Friday, July 07, 2006

Prescott's Dome Friend To Sell His Ranch

The Denver Post is reporting today that Philip Anschutz has put his ranch on the market for 47.5 million dollars. It would have been 50 million but potential buyers seem to have been put off for some unknown reason...


Anoneumouse said...

The Labour Party should offer to buy and enter a bid, with an agreement to share in future profits. With all of them there 'longhorns', it is a natural resource of Bovine Excreta.

Translation for Prezza: that means 'Bull Shit' John

Anoneumouse said...

Anschutz has cancelled his next Wilberforce discussion with Prezza.

He is totaly removing himself from the Bull Shit market.

sell your shares now

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's just realised that now John Prescott knows his address.

Also, when a reporter asked George Bush, around six years ago, what would be the first thing he would do if he won the presidency, Mr Bush answered, "Hose down the Oval Office."

It takes a long time to hose down a ranch, especially one with mountains in it. It could easily run to 2.5m.

The Daily Pundit said...

There was a peculiar silence, a pregnant pause, when Diane Abbott was asked on 'This Week' if Prescott could survive further revelations that may be in the papers this weekend. Quite eerie.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the discount price is a reflection of the remedial works required, the removal of bio-hazards and extensive redecorations to the guest suites and other areas.

I've watched Prescott eating before. It's not very elegant. Waiters should be advised that full NCBW (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Warfare) suits are deemed necessary. Now consider what may be needed when dealing with the products of the other end of the alimentary tract...

- And when he sits down his voice goes all muffled.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he is worried that the other two scavengers
i.e. Teflon Tony and Cherie Booth QC(Queen Cheapskate) will want to spend their holidays there.
Poor bu---er bet he wish he had stuck to football management.......'tis the same bloke init?

Anonymous said...

It could be sold to Michael Jackson and re-opened as a theme park - "Where Honesty and Integrity Rules". Complete with slot machines and a New Labour Review.

The Remittance Man said...

Maybe potential buyers found out it wasn't so profit making after all. According to the Times JP "donated" 30 sovs a night to charity in lieu of payment for his stay.

If that's a fair assesment of the room rate at the "Lazy B" I doubt many people would buy it for 50 mill.