If you don't 'get' the headline, you obviously didn't see Harry Enfield's black country nouveau riche character who was always 'considerably richer than yow'...
political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
Iain, we must get the 'joke' by now. Since you first used it on Radio 5 it has become more your catch phrase than Harry Enfield's.
Before you post anything else on your blog. Read Tom Watson's. Then apologise to Phil Dilks.
Peter, I'd like to know what I am supposed to be apologising for. I have never mentioned him in connection with the Mail on Sunday or anything else. If he had a problem with me I am sure he or his learned friend would have been in touch.
Bob, so glad you follow all my pronouncements so closely. Albeit I am surprised that you remember them all!
I don't suppose Maude nows anywoon oo toorks loik arry enfield. Ee'll foind em with a posh advertisement, thow.
The yow men of England?
I remember the character.
Since you have already had Tim Nice-Butdim on 18 DS couldn't you coax "Reicher that Yow" on?
Iain, I agree with you re the ad. Plenty of potential in the Black Country and good to see the Conservatives taking it seriously.
"I have never seen a job recruitment advert done so professionally"
Iain you need to get out more, or at least read more recruitment adverts. It's simply a good ad, like thousands of other recruitment ads.
Fair enough. In which case. You could at least post about the outcome of the case in a sympathetic a manner.
Don't you realise that everything Gibbs wrote in that article is now going to be called into question.
The least you can do is issue a "take with a pinch of salt" warning.
Gerroutovit, Iain, it's cumin to sumfin wen un Essix kid is tekking the michael out ov uz Brummies. Anyroadup waredyagethisfrom? It's dem at Coze-ill wot did ve ad innit. Nowons voting for the Libralls so its a too orserays up heer. Next toime we shud win bof Dodloi seets and Ales Owin and Rowlee Rejus for startas.
Advertising for someone who is a "supporter of Conservative values and principles" may well fall foul of employment law. I kid you not.
I would expect the level of quality from many any other sectors of industry. Are you honestly saying that until now the politicial bar has been set so low. No wonder the public thinks so little of politicians.
If the tree in the picture was a yew, there would be a genuine opportunity for some truly life-enriching humour.
Hmmm - not sure that the Tory Tree really works in monochrome !!
According to the Conservative logo guidelines issued by CCO/CCHQ, the "logo should not be knocked out of blue". I clearly see the logo knocked out of blue. An identical image is on the logo guidelines with a big red cross across it. Nice to see CCO rules being bent, was the amazing Priti Patel involved?
Chameleon - do you have a problem with successful candidates?
But Iain, the advert says that the successdful candidates must share Conservative values and principals. Where are the poor dears to go to find out what these are these days?
Iain you can shove your blog where the sun don't shine - somewhere mark Oaten might have been. There are muslims in the Blackcountry, let's see you take the piss out of them in the same way!
the bicycling chameleon - the CCHQ guidelines clearly instruct, with pictures, that when used against the Conservative Gradient, the logo should be plain white. It also says, the logo reversed in white may be used on images provided they aren't too cluttered. Further, it states you can reverse the logo (in white) out of either green or blue.
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