John Prescott said in the Indy this morning that he always intended to give up his portfolio responsibilities and that a year ago he had asked Blair for Miliband to help him out. Bullshit. Ask any lobby journalist and they will tell you that he bitterly resented Miliband's presence and treated him as a gofer who was only fit to send to fetch the dry cleaning. Mind you, knowing what we know now, those dry cleaning bills must have been quite high. Best not to think about it too much...
UPDATE 7pm: Just received on my email this little nugget - I know the person involved so I am confident of its veracity... "A year ago my friend who works at the soon-to-be-renamed ODPM saw Prezza yelling loudly into his mobile phone in the street about the humiliation involved with Miliband’s appointment…"
What do John Prescott and a super-sized hotdog have in common?
Absolutely nothing.
Is it true that Two Shags introduced Mr Miliband to some of the Department's civil servants as 'The Mekon'?
Though the fat content might be about the same.
David Miliband is the MP for South Shields, Pulsar.
David Miliband is the Member of Parliament for South Shields as well as being the Minister for Magic, a boring "gooners" fan to boot!
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