Tuesday, December 09, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Labour's Own Shop Fails to Pass On VAT Cut

Don't do as I do, do as I say seems to be the maxim of many politicians, but none more so than our beloved Prime Minister and Chancellor. Having exhorted every business in the country to pass the 2.5% VAT cut it seems that their own Labour Party shop hasn't quite got the message. Should you, for example, wish to buy a picture of Gordon Brown this is what you see on screen today...

And that's exactly what you saw prior to the cut in VAT. And the same thing is true for any other picture of a Labour MP, should you, perish the thought wish to buy one for someone for Christmas.

Still, I'm sure you won't begrudge them the extra 40p, or however much it amounts to :)


Not a sheep said...

And this is in some way surprising? We also found out today that the Labour party credit card has a higher than average interest rate. Does the phrase "do as we say, not as we do" come to mind?

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Ten quid for a web quality photo of that maniacal moron?


Liz said...

Obnoxio and Oliver - the only answer I can think of is darts practice.

Shaun said...

A large number of the cheaper commerce options either have VAT hardcoded at 17.5% because that's what it had been since before the net was invented or were simple and only accepted prices. I know this because I'm running round doing emergency surgery on them all the time - I'm a web developer - and I do recommend that people move to a system where they can adjust the VAT rate themselves specifically as it may be a yo-you now....

Anyway, good to note that our nuLab masters who crave so much control over internet technologies have deployed such a weak system. Or that they haven't learned to pay attention to the systems they do control. Hmmm, what are the odds of that?

Anonymous said...

People actually BUY pictures of Gordon Brown?

Do they come with a free set of darts?

Nigel said...

You really think that anyone prepared to pay real money for a picture of Gordon Brown has the mental equipment to worry about a 2.5% difference in VAT ?

Anonymous said...

Mightn't it be that the cut gets put on at the checkout?

The reason, I'm guessing, is that this is an 'exclusive', is that no on really cares.

JMB said...

There was a nice bit on the PM programme on Tuesday when Eddie Mair (I think) repeatedly asked some Labour about the interest rate charged by their credit card. Of course she ignored the question and as usual first accused the Conservatives of having no policies then attacked her version of what she claimed Conservative policies were.

Display Name said...

Erm are they accounting for VAT at all, and if so, do they comply with HMRC regs re invoices/receipts http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/vat/records-valid-invoice.htm#2 ?