Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Solved: The Puzzle of Cherie Blair's Stiff Knees

Writing in tomorrow's Spectator, Sarah Bradford reports Her Majesty The Queen being most amused by Cherie Blair's refusal to curtsey. “As a constitutional monarch and therefore above party, she is impeccable. People might surmise that she could be unhappy about the demolition of the constitution by New Labour but they do not know. There is however a saying that sounds very like the Queen. Amused rather than offended by Cherie Blair’s public refusal to curtsy, she is held to have said, "I can almost feel Mrs Blair’s knees stiffening when I come into the room." Oh to be a fly on that particular wall.


Anonymous said...

But have you noticed, Iain, that Cherie's knees aren't so stiff when it comes to foreign royalty or suchlike VIPs? For example, Queem Rania of Jordan (delightful lady, charming and gracious, well-worth a bow or curtsey from anyone), there's been press photos of Cherie curtseying to her, and when the Chinese leader and wife arrived, Cherie was pictured on the doorstep of No.10 greeting Mrs. Chinese Leader - and was practically prostrate she was bowing so low.

Apparently it is only our own Monarch to whom she hasn't the manners to curtsey!

I'm sure Her Majesty is amused by it - after all, knowing how to behave shows the kind of person we are - and Cherie shows that every time we see her yawning in public without putting her hand over her mouth, or blagging freebies from anyone she can.

Anonymous said...

This non-curtsying had not escaped the notice of The The Queen Mother who is rumoured to have said about the Prime Minister's Consort: "I don't really mind though I do wish her knees would not quite lock so."

Floreat Aula said...

In this, as is SO much else, Cherie Blair epitomises the gut wrenching gracelessness of the left.

No manners, no style, no elan, no shame the sooner we are rid of this awful woman the better.

"Binjimin, we must make her cry Capivi"