political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tax Attack Ad Launched by 18DoughtyStreet
Tim Montgomerie has written in today's TIMES on the launch of the 18DoughtyStreet Attack ads. More HERE. Watch our first advert on tax HERE. Next week's ad will be attacking more State Funding of political parties.
Very slick, just the right length and a very nice balance of humour and thought provoking imagery.
Spot on old boy. In fact I wouldn't be suprised if they start taxing one on 'social issues', like the cut of one's jib, the sharpness of one's wit, and the colour of your character.
Hmmm Doughty Street eh? Well I still seething about being called mad , although glowing to be mentioned at all. Did you spot that the "Valuation Agency" has struck a deal with "Right Move " to gain acces to its data base of porperties...in order to tax them. That sounds wrong to me . that information was not given for that purpose.
Chris Carter - I found it amusing. The socialists won't like it, but most normal women will smile.
What is appalling is that anyone would imagine women have no sense of humour. Have you been so brow-beaten by the joylessness of the left? Half the audience for bawdy comedies has always been women.
I have a friend who made an absolute fortune in the seventies/eighties by putting on Hen Parties...Women loved them especially the filthy comedians and demanded strippers who did!!!
Hmmm..I think it rather facile to suggest that one is going to be taxed on going to the loo. And when did I start getting taxed on being asleep ?
There is no 'Bit tax' on using the net. And the childish 'cleavage' use to make a specious argument that tax is evil, when they are the 'green fees' for a just, fair & equitable society....Well it is that sort of lack of logical argument that clearly is going to appeal to all those 'Daily Mail' reading thickos, sorry, 'potential Tory voters'.
Can't wait for next week's exciting instalment - 'Say no to state funding, say yes to megalomaniac tycoons funding political parties'..
Fairly amusing that Mr. Anonymous cannot see past the literal meaning. If you really wanted a fair society with no freedom, vote for the communist party.
Anyway, it's an amusing advert which puts across the simple views of a large amount of people very well. Looking forward to the next one!
Excellent ad, very slick, spot on really. Old Greedy Gordon will apporve (in private) because it is true.
What's left to tax???? If you live in London we are even being taxed for an Olympics which is going to benefit the whole currently, yet those on low incomes and pensioners are expected to pay.
It's cliché to say, but it's very slick and well presented!
I'm familiar, but not overly familiar, with 18DS, and it's leaving me with a question (if you don't mind me asking, Iain!)-
These things obviously cost money- perhaps not huge fortunes, but tidy little sums at the least. Running an Internet TV station also must cost something sizeable, particularly considering the location. How are these projects funded?
Apologies if this has been asked before, but the 18DS site has no background on the station or its management.
By the way, who is that bumptious twat on the 'Leftie war protests' video on the site. Rude, thick, disparaging & totally lacking any attempt at logic, balance or impartiality - if this is what Doughty Street is going to be...well, it ain't up to 'Iain Dale' standards. What next, slagging off abortion and those dodgy lefty gay vegetarian types...Grow up chaps.
The ad's rubbish. All the people who have praised it on here support you already - you're preaching to the choir. As someone who isn't a paid-up Tory I think it's shit -mvery amateurish.
I loathe the present regime and its taxes as much as the next drone, but if you lot think this was anything other than unprofessionally lame and ponderous I think you're bonkers.
Basic idea clear to the meanest intelligence after the first few seconds, then just grind out the same old theme with a complete absence of wit, imagination, or style until we get to the naff Benny Hill style ending.
I guess this ad might have seemed impressive in 1974, but surely not in 2007?
Very slick, just the right length and a very nice balance of humour and thought provoking imagery.
Spot on old boy. In fact I wouldn't be suprised if they start taxing one on 'social issues', like the cut of one's jib, the sharpness of one's wit, and the colour of your character.
Norma Levy-so who was the "THIRD MAN"?
new blog on the street:
Hmmm Doughty Street eh? Well I still seething about being called mad , although glowing to be mentioned at all.
Did you spot that the "Valuation Agency" has struck a deal with "Right Move " to gain acces to its data base of porperties...in order to tax them. That sounds wrong to me . that information was not given for that purpose.
Is it legal anyone ?
I thought that 18DS was going to be non-partisan? I seem to remember reading stuff from Tim M saying that it wouldnt become ToryTV...
That's pretty effective. When'd it going to be on proper telly, instead of just downloaded by a couple of thousand politico-webgeeks?
Where have you seen the identikit Tory party promising to lower taxes, Matthew?
This is a strong commercial.
James Gray re-selected, nice one
The Tory Party strikes back!!
Chris Carter - I found it amusing. The socialists won't like it, but most normal women will smile.
What is appalling is that anyone would imagine women have no sense of humour. Have you been so brow-beaten by the joylessness of the left? Half the audience for bawdy comedies has always been women.
I have a friend who made an absolute fortune in the seventies/eighties by putting on Hen Parties...Women loved them especially the filthy comedians and demanded strippers who did!!!
Hmmm..I think it rather facile to suggest that one is going to be taxed on going to the loo. And when did I start getting taxed on being asleep ?
There is no 'Bit tax' on using the net. And the childish 'cleavage' use to make a specious argument that tax is evil, when they are the 'green fees' for a just, fair & equitable society....Well it is that sort of lack of logical argument that clearly is going to appeal to all those 'Daily Mail' reading thickos, sorry, 'potential Tory voters'.
Can't wait for next week's exciting instalment - 'Say no to state funding, say yes to megalomaniac tycoons funding political parties'..
Fairly amusing that Mr. Anonymous cannot see past the literal meaning. If you really wanted a fair society with no freedom, vote for the communist party.
Anyway, it's an amusing advert which puts across the simple views of a large amount of people very well. Looking forward to the next one!
Excellent ad, very slick, spot on really. Old Greedy Gordon will apporve (in private) because it is true.
What's left to tax???? If you live in London we are even being taxed for an Olympics which is going to benefit the whole currently, yet those on low incomes and pensioners are expected to pay.
Mr Dale -
The ad is excellent. It's slick, witty and has a well-judged sting in its tail.
I marvel at the professionalism of it. I cannot begin to guess how much it cost to produce. Really it deserves a wider dissemination beyond 18DS.
Dr. Syn
Just returned to watching Doughty Street after commenting negatively at the start. It's looking good and presentationally quite slick. Well done.
It's cliché to say, but it's very slick and well presented!
I'm familiar, but not overly familiar, with 18DS, and it's leaving me with a question (if you don't mind me asking, Iain!)-
These things obviously cost money- perhaps not huge fortunes, but tidy little sums at the least. Running an Internet TV station also must cost something sizeable, particularly considering the location. How are these projects funded?
Apologies if this has been asked before, but the 18DS site has no background on the station or its management.
By the way, who is that bumptious twat on the 'Leftie war protests' video on the site. Rude, thick, disparaging & totally lacking any attempt at logic, balance or impartiality - if this is what Doughty Street is going to be...well, it ain't up to 'Iain Dale' standards. What next, slagging off abortion and those dodgy lefty gay vegetarian types...Grow up chaps.
The ad's rubbish. All the people who have praised it on here support you already - you're preaching to the choir. As someone who isn't a paid-up Tory I think it's shit -mvery amateurish.
I loathe the present regime and its taxes as much as the next drone, but if you lot think this was anything other than unprofessionally lame and ponderous I think you're bonkers.
Basic idea clear to the meanest intelligence after the first few seconds, then just grind out the same old theme with a complete absence of wit, imagination, or style until we get to the naff Benny Hill style ending.
I guess this ad might have seemed impressive in 1974, but surely not in 2007?
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