1. Iain Martin foresees a winter of transport discontent.
2. Liberal England thinks the debates may be bad news for the LibDems.
3. Cranmer foresees litigation over the debates.
4. Dominic Llewellyn writes to his LibDem opponent - a former commenter on this blog.
5. Prodicus on why the Germans (and the EU) don't give a sod about the British.
6. Dan Hannan gives ten reasons to leave the EU.
7. Kerry McCarthy on the teacher who offered to pray for a sick child. I disagree with her but it's well argued.
8. Stephen Tall defends the Taxpayer's Alliance. Sort of.
9. Hopi Sen scripts a Tory PPB.
10. Puffbox on the pyzzle of political donations.
11. Public Affairs Central on the Labour contenders for the London mayoral nomination.
12. Donal Blaney writes to his sixteen year old self.
1 comment:
Hi Ian,
just had to post this gem From The Wall Street Journal,authored by Nigel Lawson - very dry humour at the end, but so true...
"The time has come to abandon the Kyoto-style folly that reached its apotheosis in Copenhagen last week, and move to plan B.
And the outlines of a credible plan B are clear. First and foremost, we must do what mankind has always done, and adapt to whatever changes in temperature may in future arise. This enables us to pocket the benefits of any warming (and there are many), while reducing the costs. And since none of the projected costs are new phenomena, but the possible exacerbation of the problems our climate already throws at us, addressing these problems directly is many times more cost-effective than anything discussed at Copenhagen. Nor does adaptation require a global agreement, although we may well need to help the very poorest countries (not China) to adapt.
And beyond adaptation, plan B should involve a relatively modest increased government investment in technological research and development—in energy, in adaptation and in geoengineering.
Despite the overwhelming evidence of the Copenhagen debacle, it is not going to be easy to get our leaders to move to Plan B. There is no doubt that calling a halt to the high-profile climate-change traveling circus risks causing a severe conference-deprivation trauma among the participants. If there has to be a small public investment in counseling, it would be money well spent."
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