Saturday, January 10, 2009

Derek Draper Launches New Labour Blog

Gaby Hinsliff has the STORY for tomorrow's Observer that the much vaunted Derek Draper blog initiative launches this week. Draper himself will be the editor and seems to be modelling it very much on ConservativeHome. It's called and will call into question the future of Alex Hilton's LabourHome site, which has never really taken off.

From what the story says, I think Draper has three problems - funding, independence and contributors. If people in the Labour Party see this as a New Labour project, it's unlikely to get the level of readership needed to rival the likes of ConHome. ConHome is successful because of its grassroots appeal and the fact that everyone in the Party reads it. Draper's task is to make LabourList a must-read for all Labour activists. But this will be difficult with no budget. ConHome has relied of Stephan Shakespeare to fund two full time staffers since it launched in 2005 [Correction: ConHome points out that there was no funding for the first year]. I cannot see LabourList lasting very long if Draper has to fund it himself. Looking at the contributors list it is very much a Who's Who of New Labour, with the odd leftie thrown in for good measure. ConHome's success has in part been down to its ability to attract fine writers who are not names in their own right. The likes of Graeme Archer, Alex Deane and Andrew Lilico have enabled the site to develop without needing to rely on a constant stream of articles by so-called star names.

The site also needs to ensure very quickly that it is not seen as a party-pris site. It can enjoy good relations with the Labour Party, but it must not be of it. It needs to have its own raison d'etre and its own agenda, which will sometimes diverge from that of the Party.

It will be interesting to see how it develops.

UPDATE: The following blogs have reaction to the Draper initiative...

Spectator Coffee House

Guido Fawkes
Bob Piper
Jon Worth

UPDATE: Derek Draper has written an ARTICLE on LabourList for the Mail on Sunday.
UPDATE: Mike Rouse has done a technical analysis of LabourList HERE.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James Higham said...

funding, independence and contributors


Anonymous said...

Well, perhaps they've blocked all Israeli government propagandists like you.

Silent Hunter said...

Is anyone allowed to comment on Dollys blog?

Or is it only for members of his Rabid Re-But-But Squad.

BTW Iain, why is the excrable Bob Piper's blog being touted on your esteemed pages.
The man is an Oaf! and his blog is a virtual intelligence free zone.

Anonymous said...

And please refrain from calling me a 'twat' for simply challenging your one-sided view of the Gaza conflict.

Will you deprecate the deaths of the hundreds of children killed at the hands of Israeli forces? Or will you simply continue to attack Hamas, the movement that won the Palestinian parliamentary elections?

Iain Dale said...

Well stop acting like one then.

Derek Draper said...

Iain, three good questions, of course. Re: funding, let's see. I think we will get advertisers and donors as I think people will think we fill an important space. But time will tell.
As for independence, again, time will tell. We will be open, and debate will be encouraged, as iI amke clear in the Observer and Mail on Sunday tomorrow. As for contributors I am determined to get new people writing, and you will note that anyone can ask to write for us. Already though I would suggest you watch out for imminenent posts from Alex Smith, Stella Creasy, SarahMulholland - all high quality writers with something interesting to say. Keep visiting the site for more!

Nic Conner said...

Hoe duse it fell to be on the "Z" list Iain? I know if I was you I would pop it on my CV.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Dolly baby, why can't people reg up on your webshite? None of the links seem to work.

It's just a glossy facade on complete incompetence, a perfect simile for New Labour, really.

JuliaM said...

Might it not be an idea to ensure, on the day it launches, it had some content?

Left hand menu - 'not published yet' all the way down.


Null said...

Their contributors' list is like a Who's Who of people you shouldn't answer the door to.

Hacked Off said...

The site doesn't work, has no content.

Very Nu-Liebore, in fact!

Some News - Ginger Minger Sacked. No, not the Chipmunk.

The Penguin

Man in a Shed said...

Lets make sure the tax payer isn't footing the bill for any of this, as we've had to do with Gordon's political campaigning "in the regions".

Derek Draper said...

well, obnoxio, you can register, so get on with it, and julia m, we are launching! so content will be coming, in fact, we've just posted a great peicee by simon fletcher and just wait for tomorrow!

Man in a Shed said...

Isn't this really a Platform 10 type clone ?

Michael said...

No self-respecting website has 2 vertical scrollbars on a page...

JuliaM said...

"..we are launching! so content will be coming,.."

Oh, I'm sure the masses are waiting with bated breath. If you had content, why not make it available the second the page went live?

NuLab doesn't 'get' blogging, does it?

Chucklenuts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chucklenuts said...

Can I just say Iain, that someone is going around imposturing me.

Cate Munro said...

Oh my God - it's awful!! Hideous in fact! Definitely smacks of desperate measures in desperate times; and surprise surprise, it's edited by his Royal dreariness Derek Draper. Keep up the good work Iain! Tp

Derek Draper said...

julia m

we have commissioned content to come in FROM when we launch so it is err...err... UP TO DATE? get it?

oh, and i am sure your critcisms come from having launched a project as big as this on a "shoestring" as it says in the observer - or do you just tap into blogger now and again when you aren't busy being an elf

Cate Munro said...

Just noticed, in the left hand scroll bar, near the top (but not quite - as in real life!) a pic. of David Lammy with the words "not published yet!" Thank f*** for that's, all I can say!

JuliaM said...

"we have commissioned content to come in FROM when we launch so it is err...err... UP TO DATE? get it?"

Any half way decent web design team would have ensured that, when you launched, you had content up, not promising it later.

Oh, wait. 'Half way decent web design team'. It's all clearer now...

"...i am sure your critcisms come from having launched a project as big as this on a "shoestring" as it says in the observer - or do you just tap into blogger now and again when you aren't busy being an elf"

Typical NuLab man, whining that he wasn't given enough money... ;)

And it's night elf, to you..

Hah! Pwned!

Anonymous said...

I find it kind of ironic that on the Day Draper launches his blog I close down the Nick Clegg = Neil Kinnock blog! Still better to leave the punters wanting more rather than being indifferent like they will be to the new Labour Blog(Mock Sarcasim!).

What a waste of time - Who the hell would want to read another Labour blog? Nobody reads the tosh on offer by the left already! Better to hang to the right and read good blogs!

JuliaM said...

"Just noticed, in the left hand scroll bar, near the top (but not quite - as in real life!) a pic. of David Lammy with the words "not published yet!" Thank f*** for that's, all I can say!"

Oh, but wait! After his utterly dismal showing on 'Mastermind', perhaps they'll have him write a column on English History?

That'll be worth bookmarking this sorry attempt at a site for...

Derek Draper said...

julia m

this will be probably be our last conversations as you have proved yourself illogical

the reason we haven't got content "lined-up" is because, by definition, it would have been dated. we are live from NOW, why not just wait a few days, eh!

Chucklenuts said...

Draper you fool, I told you not to speak to real people damn you.

Get back here to ze bunker immediately for a good slapping, and I don't have to tell you what that means, do I?

JuliaM said...

"the reason we haven't got content "lined-up" is because, by definition, it would have been dated. "


You launched today. You therefore ensure you have content today. Ready for the eager hordes you are expecting to read all about your exciting new venture.

Isn't this quite a simple thing to understand?

How would the 'Telegraph's web page have been received if they'd launched with no news, but a promise that 'news will be coming, folks!'..?

Anonymous said...

just read through the list of people involved on the labourlist, "oh what inspiration"
same old, same old, crap, just the same as new labour, but same old S'*t!
the people with no imagination.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the thought of Derek Draper starting a blog can get so many people's knickers in a twist.

What's the big deal? The more the merrier. I say > best of luck to Derek Draper.

force12 said...

Will their be space for debating life in New Labour Britain as superbly analysed by Bristol Dave on Old Holborn's blog?

JuliaM said...

"I can't believe the thought of Derek Draper starting a blog can get so many people's knickers in a twist."

Heh. We're laughing at him. Not worried by him..

Anonymous said...

and I'm sure he is sooo laughing at you too.


Anonymous said...

Draper will have to have a shave, wash behind his ears and start blowing his nose before I think of reading his blog.

Cate Munro said...

. .."this will be probably be our last conversations as you have proved yourself illogical . ."

Errrrr . .*boggle* again! Basic grammatical error here I do suspect! Hope the standard's going to be a bit more up to scratch on said Blog 'proper!' Ha!

Go JuliaM! Bravo!

Old Holborn said...

Derek, a couple of questions

1. Will ALL comments be allowed, including anon? (like mine?)

2. Will all swearing be allowed (like mine?)

3. Will it be advert free (like mine?)

4. Will it be any good (like mine?)

Elby the Beserk said...

Can't wait. Always a huge delight to give Dolly a good slapping. Iain - has he managed to wash his hair recently? I offered to send him a razor and a shampoo, but he never replied. So RUDE.

Old Holborn said...


Why isn't your site in Urdu and BIG LETTERS so that blind Muslims can read it?

Is that a bit exclusive?

What about your core voters of millions of fat, Stella swigging unemployables currently glued to Eastenders on their publicly financed 52" Plasmas? How will you reach them?

Prodicus said...

Right hand column: 'Tories under scrutiny'. So, it's like... another ConHome then? Oh, wait...

Nah. Pisspoor. They don't get it, do they? They will, though - in the neck, come the revolution, tell Gordon.

Prodicus said...

How to make Gordon love your new website.

Lesson One: make your first Daily Quote one from Tony Blair.

Lesson Two: make Blair's quote critical of the way Gordon's been regulating (not) the financial system.

Excellent, Dolly. Keep it up, old thing. By the way, you need a shampoo and set from the look of you in the photo.

wv: nackerse

Old Holborn said...


Do you have ANY idea what you are letting yourself in for?

Blogging is hard work. Not something you are used to.

JuliaM said...

"3. Will it be advert free (like mine?)"

Nope! They proudly proclaim, in the bottom right hand corner:





Can't even get spellcheck working! Ye gods...

JuliaM said...

Actually. that announcement that 'avertisements' won't be up until official launch date of 12th Feb, and the lack of content from the supposed 'Big Names', makes this look like a site that just went live today by accident.

How about it, Dolly? Do you suffer from premature ejaculation (in the web 2.0 sense)...?

Derek Draper said...

old holborn - i have only read three things you have ever written and i will not be bothering again - how do you know how hard a work?

Cate Munro said...

HHhhmmmm - I've just spied the "lunchtime" list on said 'Blog'. WTF? Is this something the hardy 'contributors' in the 'LEFT HAND SCROLL BAR' intend to work through whilst writing their 'contributions' in order to stave off group 'premature ejaculation?' . . .Just a thought. All suggestions welcome ;-)

Jimmy said...

"Blogging is hard work."

Coal mining is hard work. Blogging isn't.

Jimmy said...


I'm not entirely clear what you've done to warrant the tory bloggerati's obsession with you but whatever it is keep up the good work.

Dick Puddlecote said...

Draper: "and you will note that anyone can ask to write for us."

Really? How about a piece explaining how Labour's fascistic ban culture has destroyed community and camaraderie in Britain, in favour of selfishness, intolerance, and bigotry?

I could write something like that if you like.

If I did, who would proof-read it? Please say NOT you!

JuliaM said...

" do you know how hard a work?.."


I guess we know who does the proofreading. This really IS a 'one-man-and-his-dog' blog :)

To paraphrase the immortal Samual L Jackson: "English, mother******! Do You Speak It? "

Unknown said...

Good Luck to Derek Draper. I'm not a Tory but I like Conservative Home and this blog (though Iain could do with finding a better class of commenters). There's definitely a gap in the market for a Labour blog, especially if it can retain enough independence to be a critical friend, where needed.

Let a thousand flowers bloom, I say!

Derek Draper said...

jimmy! come to and post

Derek Draper said...

dick puccledote, now, try and grasp this, dear, it's ALBOUR blog

Unsworth said...

@ Draper

As you rightly say, we shall see. So far I wouldn't give it even 2/10. I mean it looks OK-ish but as people here say, what about the content?

You launch and then you say 'ah but content will follow'? Would you even open a fag shop like that? How do you think people will be tempted back when you actually do have something - anything - worth a even passing glance? Blogs aren't like a corner shop, are they? You going to have any exclusives?

Frankly you'd have been better off not launching until you had a full deck of cards. So what was the hurry? If it was my money going into this project I'd have pulled it by now.

So is this a commercial or a political operation? If it's commercial then shareholders would be very wise to sell on right now. They won't see a return on their money for months - if ever. If political then it's not started too well, has it?

Ralph Hancock said...

The logo is reminiscent of the 'sign of the Double Cross' on the armband of the Great Dictator Adenoid Hynkel.

Derek Draper said...

unsworth. people will come back. you will come back. it'll get more column inches and blog posts in the next few days than you've had hot dinners. it has existed for 5 hours, come back in 5 days and let us know what you think then, eh?

@molesworth_1 said...

If I go to a blog full of mispelt & gramatically incorrect ineptitude, apparent even before I click through to the comments section, then it is likely that that site will recieve my warranted contempt within about an eighth of a second.
I am hoping that some obliging techno-soul might let us all know how to "register to comment" without letting them all know who we all are. If you get my drift...
By the time it launches there will be such a back-pressure of opposing blog-surfers & comment-monkeys that their comment section is going to look a woefully misguided air-war against a substantially superior foe. Unless they can deploy a few 'Red' Barons & take down some big names soon they are going to find the going tough. I'm expecting to see a lot of 'em bailing, parachuting back to PublicSectorEarth,if not the real world.

strapworld said...


I am sorry but a Derek Draper appears to believe this is his blog! But his contributions are typical of a man who is suffering from self adoration - indeed he is a legend in his own mind.

So, Please Mr draper you go to your typical Labour idea -i.e. Central Control - and you dictate -as New Labour do!- the contributions and you will soon discover that even you, and your great intelligence, cannot understand blogging.

I, for one, will never visit your blog until I read that you have called for Gordon Brown, and his entire incompetent cabinet, to be removed, and Alan Milburn installed as leader.

That is what you suggested a few months ago, was it not?

Goodnight and Goodbye.

Jimmy said...

"...mispelt...gramatically...recieve ..."

Was that intended to be ironic?

Anonymous said...

Derek - You seem to have a picture that looks like Guido on his passport picture!!

All you need is is to have a black bar put over your eyes - I would say slit but that sounds rude or the PC left might think i was being lingustically indiscret like prince phillip!

If you get any articles by Neil Kinnock on your blog I am sure he will make a big splash!!!!

Unsworth said...

@ Draper

Why? Give me a reason. You say it will get better. The whole charade of the NuLab decade has been to say 'it is getting/will get better'. The game, old chap, is 'Delivery and Credibility'. It's not the 'Bullshit' game we've become accustomed to in ten years and more. We're all very tired indeed of that.

What may just save your blog is for some honesty and integrity to manifest itself. Now, are you up to that?

As to hot dinners - we'll they're certainly getting pretty scarce these days aren't they? Must be something to do with this 'global economic dificult time' that that strange Mr Brown keeps talking about.

In the meantime - is your blog commercially or politically funded? Simple enough question. Straight answer would be interesting. (Oh, that means a direct answer, of course. You know, the old fashioned Yes or No sort of stuff that people used to do.)

Unsworth said...


Have you never read 'Down with Skool' by Molesworth?

Chiz. You must be some sort of Wet.

Take a trip:

Jimmy said...


You're quite right. I missed the literary reference.

Derek Draper said...

awww! molesworth wants to be anonymous! grow up

Anonymous said...

Derek Draper = Neil Kinnock!


strapworld said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Derek Draper said...

unsworth - your question desn't even make sense. we have a financial statement on the site

Chucklenuts said...

Beware of imitations.

I'm much better looking than that other Draper, ergo I must be the real one.

Anonymous said...

Seriously though Derek - The Mcdonalds joke might backfire on you!

Never heard of the epic litigation battle between a group of penniless environmentalists and Mcdonalds?

Bad move! Your site could end up being battered & fried!

Chucklenuts said...

Ere Draper, have the pubs shut early or summat?

T England. Raised from the dead. said...

Firstly, that is one sad opening for a site with such ambitions!

Secondly, Drapers contributors are a hard working bunch aren’t they, you can tell by the way they all had a post ready for him to put up on his not so grand opening!

Thirdly, I can clearly see that Draper has no style but surely it shouldn’t be reflected in his site, is it just me or is that one horrible layout? Lots of empty space on it as well, I take it he went for the cheap option when it came to a bit of colour here & there!

Very disappointed, I thought scruffy would have done a lot better, I thought he’d come out all guns blazing, instead his got a dribbling water pistol!

Derek Draper said...

strapworld: they are visiting the in-laws. i have read over two hundred comments since 3pm this afternoon, and yours is the most pathetic. congratulations

Derek Draper said...

martin day - its what happens when you search images in google ;)

Chucklenuts said...

Mr. Diaper.

I was going give your blog a chance until I saw that twonk Piers Morgan was gonna to be a 'guest' writer.

Have you no standards?

Oops, silly question.

bryboy said...

This new leftie blog sounds like the best fun the blogosphere has had for a while. One cannot defend the indefensible so it looks like a match between Mr Galloway and hundreds of disgruntled bloggers.

Labour supporters exist only to feather their own nests because they are devoid of policies, ideas or integrity.

This new blog leaves them open to attacks from real people not the rules of the parliamentary gentleman's club which David Cameron inhabits.

Julia M has welcomed you to our world Derek. Good Luck because I really think that will need it!

Derek Draper said...

its not your world anymore bry boy ;)

Unsworth said...

@ Draper

So you "receive no money from the Labour Party". And that, in your view, equates to what? Do you, for example, receive monies from Labour supporters? If so, are they political donations or commercial loans? And define "growth of the site". Maybe the Electoral Commission needs to take a close look at these terms - they seem pretty elastic to me.

So, the dissembling begins.

Anonymous said...

Derek said "its not your world anymore"

Yes and Labour won't be in the world of government much longer either.

Those of us who have lost our jobs already pin the blame on Labour.

The Rubbish Labour and Brown come out with about 'doing things' to help people is beyond belief - it would be funny if I did not see what long-term unemployment does through my own eyes. I have been out of work over 6 months now - there is no help brought forward by the government for me: Nothing - no help with heating nothing!

Labour are the deliver nothing party! You will be destroyed as a political organisation for well over a generation: Labour are doomed - DOOMED at the next election!

Derek Draper said...

ok unsworth, you still don't make sense but clearly can't see why so let's leave it there

Derek Draper said...

ok, unsworth, you still don't make sense but clearly can't see why so let's leave it there...

Chucklenuts said...

Are you seeing double already?

Time for a lie down.

Derek Draper said...

touche west ham shirt

actually just opening the laurent perrier, its going rather well don't you think?

Dick Puddlecote said...

Draper: "dick puccledote, now, try and grasp this, dear, it's ALBOUR blog"

OK. I know it's crass to criticise spelling and grammar etc, but come on. You have to be having a laugh here if you can't get my name right or your own party.

Back O/T, it was a genuine offer. You said that you would encourage debate earlier, so how better to do so than by including a piece that sets out how Labour's illiberal ban culture has irrevocably fractured the fabric of society and given importance to those who, as I stated, are bigoted, intolerant, and selfish?

So, just to clarify, you want debate, but only on degrees of how perfect Labour are then?

I'm sure it will be a scream.

Unsworth said...

@ Draper

So, no ability to answer a couple of simple questions about your funding then. OK, having flagged that up we can leave it there.

But given that you already declared your blog to be a Labour supporting site, maybe you'll need to talk to your accountants - let alone the Electoral Commission - before you get in much further. You know how embarrassing this sort of thing can be... Maybe Iain can help you with this.

Chucklenuts said...

Laurent Perrier Champagne?

And I'll wager I'm ******* paying for it given you're a socialist.

Anonymous said...

What's Derek angling for?

To run for office as an MP? Or maybe a Peerage? If it is a Peerage Derek you better get it before the next election!

I look forward to your reply as well - failure to reply will be seen as something to hide.

The Grim Reaper said...

"Person launches new Labour-supporting blog" is the equivalent of "bear has sh*t in woods" in news terms. Just wish Draper well and be on your way.

Don said...

Derek, I note that you describe yourself as the editor of Labourlist. Is the for reasons of ego, no other person running a website of that nature that I know of does. Or does this indicate that it is a paid post. If so who is doing the paying. (I am leaning toward the ego angle myself, I doubt anybody would pay for an "editor" of such an item)

Derek Draper said...

puddleduck - it was a KOJE

Derek Draper said...

ummm... tim montgomerie?

Anonymous said...

What's Derek angling for?

To run for office as an MP? Or maybe a Peerage? If it is a Peerage Derek you better get it before the next election!

I look forward to your reply as well - failure to reply will be seen as something to hide.

January 10, 2009 10:04 PM

Don said...

Derek, so it is ego then, the same as Tim. Just to clear things up completely are you being paid to act as editor. Yes or no will do.

Derek Draper said...

god you're boring. is it jealousy? read the observer tomorrow eh? and our financial statement...

Don said...

Will do, but I suspect as with all things Labour it will leave more questions than answers.
Not really a good start so far is it? Still things can only get better.

Chucklenuts said...

Why wasn't I bloody invited Derek?

Unknown said...


I applaud your attempt at getting a decent Labour blog going. The Labour Blogsphere is pretty much limited to Tom Harris as the moment - nothing else is worth bothering with.

As someone sat firmly in the political centre, yet to take a side, yet with an open mind to all I can safely say you have a bookmark from me.

One small request though. Please keep any Jackie Smith as far away from your blog as possible, both in topic and person.

Best of luck! :)

Tory Boy said...

Draper, just give up and get your hair cut.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

All round the blogosphere, people are conspiring to hurt my feelings. Iain has ignored my post about Dolly's blog and now Dolly's ignoring my request to GET HIS BLOODY RSS FEED WORKING, IT'S NOT DIFFICULT YOU KNOW!

Anonymous said...

OMG if I was ever even going to consider voting for DC and his modern Tory Party this has given me so many reasons not to!

What a joke.

Are Tories tolerant? I can't see it.

Why can't Derek Draper just blog and get on with it?

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Why can't Derek Draper just blog and get on with it?

Good question. Will you let us know if you find out the answer?

JuliaM said...

"Are Tories tolerant?"

Don't know. I'm not one.

But at a guess, I'd say they aren't tolerant. Of poorly planned and executed websites, that is...

Elby the Beserk said...

At January 10, 2009 4:21 PM , Blogger JuliaM said...

Might it not be an idea to ensure, on the day it launches, it had some content?

Content? Julia, this is New Labour we are talking about here.

Elby the Beserk said...

Dolly dearie.

Couple of things.

1. Layout is a TOTAL mess. Thought about registering, then decided I couldn't be bothered

2. You write "This is a challenging but exciting time for Labour. Twelve years in office have brought huge advances to Britain"

I wouldn't exactly call bringing about the worst economic collapse in decades a "huge advance". You been self-medicating again?

Elby the Beserk said...

To the many dimwits posting here, and elsewhere (Piper for starters), loathing Labour does not mean you are a Tory? Got it? I voted Labour from my first vote in 1970 until Iraq.

Now I am implacably imposed to all that the party stands for, and mourn what it once was. As one paper noted recently, the Labour party once stood as the political wing of the Methodists - now it represents all that is worst and oppressive about the state.

As for Brown. Words fail me that anyone can accept such a man as PM, a man who lies as if he were born to, and a man who cannot answer a straight question. Ever.

No wonder New Labour got rid of the crime of treason, for they themselves are an act of treason against this once fine country.

Got it? I am no Tory. And I loathe you and all you stand for.

And Jimmy, no - we are just looking forward to giving him a good slapping, as we do whenever he pops up on CiF. Enormous fun

davidc said...

after reading such content as there was on labourlist (very thin - who would open a business with the shelves almost bare ?) i assume this must be an example of what m/s blears had in mind when she critised 'cynical blogs'

Derek Draper said...

look now! and why not give us a bit of time eh? i am sure you haev experience of launching big projects like this...

davidc said...

for anyone who cares this is auseful link to an article in the daily (dare i say it) mail

dheigham said...

Somehow The LabourList logo reminded me instantly of Charlie Chaplin's Double Cross insignia in The Great Dictator

Unsworth said...

@ Draper

A blog doesn't have to be a 'big project', you've chosen to manage it this way, no one else. The fact that yours is so shambolic is no one's fault but yours. When did you plot this all up? In the pub with your pissed-up mates round about closing? Seemed a good idea at the time?

So here you are, pleading for tolerance and time, having stuck your entire upper torso above the parapet.

The blogosphere is not (yet) buried under the cold dead hand of NuLab control and manipulation. So you now have a stark choice:

Shape up or ship out.

Anonymous said...

There does seem a lot of hared here, why canlt people get along.