When I mentioned to our producer I was going to tell you this in the Newsnight email he became alarmed it might attract a huge crowd down there. Please reassure him you have other things to do this Friday afternoon. He is easily excitable. I think he may even be expecting a cameo appearance of the DPM in full cowboy regalia. If you're reading this, DPM, you might indeed consider it.
Downing Street has now declared the matter closed, but some MPs are - like the Idaho python that ate an entire electric blanket - finding this a little hard to swallow. We ask what the point of the enquiry was if the committee has no real teeth. But enough digestive metaphors... "
I think I shall be watching Newsnight tonight.
Did you notice Prescotts denials of wrongdoing in Parliament yesterday included dening the receipt of any 'payments'? Funny thing to mention, as it has not been alleged against him as far as I know.
Yeah, me too. I never realised their reporters were that cute.
That's not what you meant, is it?
Ms Miatlis really is a chipolata off the old block is she not? Interesting her thoughts regarding the Lewinsky postulation (One swallow doesn not make a summer). As long as it is a Bronco, not a Franco, is all I can say: we do allow children near Parliament (as long as they don't demonstrate of course!)
Phone Cam Foolery - can we please stop encouraging Emily Maitlis. She is a waste of space on Newsnight - Martha Kearney is far better, and to be honest, a lot more attractive, despite not being quite as youthful as the dippy EM.
I can't agree with anonymous @ 10:07, having missed newsnight I shall be googling for more pictures of Emily later.
I have my doubts if the Newsnight presenters actually write these e-mail's that go out to our inboxes each afternoon. Judging by Ms Maitlis interview style I doubt she has the ability to construct the above e-mail. Far more likly the messages are produced by some lowly Newsnight researcher.
Maitlis performances on Newsnight have been awful thus far, she is simply out of her depth in interviews. Could anyone really imagine her interviewing a future PM such as Gordon Brown or David Cameron? Let's face it she was only promoted from London News because she was nice eye candy as 'paul p' confirms.
Just seeing Martha on screen makes me feel all dreamy. She's deffo top tv totti for me.
Nice to see Emily offering relief...
I can hardly wait to see the video.
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