Thanks to all of those who listened last night to my show on PlayRadioUK. To those who couldn't listen at the time and have emailed asking about a Podcast version, I am told it will be available tomorrow.
I have to say I enjoyed myself tremendously. We had some great calls and the lines were flashing for the whole programme. It's quite disconcerting when you see all the lines flashing at once because your immediate reaction is to finish a call and move onto the next one so you can get everyone in. But I tried not to do that too much so everyone could have their say. Much of the programme was taken up with MP expenses, but we did cover other subjects too. It was great to receive calls from all over the country and beyond. We had calls from the US and Canada too.
Tom Harris phoned in, which was nice of him, and several blog regulars also joined in. Molesworth1 gets the accolade as caller of the night. John Hirst (Jailhouselawyer) called in too to talk about his pet issue of votes for prisoners. I hope he thought I gave him a fair crack.
I was supposed to play a quite a bit of music, but we had so many calls I only ended up playing one song, Apologise by Timberland, which I dedicated to the Prime Minister.
Did anything go wrong? Apart from me fluffing the name of the radio station at the top of the programme and Skype freezing at one stage due to the volume of calls, not too much went wrong. I got a bit mixed up with the faders from time to time but generally it all went very smoothly. I deliberately didn't have a script so I could move from subject to subject at will. What I found most difficult was keeping on top of all the different methods people were using to communicate with me in the studio. I think I concentrated too much on the phone calls and didn't use Skype enough, or read out enough emails - and I forgot about Twitter completely.
The producers told me afterwards that the audience had been several times what they were expecting and the level of phone calls was huge for a first show. Judging by the comments on a previous thread it would have been far higher but many of you couldn't access the live stream. It seems that there are issues with Macs. I remember we had these teething problems at 18 Doughty Street, but I will pass on your comments to the producers.
They seemed highly delighted by the programme, so it looks as if I will be doing it again. The plan is to do it as a regular Friday or Saturday night gig. I'm speaking in North Wales next Friday and debating with Hazel Blears in Salford the week after, so hopefully we can start it after that.
UPDATE: Listen to the Podcast HERE.
You can use this link for people with Macs to directly listen to the show next time. (The Mac link on the web site is wrong, this is what I used to listen last night.)
Congrats Iain.
Good to hear it went well.
How did you decide to finish in the end?
I had issues trying to stream on my Mac last night, disappointed, will check out the podcast when available.
"... debating with Hazel Blears", I hope its with a baseball bat!
Thanks as a Mac user I couldn't access the show either last night.
congrats on the show Iain it was one of the best things I've listened to all week, good mix of callers, plenty of different opinions and a nice cross-section of the county. You should never worry about the technical issues, such as getting mixed up with the mixing board or mac issues, these things always get worked out.
As for Tom Harris, I thought you gave him a bit of an easy time.
I was also hoping George Galloway so we could have had installment two of Dale and Galloway show.
All the best and keep up the good work.
P.S Should have been goof practice for election night.
Well done Iain very enjoyable indeed and look forward to the next...also nice to put `voices` to names!!!!!!
"if I can work out how to fiddle with these nobs..."
Just wanted to say well done and thank you for having me on the show at the very end!
You did come across very faint over the telephone so that's something you should ask the techie to sort out next time, a few technical hitches, but these things happen, eh?
Well Ian, I hope you become a trailblazer for a rapid development in UK Conservative Talk Show radio programs! Independent of the party and defending our values in the face of the Left.
About time!
Iain, Where in North Wales please?
Blears? Again? You really are a one-woman man, Iain. Pity, I would have liked to listen next week.
I am in north Wales Iain. I could loan you a few CDs for your next radio appearance if you wanted . . .
Great show, although the web interface is a bit cranky.
Next time could you invite the indefatigable jockstrap as a guset caller and then give him a dose of his own medicine.
Sorry about the typo.
Just listened to it. It was a very good show, I liked the line from the caller 'Labour ministers are spending our money like Imelda Marcos in a shoe shop.'
And the caller who was a carer saying he had to live on 84 pounds a week, while they spend that in a single hour, says it all about the UK today.
Just one piece of adive, I think it would help if you could say to a caller 'Hi, this is Iain, your live on the radio.' It seemed to me that some callers weren't quite sure they were live on the radio to begin with.
B Griffiths, you are right on your last point. It was a bit clunky at times and I need to make that smoother.
Glad you enjoyed it.
You should play some of that great piano music you feature. Great for a late night show.
"I've never had so many knobs in front of me."That conjures up an unpleasant mental image! And I'm not thinking of Jodrell Bank!
It was a great show, and have done a short revew for the blog. I agreed with your Canadian caller and yourself on the issue of the law being an ass.
Where's my £50? ;) gr8 show.
Well done, Iain. That was very enjoyable.
It was an easy listen and interesting. Your willingness to entertain all arguments and debate in an affable manner is quite unique.
The Daily Politics show offers this sometimes.
More, please, and more often.
I've pasted the EMBED code onto my blog and it works. Try that next time?
I had difficulty getting the show for the first half hour. I tried Skype that was even worse. The phone line always seemed to be engaged, then I got the ringing tone and it went on and on until a voice said there was no answer. I tried again and got engaged again, eventually getting through.
I thought I was speaking to a producer or receptionist. It wasn't until I put the phone down and turned up the volume and there was a bit of a time lag that I realised it was you I was speaking to all the time!
I cannot complain about your handling of the subject. As you know, I was a fan of 18DS, and one of the things I liked about it was that it was largely unscripted and could and sometimes did go anywhere.
There were a few technical hitches, like not hearing you loud enough on the phone. However, I was generally impressed by both your performance and the show. I did not even notice the lack of music.
There are already too many blabbermouths out there, but they are loud without being interesting except to themselves. I think you got the balance about right. At least an 8 out of 10 for a first performance.
Congrats Iain.
Peter Hitchens used to have a radio show with Dolly Draper. Poor Dolly may be looking for a new job ....?
Sounds to me like you need somebody with you to prioritise and keep on top of communications. Bit like that woman in the booth in Frasier.
Depends how it's all set up though. Could even get that person to read out the emails and tweets and let you respond to each. Breaks it up a bit. If I were round that way I'd do it for you.
I really enjoyed the show, even though you ignored my Skype and Email messages entirely. : )
It will be great if its a regular weekly slot!
It's not just Macs though, I couldn't get on for about 20 mins either and I use a PC.
The problem, I think, was that the webfeed was overwhelmed by people trying to connect. Which speaks volumes for your popularity, but doesn't say much for the radio people's technical setup.
It's not Macs. I've got a decent PC and a very fast connection. It's their flipping bandwidth and/or software is what it is. Sheesh.
Anyway, just listened to the first hour. Really great stuff. Very absorbing and well handled by your good self.
Not many women calling, though, were there? Curious.
Hello Ian, I enjoyed your show very much. I understand that you that don't like Gordon Brown. I recently decided to start a new career as a razor-sharp political satirist. You may like my first anti-Gordon Brown joke!
A wealthy foreign businessman walks into a branch of Zavvi, brandishing an enormous wodge of banknotes. After scouring the singles section with no apparent luck, he goes up to the customer service desk- where he finds Gordon Brown on duty behind the counter.
"I've thoroughly checked the stands but I can't find any copies of the no. 2 charting Spandau Ballet single of 1983, that I am currently seeking." exclaims the esteemed entrepeneur. "Are any there any reserve copies being held in storage around the back?" he enquires. "I'd be willing to pay an exceedingly handsome sum for each and every one that you can provide me with."
"I'm afraid that I can't help you, sir." mumbles Gordon Brown. "Ten years ago we held a massive bargain basement sale in which we cleared out all of our 'Gold' reserves for a pittance. Are you a fan of boy bands? We have 'Busted'."
It was a brilliant show, well done Iain, looking forward to the next one, and may try and phone in, lol.
Excellent show, enjoyed the whole thing, tea went up my noses at the knobs comment...
Have just listened to the podcast (well, listening, as Sparks are still booming out of the speakers).
Good job, hope to hear it live next time!
Strapworld, at a Tory Party dinner in Conwy.
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