rather than trying to sound the same?
Why not point out loudly that Conservatives are AGAINST locking people up for 90 days when they haven't been convicted of anything, AGAINST ID cards, AGAINST forcing up Council Tax, AGAINST extending Means Testing, AGAINST selling titles for money etc.etc.
That's assuming they are, of course..............
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