2. Church Mouse reckons Brown is trying to buy the Catholic vote.
3. Devil's Kitchen has Chris Huhne banged to rights. Or words to that effect.
4. Robin Page resigns from UKIP and explains why.
5. Quaequam explains why he has had a bit of a tiff with Paddy Ashdown.
6. Tim Montgomerie reports from the Progress Conference.
7. Tartan Hero reports on yet more Labour cronyism in Glasgow.
8. Tom Harris is not exactly a fan of Clare Short. I think it's fair to say that.
9. Raedwald reports on another Labour MP who has been endorsed by letters from someone who wasn't quite who they seemed.
10. James Forsyth analyses Mandy's fighting (not quitting) words.
11. LibDem Voice launches a campaign to shred Prescott's pension.
12. Paul Waugh on Harriet Harman's Andrew Marr interview.
10 Downing Street to me
show details Feb 23 (6 days ago)
I'm sorry to inform you that your petition has been rejected.
Your petition was classed as being in the following categories:
* Outside the remit or powers of the Prime Minister and Government
If you wish to edit and resubmit your petition, please follow the following link:
You have four weeks in which to do this, after which your petition will appear in the list of rejected petitions.
Your petition reads:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to: 'Undertake to do whatever is necessary to prevent Tony Blair ever becoming President of The EU.'
It has been reported that Tony Blair is being touted as the first president of the EU, by none other than Nicolas Sarkotzy. Should this man ever be elevated to such a position, it would represent a moral outrage too far.
-- the ePetitions team
I'm gutted - I knew brown was a lame duck, but I thought we still had the veto...
I notice we're giving £30 Million to Gaza to rebuild the damage the IDF did with the £100 Million we gave them
Nice work if you can get it, eh Iain?
Quite funny how much venom Clare Short attracts in the Labour party. Alistair's Campbell's diaries are a masterpiece in sustained character assassination.
But surely Tom's wrong to say that she "suddenly decided to resign" after the invasion? Promises were made to her to keep her onside. And when theyse were broken she resigned, too late to change the outcome of the war vote. Odd Tom doesn't mention that.
Hoorah for raedwald !
David Mundell said that every time he claims that the English have no appetite for an English Parliament (about halfway through the interview), he gets two letters telling him that he is wrong.
I will be writing to make it three. If you would like to add your voice, please write to him at:
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