Now I'm back home I suppose I'd better get all the stuff prepared for Bournemouth. Hmmm. 3 fringe meeting speeches to write and God knows what else. Later.
political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
The law in this country must apply to all its citizens, not just one group or another. For reasons we can all guess at the Police and CPS repeatedly shy away from prosecuting Muslim extremists who carry placards calling for the death of all jews or even worse slogans.
The latest example is Anjem Choudary who said anyone insulting Islam would be "subject to capital punishment".
I accept there is a legitimate debate to be had about where the boundaries of free speech should be drawn, but with the law as it stands such utterances are clear breaches of it.
Sooner or later a Christian is going to stand outside a Mosque carrying a similar banner. I think we can all guess what the reaction will be of both local muslims and the Police.
UPDATE 11.40am Steve Andreson, the producer of Question Time has just left a comment to say that Jane Horrocks will now not be a guest on the programme tonight. She was listed in the newspapers this morning so that's why I wrote the piece. But it's now rather redundant!
UPDATE 10.30pm Horrocks is now appearing on THIS WEEK. You couldn't make it up. UPDATE 11.30pm She's alongside Rory Bremner and Rupert Everett. So, let's get this right. A political programme with three celebrities as guests and not a single serious politician in sight. Just what we always wanted, eh?
Sonny Hundal wrote a piece for CommentIsFree recently attacking the BBC for turning current affairs programmes into light entertainment. Tonight the BBC takes this a stage further when actress Jane Horrocks (Bubble from Ab Fab) is a panellist on QUESTION TIME.
There's no reason why Horrocks shouldn't appear on the programme - she follows a long line of actors and comedians to do so. However, her invitation to appear comes the week before she stars in a new BBC political comedy/drama THE AMAZING MRS PRITCHARD.
I suspect she will actually prove to be a rather good guest, but it really has come to something when QUESTION TIME is used as a 'trailer' for a light entertainment programme.
PS I face a dilemma at 11.35 tonight. Do I. watch Andrew Neil rip the yellow stuff out of John Prescott's speech or do I watch the Channel 5 highligjhts of Palermo v West Ham. If you suspect my decision might depend on the results you would not be far wrong!
Just on my way home on the train having attended a Tory fundraising dinner. I always think to myself that anyone who puts their hand up at these occasions to ask a question should probably be disqualified from asking one. Peter Stringfellow (bless him) admirably proved my point tonight when he brought the house down with this little corker...
"David, the left has claimed the word aspiration for itself. We have got to claim the word incentive. What incentives are you going to offer the British electorate to help win the next General Erection?"
Cue arf arfing... Quick as a flash, David Cameron said: "Membership of your club should do the trick, Peter."
Seriously, David Cameron gave a superb speech with just the right mix of humour, substance and critique of the government.
PS I have never been to Stringfellows but I do remember going on a stag night to a similar establishment near Detroit Airport called The Landing Strip. I recall a young lady called Tracey who turned out to be from Rochdale.
It turned out to be quite an evening when we were stopped by the police on the Interstate back to Ann Arbor. Because I don't drink I was driving. All was well until the policeman shone his torch into the car and enquired rather forcefully as to why the bridegroom was tied up in chains. "Because he enjoys it, Officer," I volunteered cheerily. The evening descended from there... Happy days.
However, I suppose I should take consolation that my oft-remaindered tome of Blair quotations is also visible. Anyway, should Matt ever need a recommended Tory reading list he only needs to pop across the road from Number 56 to Number 18 Doughty Street. Our doors are always open!
Jeff Randall tells a story in the Guardian Media Diary of how two BBC producers once tried to stop him wearing Union Jack cufflinks, saying they were a symbol of the BNP. Randall told them exactly where he would like to stick the cufflinks. Respect.
The Times questions this morning whether the 2.4 million pound donation to the LibDems by convicted perjurer Michael Brown was permissable under Electoral Commission rules. Three of the four investors in 5th Avenue Partners were foreign, which raises the possibilty that the LibDems were in effect given a foreign donation. This is The Times's speculation, not mine.
These four investors, who include former Man United chairman Martin Edwards, believe it was their money which Brown donated and they want it back. However, the LibDems have spent the money and couldn't pay it back even if they felt morally obliged to - which they don't.
The next stage is for the four investors to launch a court action against the LibDems. Watch this space.
I used to think that Ruth Kelly was one of the better Labour ministers - that is until she was promoted to the Cabinet. Since then she has proved to be one of the most hapless politicians in living memory. She reminds me of Jeremy Hanley who had been quite a successful Minister of State but when John Major promoted him to the Cabinet he was out of his depth.
Kelly's media appearances are always fun - not because she ever says anything of interest, but to see how much she can say and yet say so little, using as many vacuous New Labour soundbites as possible.
Her interview this morning with Nicky Campbell was a good example. After hearing it you would think Blair and Brown were bosom buddies and all was sweetness and light at the heart of New Labour. Campbell then said sweetly: "The texts and emails are flowing in from listeners as theu always do after an interview with Ruth Kelly." He left us to decide for ourselves why that might be. It's not difficult.
This early morning commuting into London again has taken a bit of getting used to. I had grown rather attached to getting up when I wanted to (which wasn't at 7am!). Today none of the car park ticket machines were working. Not unusual.
I was standing on the platform listening to my iPod (Gordon B would be proud of me) when a man approached me and asked how my new TV project was going. It turned out that he is a reader of this blog and also lives in my village.
I was quite taken aback to be honest. I'm not used to talking that early in the morning! Anyway, I thought that this deserved the invention of another term to add to the growing blogging dictionary. Blogspotting - identifying bloggers in public, especially on train platforms. And I assure you that my blogspotter was neither carrying a clipboard or wearing an anorak!
It has been a very strange morning so far. First of all I listened to a very uncomfortable Gordon Brown being interviewed on 5 Live. As I listened I kept thinking to myself: "This man is just not going to win". Brown just doesn't feel comfortable in his own skin. He keeps inserting little personal anecdotes into interviews to try to make him appear 'normal' (whatever 'normal' is nowadays).
Today we learned that he listens to his iPod while running in the gym. Not an image to conjure up over breakfast. Brown only really hit his stride when talking about foreign affairs. It was instructive that he was plainly taken aback by a 5 Live poll which showed 89 per cent didn't want him as PM.
He also won't be delighted if he watches Newsnight tonight. Frank Luntz has done another one of his focus groups which shows John Reid in a rather good light. I well remember the effect of a similar event a year ago when he single-handedly relaunched a flagging David Cameron leadership campaign. I hope his methodology has become a little more, er, robust.
Media reaction to Brown's speech will be more important than the reaction in the hall. If it bombs, the media will again develop a herd instinct, just as they did last year following David Davis's speech.
It won't be his delivery which fails Brown - it will be the content and lack of vision. Phrases like 'me tooism' are unlikely to have a rampant rabbit effect on the journalistic G-spots. The media are always waiting for the front runner to trip up. Believe me, I should know. Will it be today when they are granted their wish?
10th October will see the launch of Britain’s first political Internet TV Channel. 18DoughtyStreet Talk TV will broadcast for four hours a night, Mondays to Thursdays, from studios in London’s Bloomsbury with a mix of live and pre-recorded programmes. It aims to break the mould of current affairs television with a mix of opinionated and controversial programming.
In a groundbreaking initiative the station is building a network of 100 nationwide and worldwide citizen journalist reporters, each equipped with their own camcorder, which they can use to film reports for 18DoughtyStreet to broadcast.
At the heart of the station will be a website of blogs and daily votes. Comments left on the blogs will shape the content of the programmes. The daily votes will help determine which news stories headline every programme. Programme presenters will have access to the blogs during live programming, with the viewer seeing the blog next to the live streaming screen on their computers. All programmes will be available for download after livestreaming.
The channel’s founders believe that conventional political TV has let down its audience by dumbing down political debate to the lowest common denominator. It believes that no political party truly understands the electorate’s disappointment with the current state of politics. It aims to be an anti-establishment channel – championing rebel opinions in all of the mainstream parties and constantly questioning authority.
18DoughtyStreet has recruited two of Britain’s most successful bloggers to be the main
presenters – Tim Montgomerie of ConservativeHome.com and Iain Dale, Britain’s best
known blogger.
Tim Montgomerie will present UP FRONT - a fair and opinionated news programme at
8pm every night - all based on the output of that day’s blogs.
VOX POLITIX WITH IAIN DALE will go out at 9pm. Dale will be joined by alternate
co-presenters Rena Valeh and Zoe-Ann Phillips as well as two sofa-guests. The show will
be a mix of news and discussion with the final half hour devoted to a thirty minute debate
on a news topic of the day.
Other programmes on the channel include...
• END OF THE DAY SHOW – Live one hour discussion show each night at 11pm – including a long preview of the following day’s newspapers
• ONE TO ONE – a 30 minute interview designed to restore the idea of serious discussion
• PARTY TALK – with Zoe Ann Phillips – a Monday night show previewing the week in politics
• BROUGHT TO BOOK – Iain Dale talks to guests from the world of political books
• SELL THE IMPOSSIBLE will task a panel of expert politicians and bloggers with the job of devising a strategy to sell controversial policies chosen by visitors to the station’s website.
There will also be specialist programmes – presented by anti-establishment campaign groups – that will spotlight the tax burden, the threat of terrorism and media bias.
The launch night of the channel will include an exclusive interview with Australian Prime Minister John Howard.
Tim Montgomerie said:
“In twelve months political blogs have broken the monopoly enjoyed by the Westminster commentators but blogging is only the beginning of the new media revolution. Over the next few years internet entrepreneurs are set to storm the decaying fortresses of the mainstream media. They will offer a radical alternative to the BBC’s pretence of impartiality, its obsession with personalities and its unwillingness to commit serious amounts of time to the concerns of ordinary voters. Big businesses, self-important NGOs and timid political elites should also
start preparing their defences.”
Iain Dale said:
“This channel is all about politics for adults. It really will be by the people for the people. We’re not going to get stuck in the Westminster village. We’ll be talking about what’s really being discussed in the pubs and clubs, not what the metropolitan elite think ought to be discussed. We’ll be using our blogs to set our agenda, not focus groups. We believe that within the next twelve months people will start watching internet TV through their normal TV screens. Few people realise that every TV screen has a plug in the back to which a computer can be
connected. Within twelve months Tim’s blog and my blog have become two of the three most read political blogs in Britain. We aim to replicate that success with 18DoughtyStreet Talk TV.”
Editor’s Note
18DoughtyStreet Talk TV will broadcast from purpose built studios at 18 Doughty Street,
in London’s Bloomsbury. It will use the latest streaming technology to broadcast live programmes on the internet. All programmes will be available for later download so people can watch them when they want to. Programmes will also be podcastable either on video or with sound only. The channel will initially broadcast Monday-Thursday, four hours per night from 8pm until Midnight. It will initially only be available on the internet.
You can visit the 18DoughtyStreet Blog HERE.
The LibDems must be really thanking Paddy Ashdown for needlessly revealing that Charles Kennedy refused to shake Ming Campbell's hand after his speech on Tuesday. At a stroke, Ashdown demonstrated to us all that the wounds from Kennedy's overthrow are well and truly gaping open. I suppose Kennedy thought that if he shook Ming's right hand, his left might be used to stab him in the back again. Actually, what the refusal did was to display a petulance entirely lacking in his speech. If he truly does still harbour hopes of a leadership comeback he would do well to dispose of such things.
Spooks is one of my favourite programmes so I was really looking forward to the new series. However, greater love hath no man than he lay down his Spooks for the LibDem Conference. So I only got around to watching it last night. Was it worth the wait? You bet.
The two episodes were about a coup attempt by renegade secret service agents, a media mogul and the Cabinet Secretary. The bit I loved came during a fake News 24 news bulletin when BLOGGERS LEAD PROTESTS was on the strapline at the bottom of the News 24 screen. They then showed Mi5 officers watching a. series of impassioned pleas by bloggers for people to rise up against the coup. Sadly, Guido and Recess Monkey were nowhere to be seen. Already under house arrest as dangerous subversives I expect.
The plot was so convincing that I started thinking of the circumstances in which the fictional events portrayed in the programme could become reality. Democracy is a very fragile thing. Who was it who said something like 'dictators rely on good men remaining silent'?
The only bit which jarred was when the Cabinet Secretary blurted out: "I'm only a bloody politician, you know." Er, no actually, he' a civil servant. But then again, nowadays...
So, is this speculation on my part which can be dismissed as blog gossip? No. I know for a fact that Meacher has been discussing a leadership bid with at last two senior (but equally maverick) Labour MPs. He hasn't decided whether to go ahead yet, but he's got an ego which in the end will prevail, I suspect. What fun.
I've never understood why people take Jenny Tonge seriously. Even most LibDems share my view of her. Yesterday she was at it again at a fringe meeting...
"The pro-Israeli lobby has got its grips on the western world, its financial grips. I think they have probably got a certain grip on our party"
In January 2004 Tonge was was sacked as a front bench Liberal Democrat spokesperson after expressing support for Palestinian suicide bombers. Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel, Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council and BICOM are nbow calling for her to be sacked from the Liberal Democrat parliamentary party (she's now a Peer).
Gavin Stollar a spokesperson for the Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel said: "Jenny Tonge's original support for suicide bombers in Israel got her sacked from the frontbench. I think her vulgar repetition and rhetoric means that her position within the party needs to be seriously reviewed.”
Jeremy Newmark, Chief Executive of the Jewish Leadership Council, said: “Two weeks ago an independent Parliamentary Inquiry warned of linkage between this kind of discourse and themes common to antisemitism. Jenny Tonge has provided shocking evidence that the Inquiry was right to be concerned. Conspiracy theories of this nature provide a breeding ground for the politics of hatred. The Liberal Democrat leadership must take action.”
Ben Novick, a BICOM spokesperson said: "Unfortunately, we are not surprised by Jenny Tonge's comments, but we are still shocked. At a time when suicide bombing and terrorism is affecting many liberal democratic societies across the world, it is truly shocking to hear a Liberal Democrat parliamentarian espouse such sentiments.”
I think any comment from me is superfluous. But feel free to fill in the blanks. Jenny Tonge is a ******* ****** *** ***.