political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
Saturday, January 06, 2007
My New West Ham Blog

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Iain, I reckon you'll get some right nutters in the comments section! Remember the fracas the last time with the Arsenal fans?
Groan! What wrong with Leeds United? Billy Bremner, Jackie Charlton, Johnny Giles...or am I living in the past?
rhetorical, i presume...
I can understand your obsession. As a young lad, living in the East End of London, I became obsessed with Sheffield Wednesday, probably because my father was born in the city.
I used to watch them at every opportunity, most often at Highbury and White Hart Lane. I can still remember the thrill of seeing MY team, wearing the magical colours of blue and white striped shirts, black shorts and blue socks, running out of the tunnel, stroking balls around (don't be filthy!)before the kick off.
There is an irrational, mystical element to hero worship. I grew out of it Iain, but I envy you for still enjoying the joy of being a fan.
Go for it and remind us of what we're missing.
You presume correct. I have never been one for football myself, I used to lean on the goal post at school. Then one week, the PE teacher offered me 3d for each goal I scored, and I scored six. The following week I scored none and got six of the best! No incentive.
Although, Leeds used to be my home base, the football ground meant nothing except where they held car auctions. But when I was in H.M.Prison Wandsworth, Frankie Fraser (the henchman for the Richardson Gang)used to bet a Mars bar with me on Leeds and I just remember I kept winning. He did not pull my teeth out, just paid out. A perfect gentleman, if you didn't cross him...
That's my extent of football knowledge, just thought I would share the anecdotes with you...
Smartypants "jailhouse lawyer" - otherwise known as John Hirst, the murderer of an old lady, and who was banged up for 10 years longer than his recommended sentence because he showed no remorse - you are a pathetic wannabee who wants to get on 18 Doughty St as an "expert" on "votes for prisoners" to promote yourself.
The relaxed, collegiate tone you labour to adopt on Iain's blog turns my stomach. You murdered an old lady who had you lodging in her house with an axe, because she had left the lid off your jar of marmalade or something.
Our mild-mannered host may delete my comment, but at least I have written it.
At least you aren't an Arsenal or Chelsea fan.
That would be unbearable.
Dont'worry about West Ham, some times things gonna change, but if you enjoy football, try with Barça (FC Barcelona) and also you'll never walk alone.
Greetins from Barcelona. ;)
Your support for this dismal bunch of East Ender boot boys, Iain, is your one shortcoming.
JailHouseLawyer I'm with you- slightly younger generation but Strachan, McAllister, Speed. Iain to be serious sounds like a great plan- have you seen this football blog the standard is high.
Are you a West Ham supporter ?
a boy's gotta have a dream!
Very wise not to link the fates of your political and football teams
Going down, going down..........
As a Labour supporting Addick living in Kent you'll appreciate that I can wish you much luck!
Iain I think you are being a little disingenuous. A work colleague writes a sport review in a web magazine and the response is astonishing.
Do you know anything about football then ?Remember a lot of people consider of vastly more importance than politics and know evryhting there is to know .
At least you managed to overcome the Grecian Gods of Brighton and Hove Albion (combined age of entire 1st XI: about 63) today.
Hmm, West Ham. Don't have much to say on the topic. Used to go to Cambridge United games a long while ago.
But I am interested in blogs! I'm hoping to set up a group blog in the near future, i.e. multiple contributors above the line. I notice you've used Wordpress for the West Ham blog. Why?
Blogger v Wordpress v Anything else. That is the question. Presently I know nothing. Would appreciate the advice of anyone who has the inclination!
You can chart the Hammers fall into the lower leagues.
Football is BORING.
Football is BORING.
Football is BORING.
Football is BORING.
Football is BORING.
verity: I don't care that you attack me personally, even though your attack is full of factual inaccuracies. However, I don't think that you are being fair on Iain using his blog to launch your personal attack, and being off topic to boot. At least I have the decency to stay on topic. I suggest that you moderate your comments and visit my blog if you wish to continue your private vendetta with me.
gracchi: Ah so refreshing, to hear your supportive voice after ploughing through the bile spouting from verity.
As I understand it, Iain made the invite because of my expert knowledge in this area. If you watch 18doughtystreet.com as regular as I do you will note that what separates the chaff from the wheat is that they do have people who go on the show who know what they are talking about. I do not need to promote myself, I am already arguably the foremost legal authority on prison law in the country. The actual media coverage of the killing, at the time, was thankfully, minor. My exploits in the area of prisoners rights has received far more coverage, and it was making history which made me famous. If you don't like that, though shit. It is not me that turns your stomach, but the evil thoughts churning about in your head. Why don't you go and lie down on the psychiatrist's couch?
Calling WHU boot boys is a little unfair Bryan. The team has never had a reputation for thuggish football, and fan hooliganism is, except when playing Millwall, very much a thing of the past.
jeeze verity, who pissed in your fry-up this morning?
I don't accept reprimands from cold-blooded murders, John Hirst. You're not qualified.
And don't pretend to be gallantly taking up for Iain. He is well-able to take care of himself.
If Iain wants to rein someone in and tell them to stay on topic, that is his right as this is his property. I don't know that you have any rights of proprietorship on this blog.
You write "at least I have the decency to stay on topic", giving me an open goal: "at least I have the decency never to have murdered in cold blood a defenceless old lady".
I won't be addressing you further and nor will I be discussing you. Iain has been gracious enough to let me have my say and I am not going to take advantage.
Doesn't Iain already have enough on his plate with 18DS and this blog?? Something will have to give...
Anonymous, is that not something you could safely leave me to be the judge of?!
Kris, sweetie. When I posted my post, it wasn't morning. It's a great big world out there with many what we refer to as "time zones". Please try not to be so provincial, although given that you're posting on a blog devoted to football, I realise one shouldn't expect too much.
I'm impressed that football haters can score six goals on a thrupence bribe.
It is your main redeeming trait that you are an ardent Hammers fan!
Times are tough but we will see through - Mervyn Day is helping Curbs out as Manager and I remember idolising him as a young girl when he was Hammers ' goalkeeper - in the year we won the FA Cup AND my friend in Norfolk married goal scorer Alan Taylor (now running a Norwich newsagent I believe?)
Unlike your political team West Ham will forever be keeping the flag flying!
Iain - Good luck with it all.
Just a few questions. How do you have the time to do all this stuff and earn a living? Whose Bitch R U? I want to be that bitch! Room for a little one? Feeling very inspired.
Good result yesterday,
Will you blog match that of West Ham Online?
Well done for choosing WP for your new blog.;)
Verity and Jailhouselawyer, take your stupid fight elsewhere. No more of it here. All future comments attacking each other will be deleted.
Iain, that is not fair and it's not like you. I said above that I was not going to abuse your hospitality and I wrote that I would not be making a further contribution to the argument. I didn't respond when Hirst tried to goad me regardless. I let it go.
Verity, you started this spat. See above. I am ending it. Jailhouselawyer just posted a response which I deleted. I am not prepared to allow this to go on.
It's great to have someone to carry the torch for the Tories and the 'Ammers.
hi, Iain
do you know Graham Bash, a life-ling Hammers fan and political activist (although the opposite stripe to yourself)?
Iain, sound idea. But wouldn't it be better called 'West Ham - even if it kills me !!' ?? Just a thought...
There's nothing wrong with the Claret and Blue. And I mean the Mighty Villa of course.
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