I bumped into Norman in Portcullis House yesterday and we had a very pleasant chat (for the uninitiated, Norman trounced me in the election last year in North Norfolk). He seemed genuinely disappointed when I told him I wouldn't be applying for any seats in Norfolk. Can't think why! He laughed when I said it would be like waving a yellow flag at a bull. We then had a mutual commiseration on what a terrible job 'chief of staff' is. And after Ming's performance on Newsnight tonight... well, I'll stop there for fear of offending LibDem readers who are already reeling in shock at me saying nice things about Norman. Photo credit Alex Folkes/Fishnik
The whole honours system is a shambles. A couple of years ago I was invited to an embassy function during a business visit to Germany. One of the embassy's local German employees had just been awarded an MBE and was boring everyone silly by handing out his new visit cards. (I was given three in just under an hour) He was pissing his UK colleagues off as he was regarded as A1 bloody useless. Nobody had any idea who had nominated him or how the approval had been confirmed. I firmly believe that nobody should be awarded an honour for simply doing their job. Honours really should be reserved for special services freely given, which benefit others, not the recipient.
It's a bit weak in comparison to loans for peerages.
Sounds like a desperate attempt by the Liberals to get in on the story.
Has Norman forgotten their very own sugar daddy and his millions they think they can keep?
Cannot agree - if the man had any decency he would have found out the facts before going public - rather than trying to get some cheap publicity for himself. What if the poor lady concerned had worked tirelessly for charities and deserved the honour? Does she deserve such treatment?
You are clearly in a very forgiving mood today, Iain. Also liked your responses to the Shrewsbury questions: very graceful. Nevertheless, you are wrong about the Lib Dems believing in big government- borderline anarchist I would have said :-).
Slight difference twixt you & him as Chiefs of Staff though Iain;his boss (& Lamb himself) won their elections!!!!!
I firmly believe that nobody should be awarded an honour for simply doing their job.
I think every taxpayer should be given such an award for funding the whole show
"Slight difference twixt you & him as Chiefs of Staff though Iain;his boss (& Lamb himself) won their elections"
Not too sure what this has to do with the price of a can of beans or anything else for that matter!
Unfortunately for you, too many other people in North Norfolk also thought Norman Lamb was a nice guy. Great to know you are on friendtly terms, as I always maintain, you should become a diplomat.
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