Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Galloway is Owned

Galloway gets a trouncing by the editor of Dispatches. His strategy in this interview is exactly the same one that he used against me. And he is made to look a complete and utter berk. Again.


Keldorne said...

If I owned Galloway, the first thing I'd want would be a refund.

Alan Douglas said...

So, Iain, now we know where nutters like you and the Dispatches man get their air-time from !

And what a relief to have a man as upstanding as GG to put you both back in your rabid boxes ....

Alan Douglas

resurgemus said...

Absolute Classic !

A Stalinist Mini-me if ever there was one.

Anonymous said...

Galloway is utterly pathetic. I've not seen such a passive-aggressive attempt to dissemble around a viewpoint since Douglas Murray knocked Ken Livingstone out in a debate on multi-culturalism in London. Galloway's attempt to call the Dispatches editor a woman-beater was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I think the common parlance these days would be that Galloway was pwned (sic)

ArthurBea said...

Great entertainment, what a windbag, full of his own self-importance. He's not half as clever as he seems to think.

Blackacre said...

How can anyone vote for him?

Gazza's UsefulTips and Blog said...

Oh fabulous - gorgeous george caught with his undies in a tizzie. Excellent clip.

Plenty said...

And this guy is, or was an elected representative? What a hypocritical character he is. Going on about the interviewee's conduct in the interview, when he was clearly in a bullying mood. As for the substance, if he had let him answer the questions, he might have got somewhere. But that's the problem with socialists, they are not prepared to listen to debate, because their agenda is their right and everybody else is wrong. That just proves why we need some balanced conservatism back in this country.

Richard Elliot said...

Complete fool.

Anonymous said...

I'm suprised the BBC didn't make him head of BBC religious broadcasting.

Eric Cantona said...

Dearie me!

Gorgeous "indefatigable" George Galloway doesn't like the taste of his own medicine does he? I didn't hear many questions from him either, just a long, angry lecture.

The Despatches guy made Galloway look the arrogant fool that we all know he is. Not so effective with his "persuasive" arguments when he hasn't got control of the mute button is he?

I loved it when the guy laughed at him. So much for the "Respect" Party.

Anonymous said...

what a prat !!!

simon said...

Best thing i've seen on youtube for ages- beats the 'ninja cat' hands down! Could we nominate the c4 editor a knighthood for the smackdown of Galloway?

Rob said...

Is the inability to realise your opponent is right a trait of all scottish socialist MP's? Or just the vast majority of them?

Stepney said...

Sad really. You may as well have matched a mouse with a Chieftan tank.

Bless him, he's not very clever and his performance under pressure is pathetic.

When the political history of the present era is recounted he won't even make a footnote in the first draft.


Simon said...

Galloway seems to have lost the plot lately which is a shame. Think back to his superb demolition of the US Senators which was a joy to watch. I hope he finds his form again.

Also I see he's on the list of 25 MP's who voted against the motion to keep MP's exempt from the FOI act over expenses. That makes him one of the tiny minority of honourable people in Westminster and he should be applauded for it.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

No tip of the hat, Iain? :o)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. What an idiot!

Unknown said...

What a complete tool Galloway made of himself. I mean, his 'point' was absolute nonsense.

Pavlovs Cat said...

Anyone know what channel this is so I can buy the station and have this idiot transfered to the comedy department.......

PhilC said...

Nice case study in how to handle such 'interviews'.
Laughting a lot and don't let the shock jock divert you.

Tina said...

I am a Conservative voter, and I really like George. He's a refreshing antidote to today's grey, dull, dishonest politicians. Gorgeous George Rocks!

Victor, NW Kent said...


That must have been one of Galloway's very rare appearances in the Commons. From memory I think he has the worst attendance record of all MPs.

That does not prevent him from claiming a good quantum of expenses.

WV= fallaza, sounds like a Palestinian organisation.

Anonymous said...

Galloway looked a complete fool, but over on Youtube the comments are very favourable to him. Very disturbing...

Bugledog said...

David Henshaw did a brilliant job making Galloway look pathetic.

OscottLocal said...

Now that's entertainment. The man is a nasty nasty piece of work.

Anonymous said...

Galloway uses the bully tactics, Livingstone uses the false statistic that sounds plausible. Both are con men!

Plato said...

Imagine being trapped in a lift with him!!

Anonymous said...

My wv is also my comment on Galloway and Simon:


golden_balls said...

Doesn't Galloway know what a fool he looks with this bullying style interview.

But this time *no offence ian* the interviewee was more than a match for him.

I could watch george being humiliated
all day

Not a sheep said...

There is a better quality and fuller version of this video here.

I blogged about this interview back in September and I said at the time "Congratulations to David Henshaw from Dispatches' "Undercover Mosque" programme for treating George Galloway with all due respect."

I have been blogging about George Galloway for quite a while and he never surprises me with his faux outrage.

Anonymous said... full of his own importance, very sad individual.

happyuk said...

Gorgeous George is a great showman, but cannot debate, but rather forcefully shout down.

I agree with the previous poster that he looked good in the US senate with all that verbal, but in situations like these he is hopeless - what really fucks him up is when people don't take him as seriously as he would like.

At the end of the day there are just too many Jocks in government lording it over us...

Ian said...

The man's a disgrace - anyone remember the shameful leaflets used in the election campaign where he unseated Oona King - one of the most dedicated MPs you could imagine. The leaflet superimposed her head on a picture of a tank (around the time of the Iraq war). She also had to have police protection near the end of the campaign because the police knew of credible threats to her personal safety. Of course it was nothing to do with anyone involved in the Galloway campaign. Or anyone they knew. Plausible deniability - always the refuge of the hard left thugs.

Anonymous said...

He's just another tosser,

golden_balls said...

thanks for the link not a sheep

it was even better the second time round he's such a prat how i wish i lived in his constituency just to have the pleasure of voting for anyone other than gorgeous george.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous George is a legend in his own mind!

Big brother and a leotard is about as low as you can get.

The sooner this man is really exposed the better.

Yours Aye.

Ex Bootneck

TrueBlueBlood said...

Thoroughly enjoyed that Iain. thanks for posting.

What a berk galloway is.

Anonymous said...

He is Britain's very own Glenn beck.

Kate. said...

heh what great comedy..

Not Sure said...

Iain (et al), please see Not a sheep May 13, 2009 9:38 AM for full version.

Your edited version totally misrepresents the whole interview.

Galloway does answer the only David Henshaw question on 3 separate occasions and definitely comes out a winner in the debate, the context of which was why the exclusively covert nature of the documentary is misleading British public on Islam via extremism.

Further, again during the full version Henshaw was challenged as to the validity of the female preacher who spewed her bile on film; surprisingly no reply

Galloway style is not soft but this cut down version does not represent the interview.

My hope Iain is that you were unaware of its edited nature, for if you were then you are misleading your audience which is unfair and rather sad

Anonymous said...

Galloway is a completely deluded idiot.

He was made to look completely inadequate and his only answer to the rebuttal of his absurd propositions was to metaphorically put his fingers in his ears and go "La-dah-wah-la-de-dah."

Liz said...

"I am not shouting, George. I am laughing at you."

As are we all, George. (I'm punctuating it with a bit of cringing too.)

Where is Keyboard Cat when you need him?

Dave H said...

A snippet of the comments on the YouTube version of this, which are overwhelmingly supportive of Galloway:

"may Allah guide the host of this interview.ameen. "

"the producer of 'undercover mosques' is a complete joke. gallowned!"

"Hes a Legend...Enuf Respect"

"I just Love This George Galloway, He is a true Legend!!!!! Long Live Galloway"

"I enjoyed the video. Thanks you."

"channel 4 producer is an bias & idiot. Galloway the braveheart"

"We are laughing at you,
Taig bhoy."

"someone should invite Galloway to Islam...I don't think it'll take him long to study Islam and convert"

"I bet he wasn't expecting an interview like this lol. These khabese need to be exposed like this."

"So true, he is a one off mashaAllah."

Somehow I don't think multiculturalism can ever work.

FrankieMac said...

"I'M ASKING THE QUESTIONS!" Wannabe Stalinist, hilarious stuff. Love the way the Dispatches guy laughed at him the whole way through.

Why did you leave out Galloway's strongest parts of the interview though Iain, we can all see what a tool he is without sneaky editing.

Little Black Sambo said...

"Not Sure" - what a strange name; you seem very sure indeed. "Galloway style is not soft" - very true; he won't stop talking and bullies any one who disagrees with him. "Unfair and rather sad" - what the devil do you mean by "sad"? That patronizing and putting-down language has no place in a discussion between grownups. In fact, you display some of the Galloway character yourself, "Not Sure".

Iain Dale said...

It's not my video. It's on Youtube FFS.

Anonymous said...

The whiff of desperation in the air is rife Iain....why trawl through the archives for an interview that happened probably a year ago to try and make a childish point about your new nemesis.

Your jealousy towards him, however, is understandable....he has sat for 5 terms in the House of Commons, a place you have can only dream of sitting, he hosts an extremely popular late night phone in on a national radio station, something you, erm, dont, and whilst Galloway is a popular speaker all over the world, you are little known by anyone outside of the the Westminster Village and the blogosphere.

Just as with your friend Paul Staines found out with Michael White, and you found out with Galloway, when bloggers try and and muscle it with the political top dogs, you invariably come out 2nd best, and have to resort to petty things like this

Could you imagine GG giving 2 figs about you in a way you clearly, and painfully do, about him

Tax Gweilo said...

Surely this is a spoof, not even Galloway can be such a buffoon

Colin said...

Galloway is a complete Foulkes...

wild said...

I notice that Lefties use the "do not let your opponent have a chance to reply so interrupt and talk over them" strategy a lot. It indicates to me that hardcore "Leftism" is not so much a political position as a psychological disorder.

He has absolutely no interest (nor ever will have) in truth. It is as pointless attempting to reason with him as it would be to persuade a lunatic that the moon is not made of cheese.

Like most "preachers of hate" he is a malignant narcissist. He feeds off grievances in the same way that a fungus feeds off rotting wood. Such people are naturally drawn to politics, which is one reason why clever people invented the concept of a limited State.

Jon Lishman said...

Well, Galloway resorted to your basic playground abuse at the end (with a standard PC twist, naturally). Never seen the old fraud so rattled.

We know he's a total, utter, world-class, preening, mendacious hypocrite. I guess after that royal 'ownage' now he knows he really isn't as clever as he thinks he is, too.


Anonymous said...

George Galloway although from Dundee is very similar to Michael Martin from Glasgow a typical scottish socialist with a chip on his shoulder. They will never ever admit they are wrong and although proclaiming to be super socialists they will always allow their greed to become their undoing.

Martin said...

Galloway is a tosspot. A tool. That fact he manages ot get elected sohws just how low our political system has become.

Anonymous said...

Iain would George's views make an appologist for Muslims who preach messages of violence?

After all he seems more vehement in his support of these people than you were in support of Mrs

Complete and utter tosser

Andrew F said...

The answer to the question that guy asked nine times is Westboro Baptist church. But Louis Theroux already did a documentary about them. It was bloody good.

Not Sure said...

Little Black Sambo i admire Iain Dale and his lucid passion, but there are Ways and Means to exact revenge. This post doesnt work for me. VIEW Not a sheep May 13, 2009 9:38 AM for full version. Listen carefully plus read Anonymous May 13, 2009 1:55 PM to explain "Sad". As for my avatar, it should be clear from above.

johnny olde-testament said...

Iain, I salute you for your indefatigabiity. Gorgeous George, what a thick hoon.

peter_dtm said...

why is this traitor being employed by any British company.

The man is a hoon

but we knew that anyway - it is just the media that don't

can we have an 'expenses gate' on the left wing illiberal bias of our media

The North Briton said...

Hahaha, up yours Galloway! Go to see his tu quoque BS being exposed for what it is.

"Would you like be the cat?"

Unknown said...

To quote a rather more eminent Scot "O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us."
Presumably Gorgeous George only sees what he sees in the mirror - and obviously loves what he sees.

niconoclast said...

What a prize plonker Galloway is.Laughter is the antidote to hostile interlocutors like him.

Jabez Foodbotham said...

Now that you have gone one bout in the ring with Gorgeous George you will know next time how to handle this hectoring bully and buffoon.

David Hughes said...

Isn't Galloway a total prick ?
Can you just imagine him in a 'pub' discussion without him getting beaten down - both in argument and physically ?

David said...

Iain - your heading said "Galloway is owned" - bought and paid for in full would have been a more accurate receipt.
Now, about the Iraqi oill, george ? Whither thou goest ? ( Old Testament, I think!)

Unknown said...

Simon said...

Also I see he's on the list of 25 MP's who voted against the motion to keep MP's exempt from the FOI act over expenses. That makes him one of the tiny minority of honourable people in Westminster and he should be applauded for it.

I forget, didn't this doubtlessly fine upstanding pillar of rectitude not have some little local difficulty concerning several million barrels of oil a wee while ago.

Will said...

If I may use some pertinent internet slang, "PWNED!"