"We end this year and indeed this decade
with the worst deficit in our history,
the worst deficit in Europe,
simply as a result of measures taken by this government."
Gordon Brown, 29 December 1989
with the worst deficit in our history,
the worst deficit in Europe,
simply as a result of measures taken by this government."
Gordon Brown, 29 December 1989
Source: Radio 4 Day by Day (scroll to 2.42)
The man is and always was a complete pillock but somehow he and the Labour propaganda team managed to convince the teenage scribblers of the press and the fanboys at the BBC that he was some sort of economic genius. Judge the man by his actions and I believe the truth is obvious to all.
Thank You Iain, I had no idea that existed! Is there an audio/video clip of it?
Wonderful stuff. I've captured it, I'm sure it'll make a good clip for a YouTube video somewhere.
Click on the source above
Hopefully you will allow bygones to be bygones and allow me to congratulate you on a brillian spot!
How often do one's words come back to bite us?
Wonderful stuff, the quote below following the first clip of Brown is also quite apt for todays recession.
"Measures that the Government have taken mean that investment in 1990 is certain to be low, and therefore the prosepcts for industry are grim, rather than promising"
Well done Iain
The clip also reminds us that the bank rate then was 15%.
I wonder can anyone reproduce the comment Tony Blair wrote on a blackboard and signed on the day before the Irish peace referendum? It was to the effect that terrorists will never serve in government!
I wish bank rate was 15% now! Of course with the proviso that inflation was 1%!
This quote and others like it should be put into a party political broadcast, exposing Brown for the dishonest hypocrite he is.
Labour has truly made a mess of the country.
Blair and Brown have presided over the total destruction of the UK and have lost more manufacturing jobs than Maggie did when she dragged the UK out of the 19th century mindset ready for the modern world.
I remember the Unions banging their chops about unemployment and the ‘March For Jobs,’ but I see no such efforts for Labour even though they have messed up big time. Why? They helped in the down fall of the UK. Remember the Chapters of the newspaper unions where a journalist could not copy anything using a photocopier, but had to leave it to a well paid Chapter member who had the job of pressing the photocopier button. Then there were the 40 jobs for 30 to 35 men, the 30 sharing in the money for the other 10 fictitious workers. The riots by the print workers over the ending of this long established con when they were found out and sacked were disgusting and now forgotten by Labour.
Then the Labour outrage over The Falklands, a lawful war, and yet there is hardly a peep about Brown and other part in the war of lies over Iraq? Shameful.
Rant over.....
They "the government" were in suplass then! By about 3% of GDP IIRC!
Gordon Borwn does not understand the national finances! Never has or will!
No doubt Gordon thought from 2003 till 2009 the finaces were in the black! Gordon Brown is an idiot!
Great quote. Brown is good at the BIG LIE. This morning we hear we are in for 10 years of Labour growth while the Tories will wreck the recovery. What are the Tories saying? They are unpicking little stitches with their mobile phones in jails story. Which of these tales is most likely to stick? Ask Goebbels.
This is from GB in 1992 about the BCCI affair. McCrap at his finest irony.
"Does this sorry episode not show that, while Ministers paid lip service to regulation, their ideological attachment to crude free market dogma meant that effective and tough regulation was never taken sufficiently seriously, with the result that the Bank of England's so-called "light hand" made it a soft touch for a crooked bank? Are we not paying a heavy price for the free -for-all of the 1980s which denied regulation its proper place in the management of our financial institutions? "
Another one from England's unelected Scotch ayatola circa 1989.
No wonder he goes on about "Britain Britain Britain".
“We, gathered as the Scottish Constitutional Convention, do hereby acknowledge the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of Government best suited to their needs, and do hereby declare and pledge that in all our actions and deliberations their interests shall be paramount”.
Gordon Brown - Scottish Claim of Right 1989
Most likely to hear this quote again today.
Tracy, Velocity Fulfillment
Well they did say they would be better than the Tories...
Perhaps the voters should have asked "at what?" before voting them in...
Better at sleaze, better at spin, better at smear, better at filling their boots with MY/OUR money!
We have had a decade of our worst economic performance since WW2, the government has apparently doubled the national debt (that took almost 300 years to incur) in less than ten! And the Brown/Blair Broadcasting Corporation think he is a genius!
Well, next year hopefully this nightmare will begin to end.
Have a good New Year,
Michael (G7AZW) still too bone idle to register so I left my callsign.
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