2. Andrew Bolt's Top Ten Climate Change Myths.
3. English Eclectic says it is time for a political alignment.
4. UK Disabled Bloggers accuses Liberal Conspiracy of mocking the disabled.
5. Craig Murray thinks I have taken sides in the battle between him and Charles Crawford (cf yesterday's DD).
6. Hopi Sen says Brown should debate Cameron.
7. Paul Linford says that all hell will break loose on 6 June.
8. Cicero's Songs on breaking the mould - 30 years on.
9. Craig Murray on incredible coincidences.
10. Alix Mortimer asks if comment really is free in Polly Toynbee's case.
11. Lindylooz Muse says Labour defectors should go to the Tories, not the LibDems.
12. The Yorksher Gob has a new home and a new name. And a new, er, colour.
Hammers did alright today. Love Newcastle but went to college in Hull - sheeeeeite. Business end of the season.
I think Brown may be a forgotten PM. Just a thought.
There's talk of local fiscal policy and 10% cuts - are these rumours believable?? To the batcave...
WV: botox - err..seems a bit invasive.
Am listening to the Ianucci opera on t'radio and it's a bit pants. Had a difficult slot to fill as Met finished last week. He's not making use of the mezzo - the work horse, the lacky, the dogs body. They carry the sentiment and set the scenes.
I've been reading your co-nominess for t'orwell prize thing and they are awfully good. Nice pragmatism and yet manifestly concerned & motivated - good crew.
Hi Iain -
I'm Judd Corizan and I am the administrator for the blog Sunday Stealing. Every week we search the blogosphere and steal someone's meme. This week we stole yours titled “The Twenty Firsts Meme”. We give you full credit, of course and provide a link back to your blog. We are the most popular Sunday meme on the internet. We have 50 some players who do our memes. In fact we invite you to join us in future weeks. We have a great bunch of bloggers playing, who comment on each other's memes every week! A lot of our previous "victims of our theft" are now weekly players. It usually publishes between 3 PM Saturday afternoon (EDT) to Sunday at 12 AM (EDT) Thanks a lot! Have a great weekend!
Iain, I know that inclusion on the 'Daley Dozen' is no endorsement.
But why are you including rubbish like 'global warming denying' crap ?
Maybe you would like to tell us your views on this subject so that we can see whether you are as thick and as scientifically illiterate as to put your views above that of 90% of the scientific community.
And thereby endanger the planet by carrying on burning up oil as though there was no tomorrow, until it is too damned late to do anything about it. Just like your support for tobacco companies who are probably even now trying to create a smokescreen over the incontrovertible evidence for the scientific link between smoking and lung cancer.
Global warming is even more serious than that - because it is concerning the cancer of the lungs of the planet. Just because it is a bit bloody inconvenient, and may cramp your style, [just like giving up smoking, I guess ] it does not make the reality of rising sea levels any easier to ignore.
Wake up and smell the coffee, so that we can see whether Tories really do understand the reality, or are just going to f*ck about on the edges with environmental policy and continue the New Labour strategy of fiddling while the planet burns.
We deserve to know BEFORE WE VOTE!
Judd Corizan sounds like a twat. Straight off the bat.
You are right. A lot of Tory voters don't give a F*ck about climate change. Never mind - that's democracy for you.
To the anonymous person who just left a comment. If you want to call me a ****, you can bloody well put your name to your comment.
Sorry I forgot to say, I thought you Iain had the upper hand in the debate without a shadow of doubt. You kept your cool while he ranted,
always a sign of someone losing the plot. Well done, Iain.
Oh,yawn, global warming denial again.
You're trying for George Monbiot's prize, aren't you - but I don't think it works second hand.
Try here http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/georgemonbiot/2009/apr/30/climate-change-scepticism-climate-change
for all the proofs of why it's nonsense.
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