If you have been reading this blog for some time you till know what my music taste is like. So when I urge you to buy Mika's new album
Life in Cartoon Motion, you had better take it with a precautionary warning. Mika is English-Lebanese (I think) and this album is, to put it midly, elclecticly different. Each song appears to come from a different genre. It's a mixture of disco, ballad, folk, rock and God knows what else. In theory it ought not to work as an album as there seems to be no consistency of theme. My favourite track is ANY OTHER WORLD but BIG GIRLS, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL is the track which will probably prove most durable. Brilliant Album. Straight on the iPod.
You been havin' a smoke with David? The track where Mika sounds like Aled Jones is particularly hilarious. Stick to politics old boy.
Sorry you are wrong Iain, "Grace Kelly" is the dogs.
I commend your taste Iain! Mika is a brilliant artist and, along with the Scissor Sisters, is the only modern music I really listen to!
Steven Bainbridge
A View from the Right
Lollypop for me!
ah a musical interlude, how about
this one by show of Hands
Now its been twenty-five years or more
Ive roamed this land from shore to shore
From Tyne to Tamar, Severn to Thames
From Moor to Vale from Peak to Fen
Played in cafes and pubs and bars
Ive stood in the street with my old guitar
But Id be richer than all the rest
If I had a pound for each request
For Duelling Banjos American Pie
Its enough to make you cry
Rule Britannia or Swing low
Are they the only songs the English know?
Seed, bud, flower, fruit
Theyre never gonna grow without their roots
Branch, stem, shoots - they need roots
After the speeches when the cakes been cut
The discos over and the bar is shut
At christening, birthday, wedding or wake
What can we sing until the morning breaks
When the Indian, Asians, Afro, Celts
Its in their blood and below the belt
Theyre playing and dancing all night long
So what have they got right that weve got wrong?
Seed, bud, flower, fruit
Never gonna grow without their roots
Branch, stem, shoots we need roots
Haul away boys let them go
Out in the wind and the rain and snow
Weve lost more than well ever know
Round the rocky shores of England
And a minister said his vision of hell
Is three folk singers in a pub near Wells
Well Ive got a vision of urban sprawl
Its pubs where no one ever sings at all
And everyone stares at a great big screen
Over-paid soccer stars, prancing teens
Australian soap, American rap
Estuary English, baseball caps
And we learn to be ashamed before we walk
Of the way we look and the way we talk
Without our stories or our songs
How will we know where weve come from?
Ive lost St George in the Union Jack
Its my flag too and I want it back
Seed, bud, flower, fruit
Never gonna grow without their roots
Branch, stem, shoots we need roots
Haul away boys let them go
Out in the wind and the rain and snow
Weve lost more than well ever know
Round the rocky shores of England
I prefer to stick to more traditional gay music, like Erasure and the Communards.
Incredibly sacharine...
Mika gives me the creeps. Give me the conspiratorial Devonian rock of Muse (particularly their latest album, which my 40-something colleague listened to four times back to back the other day, loving every minute) anyday.
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