2. LibDem Voice asks what June 4 will have in store for the Yellow Peril.
3. Marbury thinks George Monbiot is a bit of a berk.
4. Wrinkled Weasel on a Scottish Minister in trouble for being gay.
5. Kerry McCarthy MP talks about "common people".
6. Tom Harris on a quaint Commons ritual. He also says the LibDems are "Godless".
7. Who's the charmer? Liam Byrne or Alan Johnson? Party Lines explains...
8. Liam Murray on Richie Cunningham and the Pope.
9. Danny Finkelstein's Top 10 Gordon Brown Youtube gems.
10. LabourList's Mark Hanson on his weekend with Prezza.
11. Tory Politico on a US politician who wants to control blogs. Could it happen here?
12. Dizzy tries to send Gordon Brown an email but runs out of...
The LD Voice need not debate the EU elections!
The LD's are doomed - DOOMED to defeat in those elections! The people don't want LD socialist euro fanatic nonsense! Just like the UK does not want Brown or the cynical LD surrender monkeys!
My opinion is that the reason why Clegg went for Brown in such a way today is because strategically it might be better for the LD’s if there is a new Labour leader? If a more attractive Labour leader was installed, then in many southwest seats maybe more people would be inclined to help tactical voting to keep the Tory out or stop voters from going straight from Labour to Tory.
A sort of my enemies Enemy is my friend. It also opens up the possibility for Clegg to do a deal with Labour post election.
The only way to keep Labour out is vote Tory!
A link to LabourList?
Your story about the window-licker's departure must be true!
Quote of the week
Jacqui Smith says ''We have standards in this country ..."
What a pity when it come to claiming expenses she has none herself.
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