Unbelievably he is Twittering as he runs. Jonathan is not a man of, shall we say, lithe proportions so the fact that this is his third marathon in aid of St John Ambulance says much about his character.
He's a great guy and I hope he finishes more quickly than he thinks he will. Jonathan has raised £1200 for the charity already. If you would like to spur him on in the second half of the marathon click HERE to donate. He's only £60 short of his target.
UPDATE: Jonathan's latest Twitter update: "Guy pushing a wheelchair passed me! Thatll teach me to twitter."
Why isn't it called the "London Snickers"?
Is that today?
I hate charity runs.
personally I hate the Verity runs. another condition entirely
Ha ha - I hate running too. Just got back and have the biggets and weird shaped blisters (must take a pic). Thanks Iain for the blog post - and to all of you who have sponsored me.
As Iain politely says - I have never been built for speed, but dragged myself round again today!
"Just got back and have the biggets ..."
Is that the same condition as the Verity runs?
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