Time to sign off until 2010 and wish all my readers a really happy New Year. If 2009 has been eventful, I suspect it has nothing on 2010. It's a year I am hugely looking forward to both on a personal and professional basis. One way or another, I think it's going to be one of the most important of my life. I hope you'll be joining me on the rollercoaster than undoubtedly lies ahead.
I'm spending the New Year at home. I hate New Year's parties. They never quite live up to their billing in my experience. We've got our friend Jenny here too and John is cooking a meal at the moment. Gio is sitting by the table waiting for scraps, as his wont.
Thanks for your company in 2009. It's now time to look ahead with optimism and confidence.
Happy New Year everyone!
And to you too, Iain. Hope 2010 sees you in the Commons!
And to you too.
Happy New Year, Iain. Nice to see that you share Alan Clark's disdain for the faux bonhomie.....
Here's to a better one in 2010! ;)
Happy new year Iain, and to everybody!
"They never quite live up to their billing in my experience."
Thats because you live in the wrong part of these isles to appreciate a proper Hogmanay. All the best in the future and lets hope that we can remain friendly but seperate Nations each with our own needs and rights. Slainthe
"Hope 2010 sees you in the Commons!"
I'll second that. On the opposition benches though obviously.
Happy New Year, Iain.
A very Happy and Healthy New Year, Iain.
A Happy New Year Iain, to you and yours. Another year gone, another birthday (31st). 2010, what larks we may have..
Happy New Year Iain
I start off disliking NY parties, grow to hate them and then have a great time with old friends.
Let's hope that 2010 gives us a chance to do something different. Just getting that evil Scottish bastard out of No 10 will be a start. Once he goes, I'm convinced that DC could unleash a huge pent up desire to get the UK back on the world map - the Maggie factor. But I'm not sure he's got the cojones - please tell me I'm wrong.
Happy New Year, Iain.
wv - nowif. Interesting.
Happy New Year Iain and lang may yer lum reek.
And the best to you and yours, now get off your butt nd find that seat.
Iain, Your spat with Michael White during the Local elections on Sky News made their review of 2009.
Best wishes for 2010 to you too and whatever happens I hope your blogging continues as interesting and prolific as the last year has been.
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