Monday, April 07, 2008

Vote in the 'Cleggover' Political Sex Survey

I haven't blogged much about Nick Clegg's GQ 'Cleggover' interview, mainly because I hadn't got much to say which hadn't already been said.

Anyway, onto the reason for this post. I have often wondered whether politics is a more promiscuous profession than others and I would submit that it is. I do think people in politics tend to have a much more liberal approach to sexual encounters than people in, say, accountancy or the law. I'm not quite sure why that is, but there you go.

Anyway, I thought it might be fun to poll which party's supporters have the most sex. I've created a different poll depending on which way you vote. There are eleven questions - and you'll hopefully be amused by the last one, as well as some of the others. If you're not comfortable being polled on this kind of thing then it's quite simple, don't click on any of the polls below. But if you'd like a few minutes of amusement, as they say, brace yourself...

If you normally support the Conservatives VOTE HERE

If you normally support Labour VOTE HERE

If you normally support the LibDems VOTE HERE

If you normally support UKIP VOTE HERE

If you normally support the Greens VOTE HERE

If you normally support the BNP VOTE HERE

If you normally support the SNP or Plaid Cymru VOTE HERE

If you are a floating voter VOTE HERE

I will post the results of the poll later next week. If you have a blog, do link to this survey, so we can get some good cross party participation. Matron!

UPDATE Sun 1pm: 700 of you have voted so far. Some hilarious answers and very revealing stats.


asquith said...

I filled it in. I don't have any "political fantasies". My fantasies generally revolve around lesbians and Keeley Hawes ordering me around in her police-woman fashion. Not in a really kinky Tory way, just in a sort of general way of having a woman in control. The nanny state indeed :)

Anonymous said...

You are a dirty, dirty, dirty old man... I cannot wait until later in the week when the survey is published, however.

asquith said...

At the moment, I've had enough of random women and now I'm looking for something a bit more permanent. Though she has to be someone who doesn't want children. I have in mind a girl from America that I admire for her intelligence and generally appreciate because her mind works in similar ways to mine.

And I wouldn't say no to a female Lib Dem blogger who is a few years older than my own self. Though, naturally, I won't be revealing her identity to the sort of slobbering old dogs who post here!

Newmania said...

Women may come and go but Asquith`s dearest and truest love is all too obviously 'Asquith'.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth is this story given such huge credibility? I don't believe anyone who claims to have slept with thirty women.

Anonymous said...

Parts of that survey are hilarious. Minor technical point though (as you wouldn't want us to think we were taking this less than seriously) - in the question about whether we'd slept with an MP did you mean a serving MP or a future one? And what do you mean by 'sex'?

Anonymous said...

Tom FD

Slept with.. maybe not. Shagged... definitely possible. After all, someone's keeping the oldest profession in employment (not that I'm suggesting that Cleggy would need to resort to that.. even if he is a politician)

Johnny Norfolk said...

Its becomming 'Iain Dales Tabloid Diary'

Dumbing down to the LCF

Manfarang said...

What are your responses to these questions Iain?


It is curious how you have added the BNP so they can have a section all to themselves. Does this mean you see them as having a base large enough to warrant separate inclusion now, or was you desperate to find and expose some sordid sexual deviancy.

If so look no further than the main three parties...

So much for promoting family values...

asquith said...

Well, newmania, you raised a smile on an otherwise grim morning :)

Anonymous said...

Mind you, after seeing the 'swinging' photo of a certain Mr Burnham on Guido i wouldn't mind if he was delivered to me naked via parcelforce!

Oscar Miller said...

Judging by the latest revelation that Nick didn't really win the leadership contest should it now be Nick Clegg Over?

Anonymous said...

asquith said...

"I'm looking for ...someone who doesn't want children."

thank god.

asquith said...

Yes, if more people exercised responsibility when it came to having children and other commitments they can't afford, we wouldn't be in the shite we're in.

Tapestry said...

At the time the Asquiths were sprogging, children died like flies and wars tidied up the numbers that survived childhood.

Asquith was heart-broken as Prime Minister when his son Raymond was killed on The Somme. He was never the same after that. He lost power to Lloyd George backed by Northcliffe. His dalliances with women could not repair the damage from the loss of his son.

Anonymous said...

You may well be right about politics being more liberal, Iain. But I bet law's kinkier.

Anonymous said...

You left out the far left, Iain. For many comrades - for instance, those of us who can remember the East London squatting scene of the late 1970s/early 1980s - 30 would have been a disappointing score for a single year. Those were the days.

James Higham said...


Anonymous said...

Should have pointed out when filling this in that I was specifically fantasising about Davids Miliband and Cameron *with me in the middle*, and not the pair of them getting it on together. Congress between the two of them unaccompanied would probably lead to some matter/antimatter world-comes-to-a-ghastly-end scenario which I want no part of.

I am too cowardly to sign my name to this.

Anonymous said...

Linked to the survey on my own new blog. As an aside, the Political Rhino dares Mr Dale to send this survey onto the motor racing industry... :-)

Anonymous said...

I take it that the days of "No Sex please, we are British" are long gone?

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9pm 6/4. It's OK Verity, we won't tell.

Manfarang said...

political rhino
New meaning to the Union Movement's slogan 'Mosley Equals Action' !!!

Anonymous said...

the East London squatting scene

Dave - should't that read the East London squalid scene?

Anonymous said...

Re paying for it, I think anyone who has (or does) would have to exclude that from the score, don't you? Apart from anything else (a) paying for it doesn't really indicate "liberation" but often wealth/opportunity/relationship status (show me a man with a strong sex drive; who is average or less physically attractive; who has money; is not in a relationship; lives in a big City - who is not a customer at least occasionally: and I'll how you a Pope who is not a Catholic) and (b) not many people who pay for it would be able to answer thje question with a sufficient degree of accuracy for the answer to be reliable. What about sex parties when some people are probably being paid but others aren't? I have excluded both, but it was still a bit of a job to count up.

I quite often post under a regular nom de plume. Not this time...

Anonymous said...

I always thought that yellow bird on the LibDem logo was a comorant, now I realise it is its close cousin, the shag.

Anonymous said...

I added it up and got to about 30, no problem, but then that's over 20-odd years.

If you includes whores I've boffed we'd be into 3 figures, but I don't count thoe. I only counted the two whom I started dating and got freebies off.

Anonymous said...

Bit cynical the way you haven't yet released the full results of this survey, isn't it Iain? I'm still wanting to see how my numbers of partners shaped up, so I keep coming back here, boosting your traffic and all I get is trivial stuff about civil liberties and Zimbabwe, rather than the subject most of all are always most interesting in.

If the delay in the results goes on much longer, I might have to rely on a miraculous intervention by the President of South Africa...oh dear, perhaps not.