Tuesday, April 04, 2006

LibDems Should Steer Clear of Children

Guido has posted the offending paragraphs from the LibDem Campaign Manual I referred to earlier on today. I don't consider this harmless at all. Can you imagine their outcry if the Conservatives had said this? This gives a whole new slant to the slogan that is on the frontpage of the LibDem website AMBITIOUS FOR EVERY CHILD, doesn't it? Hat-tip for graphic to Guido


Anonymous said...

What's funny to me isn't the idea that Lib Dems will use kids, it's the patronising, Enid Blyton language they use to describe the methodology.

Jock Coats said...

It's also 12 years old and hasn't so far as I am aware been promoted as a guide for most of that time. This is the first time I've actually seen any of it, and it actually looks to me that the juxtaposition of the two is meant to be saying "here's the right way to do it" and then there's the "Freitag method" which clearly isn't (and would explain the "don't be so stupid" patronising style. Without seeing how other aspects of campaigning are handled in it though it's difficult to tell.

Is the whole pamphlet a "right way", "wrong way" style thing perhaps?

What a nonsense story. If that's all the Tories are going to campaign on, Cameron's in bigger trouble than he thinks IMHO.