The vile BNP denounced brave Johnson Beharry for being "an immigrant" and tried to belittle his heroics - which saved the lives of 30 comrades - as no more than "routine".In a sick rant on its website the far-right BNP - headed by Nick Griffin - allege Lance Corporal Beharry only got Britain's top military honour because of "positive discrimination by the PC-mad government".
Our revelation comes just days after the extremist group held an Armed Forces Awareness Day in a shameless bid to portray themselves "the only party that supports our troops". The truth is that Grenada-born Beharry, then a private, was honoured in 2005 after TWICE saving colleagues' lives under enemy fire.
When his Warrior armoured vehicle was hit by rocket- propelled grenades he drove through the ambush and pulled comrades clear of the burning wreckage while a bullet penetrated his helmet. Weeks later, he was at the wheel again when a grenade detonated inches from him. Despite blood pouring from his head, he reversed out of range before collapsing.
Despite that, the spiteful BNP claim: "All he did was drive away very fast from a combat zone. . . to safety, as have hundreds and hundreds of other British soldiers."
Last week the BNP had a party political broadcast. All sharp suits and not a skinhead thug in sight. A lot of very decent people seem to have been taken in by the new spin of the BNP. They would do well to look behind the shiny new facade to see what they are really like.Anyone who believes Johnson Beharry was awarded his VC for any reason other than for valour insults both him and those whose lives he saved.
My how the establishment is frightended that the working classes are, at last, rising from their slumber.
What are your views on immigration and multiculturalism in this country?
Set the record straight once and for all, please, instead of unverified, unsubstantiated, lazy smears.
It's not unsubstantiated. I just checked it was on the BNP website and it is.
And for the record, multiculturalism hasn't worked. Even Trevor Phillips says so. Uncontrolled immigration is a disaster for any country. But to pretend that all immigration is bad as the BNP do is both wrong headed and illogical. The BNP is anti immigrant because of its in built racist agenda, which it does its best to hide, but is there under the surface.
Definition of irony:
A party claims to be for "British jobs for British workers" then uses American and Italian people in its election literature,claiming they are British people losing out to migrants...
There is a place in London where there is an honours boards listing all those who have been honoured by the Sovereign with the Victoria Cross. From an early stage those whose courage has earned them this exceptional award has included men of different races and colours. Private Beharry is not a special choice. He is on the list because his conduct under fire warranted the award and there was ample evidence,so he earned it, and I honour and respect him.
All sharp suitsYou mean they looked like a bunch of bankers?
Was this revelation after the "truth" about Jordan and Peter's split, the "Return of Russell Brand's Satanic Slut" or before "Rooney takes drugs to beat slaphead" jibes.
Have you actually gone to the trouble to view the video which contains the comments ascribed to Griffin yourself? Or have you been too busy watching the Eurovision Song Contest and chatting to the eminent Nancy? Pathetic.
First of all Paddy, get your facts right. The comments were not ascribed to Nick Griffin.
I found the article on the BNP website and the NOTW is quite correct in its interpretation. Forgive me if I dont link to it. But it is easy to find if you want to.
Blimey. You know Private Beharry came up during Brillo's spitroast of Griffin on Monday, Iain? He said he shouldn't be considered British. Still on the iPlayer website for another day.
"My how the establishment is frightended that the working classes are, at last, rising from their slumber."
Non-white working classes need not apply, of course.....
BNP are ignorant insecure arrogant twats.
Thank you Iain for once again shedding light on these little losers. I would check their website myself but unfortunately I do not have a bucket to vomit into.
...multiculturalism hasn't worked. Even Trevor Phillips says so. Uncontrolled immigration is a disaster for any country. But to pretend that all immigration is bad as the BNP do is both wrong headed and illogical.That is absolutely true, nobody with an ounce of decency could argue otherwise.
However, if David Cameron came out and said exactly what you have typed above what do you honestly think the reaction of the Labour Party and the mainstream British media would be?
What policies do the Conservatives have to adequately address the issues of immigration and multiculturalism?
Bravo, Iain. As an ex-Serviceman myself, it disgusts me - and all of my comrades-in-arms - that the BNP would even consider us to be its natural constituency.
I was proud to work alongside people of all races and religions in the Armed Forces. The BNP's neo-Nazi tripe won't find a welcome in the Forces.
IAIN, Of course the BNP has views which we are brainwashed into believing are 'racist' I am sad that you are resorting into the tactics of the socialists.
The BNP are of the far left and not RIGHT WING as so many newspapers and media keep broadcasting.
He did not get the VC because he was Black he was bloody brave, was seriously injured and deserves TWO VC's
That is what we should be shouting out. I am afraid the racist tag DOES appeal to a great many decent law abiding people black and white. You read me correctly Black and White.
I have family who are from the West Indies. I care for them as I do my children. I know that they are concerned about immigration because when there is trouble they will be abused!
You must accept that there are large area's of this land which now resemble towns and villages in other countries. Women wearing clothes which mask their faces etc. I can remember, as a young chap in Manchester, seeing orthadox jews in their dress and pony tails etc. They frightened me!
I learned from a school teacher- whom I will never forget- who taught me to accept differences in people. His wife was jewish and he was from Ceylon! He helped me so much!
You are right, ALL immigration is not bad, BUT
It is the unplanned immigration, which allows these ghetto's, and does not allow for proper orderly integration, which causes the problems - It IS wrong that children attend our schools and cannot speak a word of english, thus holding back children who can!
The common rumour that Whenimmigrants appear they get council accomodation before the home population.
What all this highlights is the ignoring of the concerns of ordinary men and women, who have voiced their concerns to their MP's over many years, and have found their concerns ignored, BY ALL POLITICAL PARTIES! that has encouraged people to look towards the BNP. Who else, they will ask you,can they turn to?
Similarly on the EU all three parties look the same way on Europe, THAT is not democratic to those who want, like me, OUT of the EU.
I am faced with supporting ukip, which I will not as I consider Farage a danger to democracy, or the BNP which I could not support.
But please remember that many decent people will support them but that does not make them racist.
This is a problem which has to be tackled with care and with consideration for the majority not forgetting the sensitivities of the minority.
Breaking news, BNP don't like non-whites.
Iain, any opinion on the forest-based activities of bears? *huge wink*
I have absolutely no doubt that David Cameron would agree with every word I have typed. It is, after all, Conservative policy.
We've been called racists so frequently and unfairly, when we are confronted with the real thing, it has somewhat lost its power to shock. Funny how that works.
By the way, if the BNP are socialists -- and they are -- why do we allow them to be called "far right"? Evidence indicates the votes they are peeling away come largely from Labour supporters. What makes them righties?
Can you direct me to said current policy because I have failed to find anything remotely similar to what you have said on the Conservative Party website?
Good on you Iain for rounding on the BNP. The main parties may suffer in the face of the expenses scandal but we can't afford for the voters to turn to the BNP.
"It is, after all, Conservative policy."
Which Trevor Phillips agreed with, if I recall correctly.
Iain, I think you are doing a great job, however I worry about how the BNP get shouted down so quickly - it will only serve to help them. This is a OLD story rehashed to take off the focus of the current problems.
It begins with the BNP accused of bad taste for selling replica VC's, with Beharry being dragged in to comment on how it devalues the award. The BNP reply that there a replica VC's available form other sources, and they then go on to point out that there are critics who question Beharry's VC. Take a trip to ARSSE and you will see that the army lads support it 100% - if it wasn't a fair award,m there would be grumblings there.
So clearly a valid award, the BNP sub site wrong to poitn out that "there are rumours.."
The problem, Iain, is that if everyone shouts the BNP down as soon as they try and move, and they are not given any freedom of speech (however wrong, they are entitled to it..) then in this climate people are going to think they are being unfairly treated and this MAY create additional support.
I would much rather see the BNP directly challenged and beaten in fair debate than having the door closed on them by everyone based on half truths and biased newspaper stories.
I don't like them, and I think they are as misguided and nasty as Mark Thomas. Yet he gets TV time and a national tour...
If you don't give them the chance to expose themselves, you will never trip them up on half truths and biased newspaper reports.
Good article in today`s Telegraph by Nigel Farndale about Griffin and the BNP.......Although they are right wing on race and immigration thats all they are. All the rest of their policies are VERY left wing.
In fact take the race element out for a minute and the rest could have been written by Jack Jones and Hugh Scanlon...
They are merely a dustbin for protest otherwise just a shower of shit.
Have you read the comments on the article you posted?
He was a brave man, but I don't think it warranted a VC, a medal yes but the VC no. Saying that doesn't make you racist and yes, I do believe in this day and age, PC medals are awarded.
I wish Mr.Beharry all the best and it is sad to see him get dragged in to this, because he has done nothing wrong.
I am not a member of the BNP or have ever voted for them, but as a supporter of democracy I'm not happy with the attacking of another party in the same way I wouldn't be happy with attacking the SWP.
I normally vote UKIP in the Euro elections, but this sort of thing makes me want to put a protest cross in the BNP box.
For the record the Conservative party policy (or outline there of) on the following link:
There is also a video of Baroness Warsi outlining the basic conservative thinking
This video better outlines Tory policy:
"I'm not happy with the attacking of another party in the same way I wouldn't be happy with attacking the SWP."
That makes no sense; pointing out the flaws in a political party is fair. Always has been; how do you you engage in political debate otherwise?
It's just in this case, the flaws in the BNP include being disgustingly racist.
In an age of 'A' lists, women only short list, everybody must have prizes and the like am I alone in wondering if it could be possible that political correctness/quotas played a part in the award.
I mean this in no way to detract from Johnson Beharry's valour. It is a comment on the society we live in.
Fifty years ago I would have dismissed the BNP claims out of hand (but then I would have done the same with allegations of MPs en masse feathering their nest at the taxpayers expense). Much as my heart would like to dismiss the BNP story as nonsense, my head says, 'hmmmmm...'.
I repeat, this is not intended as a slur on Johnson Beharry's valour. Only those that were witness to it know what went on. My doubts are with the authorities who approved the award. Sadly my trust in politicians and the system (think special rendition, dodgy dossier etc.) has all but faded away.
Damn you, you Westminster scum.
Proof indeed that Fascists are very silly people. It would have been more sensible for them to have said that only black men who have won the VC would be allowed to live in Britain, that would have cut down on immigration. But seriously, to pick a fight over a man who has won the VC is a special kind of stupid.
With all due respect, the BBC in particular keeps trying to link the BNP to the Tories and UKIP.
The BNP have never gotten anywhere except in strong Liebour heartlands.
I don't see the BNP doing well in the posh parts of Tunbridge Wells or Severoaks Iain?
The BNP is simply the bogeyman designed to scare people into voting Labour. The BBC and other media are a disgrace.
I've no idea what level of bravery earns you a VC, but by all accounts Pte Beharry acted very bravely when under fire, despite being wounded. This is a distinction Mr Griffin can't claim.
When it comes to whether an action deserves a medal, the only people with opinions worth considering are those that were in it.
I have considered voting BNP but my conscience would not let me. In fact, everything I beleive in goes against it.
You know about consciences, Iain, because you have one.
At the moment, there are a lot of people running this country, who do not. They are effing bastards and they need a good kick in the marginals.
So, I am no saint, but the BNP is a bridge too far. It is a bridge too far because I believe in inclusivity and integration.
However, I shall vote UKIP because I do not believe in welcoming sharia law.
Wouldn't be at all surprised if Gordon took the VC off him to placate would be BNP voters. Anything to grub a few more votes.... no matter how idiotic.
Also, IIRC, wasn't it under a Labour Government that thousands of Met Police Officers were deployed in Lewisham in 1977 to protect National Front marchers from the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Fascist League?
Fast forward to G20 demonstrators...nowt's changed.
On a wider point, what philosophical gymnastics would the BNP do to be on the 'right' side of the Gurkha debate ??
Knowing them, they would probably be shameless enough to use a backdrop picture of Joanna Lumley claiming that they all share the Churchillian British Bulldog values of honesty and fair play...
And do the establishment care about British soldiers, VCs or not? They feign outrage when a non-story is circulated but are too busy pocketing cash to actually give a damn about the troops.
Reminds me of the bigotry shown by the Unionist Party in N. Ireland towards Leading Seaman James Magennis, the only N. Ireland recipient of the V.C. in WWII
He was a Catholic.
They've wised up since, so perhaps there's hope for the BNP.
In the meantime, just use every public interview opportunity to ask the BNP how they feel about the Ghurkas.
That ought to expose them.
We are all, tribal at heart. Which is perfectly normal. Nature designed each of us with an innate sense of group-identity. If this survival aid weren’t part of our programming we'd still be nomads - roaming the planet alone. To deny that you don't relate to any particular racial grouping is to be untruthful with yourself and this is where political correctness takes over many a weak-minded soul. Politicians know this only too well - as do those who support them. Voters who elect to reject political correctness are far more in-touch with nature and themselves. Yes, they are tribal. Yes, in political terms, they are racist. I'm so glad to be one - because now I am free.
Well we know how the establishment feel about British soldiers. They couldn't give a damn.
Anybody checked the bnp website to see what they have to say and its not the same as what iain is saying. Worth checking out then make up your mind.
Attack one soldier, you attack them all.
I suggest that BNP members do not campaign in garrison towns. For their own safety...
You wouldn't be free if the likes of Johnson Beharry weren't there to defend your freedom. Him and Rambahadur Limbu, the last recipient of the V.C in 1965.
I'm afraid he wasn't white either.
This is kinda cute:
"It's been rather a long time since I've awarded one of these."—Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, when awarding Private Beharry his VC.
Anyway, you won't be free when you hate. When you understand that, then you'll be free.
It amuses me when people like you Iain say 'aren't the BNP horrible' and then make a statement like 'for the record multiculturalism hasn't worked'. Care to elaborate on this point? What exactly isn't working?
Furthermore, what do you mean by 'even Trevor Phillips says so'? Are you saying that just because he is black he must therefore automatically be correct on racial matters, or speak on behalf of all ethnic minorities as if they are one big homogeneous lump?
I'm white and so are you, should that make your or me correct on any matters concerning all white people? No, of course not.
It doesn't take a massive leap from the Conservative party to the BNP, and to still try to imply that we have uncontrolled immigration into this country is a lie that feeds the BNP.
Perhaps you should think more carefully when trying to take the high ground and consider just what it is the Conservative Party stands for.
God, please help me persuade my father (a life long conservative) not to vote for these neanderthals next month
The BNP are just another loony left party.
Remember how the dockers and print workers used to operate.
These stupid buggers in the BNP are no different in their closed shop mentalities.
Uponnothing, sorry but that is a very ill informed comment. Questioning whether multiculturalism has worked is nothing new. David Davis wrote an article in 2005 on the subject which people of all political persuasions endorsed. It's nothing to do with Phillips being black. I mention it becuase of his position with the Equalities Commission.
And we do have uncontrolled immigration. What do you expect when you have no border controls? What feeds the BNP is when we regard immigration as a subject which isnt talked about in polite society.
If only a major party had the guts to propound Tebbit's "multi-ethnic, monocultural" approach they'd sweep the legs from under the BNP. Most people don't have a problem with working and living with people of another colour. They do have a problem with mouthy, un-intregrated and unassimilable Islamics (whether born here or immigrant)who've turned large areas of our country into 3rd-world holes. It's culture, not colour.
See: http://www.ginnydougary.co.uk/tag/margaret-thatcher/
perhaps it is best in future that you retain some integrity by actually verifying the lies of others that you repeat on your otherwise excellent site.
The problem with the media goldfish bowl is that when one defecates, all the others living in the same bowl all have to swallow their crap.
Its best therefore to not be a goldfish.
The truth is here on then link below, though no doubt the Taqqiya Leftists that pretend to be 'concerned conservatives' on the internet who are busy attacking the BNP will of course continue with their usual lies regardless.
Socialists, National Socialists, detest them all.
The saving grace is that the BNP are so inept, that they are risible rather than frightening. Just look at their stellar council representatives...
People who would deny L/Cpl Beharry a VC are not brave enough to place themselves in the position that he was in and in the condition his in today because of his wounds received in combat.
He is a soldier from a Commonwealth country, another yet again supporting HM Forces at a time of need, a tradition that has existed some years. In fact one of the bravest according to history was a Fijian by the name of Laba (shortened) from the Battle of Mirbat from the Oman wars in the 70s who would have received the VC but for the fact we where not supposed to be there.Ex members of the SAS have campaigned for him to be awarded the VC until quite recently.
A recommendation for the VC has to be from the individuals CO and his/hers CO and then a panel at the Mod, who can all revise the recommendation down but not upwards.
That a scum organisation, who I suspect very few have or would have served and to put themselves in that position of danger speaks volumes in my mind, but, there again very few in the House of Commons have in recent past put themselves in danger as members of HM Forces. It is very easy to commit young men and woman to battle, in particular when NONE of their families are engaged in the conflict.
People never the remember the poem 'Tommy' until it is too late.
You can't have a monoculture and multi-ethnicity together.It's impossible. People make a culture, they are the culture.
The BNP (Brains Not Present) party have insulted a brave and honourable member of MY nations armed forces. By extension they have insulted ME.(I may be old fashioned but have always believed that those who insult the servicemen and women of this great nation insult me and while they must needs remain silent, I shall respectfully voice their outrage upon their behalf). I respectfully advise any such creature that peddles this filth to stay well out of my sight for the duration of the election (and after that I suggest) as I may demand that satisfaction that one gentleman may expect of another.
What feeds the bnp is not simply blind racism but the ignorance of socialism. Their policies are superficially attractive to anybody just out of nappies but they have yet to rise above the contents of such garments. Such an ignorant policy as would target those with the courage to serve their nation MUST be opposed and exposed for the idiocy it is.
MJN (I regret the necessity for using an anonymous tag but thank you for the opportunity to voice my opposition to this)
If you were a Special Advisor on Immigration to David Cameron when he takes power in, hopefully, the not too distant future what specific policies would you advise him to take?
You correctly point out that the rise of the BNP is partially attributable to the fact that "immigration [is] a subject which isnt talked about in polite society".
OK. Very true. However, it's one thing to point out that there is a problem with mass immigration into the UK and that some immigrants have belligerently failed to integrate into the British way of life - it's a wholly different matter entirely to propose what we should actually do .
Your suggestions, please.
This is not a thread about immigration policy. If I were advising David Cameron I'd advise him to continue with current party policy on immigration. And if you don't know what that is, look at the links someone provided above.
David Cameron >> "In an exclusive interview, he said: "The BNP is a party that thrives on hatred, that wants to set one race against another.
"I hope nobody votes for the BNP - I'd rather they voted for any other party.
"I think they are completely unacceptable in their views and they thrive on hatred."
Quite right too. If one feels the need to vote for a fringe party - then please vote Green. Not for the freaky and dreadful BNP or UKIP.
I'm liking Nick Clegg's strong approach today. I think DC and Clegg can work together to turn things around.
Get rid of Brown, get rid of the Speaker and hold that election asap.
Looks like Nick Griffin was a friend of Colonel Gaddafi!!
He might wrap himself in the Union flag, but this man seems to have some very anti-British friends.
Iain said: "What do you expect when you have no border controls?"
We do have border controls. They may not be very good, but they are there. You can't miss them these days. They are those folk wearing cheap looking uniforms and expressions of defeat.
I think you've pointed out the bind when it comes to conservatives taking on the racist far-right. I've got a lot of sympathy for the view that when you give these losers the oxygen of publicity (and the chance to paint themselves as the victims of "politically correct establishment crushing our dissent"), you're only playing their game by their rules. And trying to reason with the fundamentally irrational is an exercise in futility.
But when they impugn in the integrity and honour of our servicemen and women, that's a line to push the bastards back across.
You might be aware that down here in New Zealand, Corporal William Apiata (who is of Maori descent) was awarded a VC. Even very left-wing friends of mine who think we have no business being in Afghanistan at all could pay respect where respect was due. Perhaps the BNP could follow that example?
"And we do have uncontrolled immigration. What do you expect when you have no border controls? "
Just so I'm clear this is still (post-nasty) tory policy is it?
Jimmy, just so we are clear, you think uncontrolled immigration is a good thing, do you? There's nothing nasty about wanting borders protected.
This is not a thread about immigration policy.Now isn’t the time for sanctimonious pedantry, Iain. Will this be a policy adhered to on this forum from now on?
If I were advising David Cameron I'd advise him to continue with current party policy on immigration.You still don’t get it. Good luck explaining on 5 June exactly how at least 15% of white English people are racist idiots for supporting the BNP. You won’t be able to ignore that vote.
It really says a lot about the state of our country that the Tories feel the need to have a Muslim woman front their policy on immigration. One of the saddest things about the (lack of) debate on immigration in the UK is that if more Muslims felt the same way about their country as the excellent Warsi then we simply would not have to deal with the prospect of well over 1.5 million people voting for the extreme far-left next month.
(I apologise if I’m coming across as unnecessarily harsh but I simply can’t stress the point enough that the Establishment parties and media need to adequately address this issue, without adopting smear tactics or fear, before it truly turns into a monster.)
Paddy, you clearly have an issue. But just for the record Sayeeda Warsi does not front Tory party policy on immigration, Damian Green does. Not very good on facts, are you?
So what are you trying to say Iain, that anyone from any country without a passport or valid reason to enter the UK can just walk in?
You are saying that the UK Border Agency is a myth?
Furthermore, you refer to the fact that 'questioning multiculturalism' isn't new, did I say it was? I was pointing out that you stated that it 'hasn't worked' as if some kind of study has concluded this and achieved consensus.
Once again Iain with your frankly ludicrous statement that we have no border controls and have uncontrolled immigration is the sort of absolute imbecilic rubbish that feeds the BNP.
Sorry if I was unclear. Immigration has not been "uncontrolled" since 1914. I was under the impression that these days the party had at least stopped talking like that. Apparently not.
Paddy, you clearly have an issue.Smear after smear. You clearly haven't had the decency to address the content of my post, nor the concerns of many working class Englishmen and women. All together now: put your fingers in your ears and shout "la la la la la".
As I said, good luck explaining the BNP's explosive breakthrough on 5 June.
Someone (from Cornwall) on another newspaper site posted "The British National Party is not the same party that my wife and myself joined six years ago" and then explained why it was now a reasonable thing to do - so why did they join six years ago ...... before it was supposedly " a reasonable" party ?
Am I missing something ?
As a former Royal Marine Commando I should explain to these half-wits ( and that is a complement) that I had colleagues of Pakistani, Mauritian, West Indian and UK Asian origins.
I had no problem with it especially as, at certain times, my life was or could have been in their hands. Valued colleagues - except one and that was because he was a twat, not because of his ethnicity - and even then, he would have done the decent thing when the shit hit the fan!
Err - what have this Griffin and his psychopathic chums done for this country except gob off ?
If Beharry V.C. had been their driver, do you think they would have turned down the chance of a lift in his taxi, with or without his blood running down his head ?
You've got some real pricks on this page, Iain !
As Paddy said,
"As I said, good luck explaining the BNP's explosive breakthrough on 5th June."
I second that.
The attitude of the main parties and their followers is going to come back and bite them. I look forward to the sqealing and navel gazing that will be going on, on the 5th June.
I think the current apt phrase is, you just don't get it, do you?
As I said, good luck explaining the BNP's explosive breakthrough on 5 June.Blocked sewer pipe? Sorry, couldn't resist...
In my humble opinion the traditional conservative voter has not been effected by the immigration disaster.
On my street we are the only English family, and yes I will be voting BNP. Am I a racist? I don't think so but then I am past caring what the rural blue rinsh brigade and upper middle class ponces who live in a bubble label me as. If the conservatives want to court my vote then let's hear some policies on immigration because all I can see is more of the same.
Give me a reason to vote Tory rather than negative campaigning about the BNP.
I deplore the BNP's racist stance. Yet I shall still vote for them in the next General Election.
Why? Because as far as I'm concerned, white supremacy is no more deplorable than gay supremacy or islamic supremacy or criminal supremacy or ruling class supremacy all of which have been introduced by NuLiebour under the guise of 'equality' laws or 'human rights' legislation or submission to EU edicts ... all pretty much unopposed by the Conservatives.
In a city like mine being a white, middle class, heterosexual, christian, law abiding, tax paying, male really does make you bottom of the pile. Sorry, the balance has got to be redressed.
Of course these lovers of Hitler and holocaust deniers (for which Griffin has a criminal conviction) hate anyone who fights for Britain.
Absolute bollocks comment there about James Magennis.
If the BNP is suspicious of this VC award, it is because of the widespread offical discrimination in favour of ethnic minorietes in this country in employment, housing and a myriad of other areas.
That's what happens when a society goes in for 'affirmative action.'
Every achievement of the ethnic minorities is then called into question and devalued.
At work is the usual law of unintended consequences which always dogs leftist social engineering.
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