I have been leaked the following email from the defeated LibDem leader of Winchester City Council to a group of colleagues...
"With regret, following the May 4th elections I can take no further part in the affairs of SEERA or SEEDA. Such are the decisions made by the electorate and based on nothing of significance to the City Council but rather on the behaviour of our MP! So in resigning (? - having been farcibly resigned) can I wish you all an interesting select committee and better fortune than I have enjoyed here in Winchester.
Sheila Campbell, Leader of Winchester City Council"
Shouldn't that be "Ex" Leader?
budgygI think that's a fairly significant story in Lib Dem terms, Iain. Oaten should do the party a big favour and quit now. It is quite clear from last weekend's Sunset Times article that he has completely lost his marbles.
Could be wrong, but I'm sure I saw this lady on Sky news after the elections, swearing blind that the defeat was not Oaten-related.
She was the one on Sky News and I thought she was an idiot for doing that...
No great loss.
"Ex Leader". Mmm. Not sure. The formal council meeting to select the new Leader, Cabinet etc. is next Wednesday . On the other hand I guess she's no longer a councillor so it's tricky to see how she can be the Leader.
I suppose that means we're currently officially rudderless at WInchester City Council. Not much change there then.
One saving grace, As an ex participating councillor, legally, she will still be jointly liable for the redundancy payments of the regional assembly staff when SEERA eventually goes 'tits up'
HAve you seen the QT line up for tonight!!!?
Prezza, Ming, your little chipmunk and Peirs Morgan. What a treat...
Poor confused Sheila... LibDems run rubbish councils.
If they also have a deluded MP who associates thinning hair with homosexuality, they're not onto a winner. Bless them.
They have always represented the confused... and to be fair, do it bloody well.
She will still technically be leader until the AGM of the council
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