Click on the image to enlarge. This is a list of the Top 40 footballers in the world by the amount they earn a week. Seven of the top 10 play in England. The two most surprising are Sol Campbell who is paid £105,000 a week by Portsmouth and Harry Kewell who is on a whopping £76,500 a week despite rarely playing because he is always injured. Nice work if you can get it!
UPDATE: All this info comes from
FutbolFinance.com, who originally published it on 20 March. I got it all in an email this morning so didn't know the original source. Happy to point people to their
SITE as it has even more fascinating player salary figures.
It just shows what a genius Arsene Wenger is!
Be more interesting if the amount of IT and NI each paid could be shown
Darren Bent - 94k!?
Darren Bent on 94 grand a week!!!
The entire list is an obscene indictment of the kind of society we have become and the things we now value. No doubt John Hutton would disagree.
And another reason you wouldn't do Big Brother is no Upton Park, not to mention no blackberry and no blog.
You couldn't prance about in a leotard without your Raison d'etre.
It is utter bollocks.
Darren Bent is on 35/40 not what is listed.
Iain, this kind of envy politics is the kind of thing you expect to read on leftie blogs!
where is becks?
Darren Bent earns more than Giggs, Essien, Totti or Eto'o! Now that's funny.
What is the source of this?
Sorry - who are these people and what do they actually do that is of any great value to anyone other than their agents?
This is a sad indictment of who we value in society, and who we don't. When a stupid footballer can earn three times as much in a week than a nurse earns in a year....god help us all!
When you think that until recently international rugby players were not paid anything except their travel expenses, and they all had full time jobs off the pitch, it just goes to show how far off the scale these pointless people are!
These international rugby heroes were often forced to sell the complimentary bottles of beer they were given to raise a few shillings to buy new boots!
Its a shocker. He was particularly badly advised when he allowed MTV to feature him and his wife's pad in Footballers Cribs.
Not a great idea to flaunt your wealth to fans who pay your wages for not playing.
Wot no West Ham players?!
And how often do you hear Labour Ministers castigating Football's Fat Cats?
I cannot see the Manchester United Players being very happy about this list.
Was it published on 1st April Iain??
Half the story:
Don't be so sure - when you read about wages in the papers they are quoted as net, so when you read that someone is earning £35k a week the actual cost to the club may well be double that.
There are constant rumours that Kewell is after a move to my team, Hull City. On those wages I think we'll manage very well in the Premiership without him.
See you at Upton Park next season, Iain. (I think it's safe to assume the Hammers won't get relegated ...)
So what?
Ed Balls
It's called market forces.
I think your source was a leaked e-mail - are you sure you aren't liable to prosecution for broadcasting it?
Fascinating. The world's going crazy. And talking of stupid payments, good blog by Conservative MP Brian Binley this week: http://cornerstonegroup.wordpress.com/. He's always a good read!
No Arsenal Player in the top 50-now that makes me proud :o)
These guys are in the entertainment industry these days, their wages actually pale alongside some TV/Movie Stars !
Don't be so proud of Wenger, loads of names are missing!
Just take Liverpool or Chelsea: Where are Riise, Alonso? Where is Drogba?
And where are names like Totti, Figo or Ronaldo, Crespo?
Don't tell me they earn less than £60 000! What a joke!
Why did my comment explaining this not get published?
It includes their signing-on fees spread over the duration of their contract which explains the positions of messrs Campbell and Bent.
And Judith, I believe Gerry Sutcliffe did just that.
There's no source - where does it come from?!?
It's very difficult to assess how genuine this list is, though it looks accurate at first sight.
That is utter BS and unless you can attribute the source to anyone other than your own good self it will of course be treated with the derision it rightly deserves. The credibility of the document is undermined further by the absurd claim that Bent earns so much - farcical nonsense!
i know for sure a certain player who earns £80,000 and the name is not on the list. i guess the source has not been mentioned, so obviously no credibility although the wages seem right.
Absolutely repulsive. We should be celebrating inventors, technicians, educators, writers, and wealth-creating businessmen, not these lowlife. But I suppose if people are idiotic enough to give them money, it can't be stopped.
No wonder Arsenal haven't won anything. They're too tight to spend money on players to win trophies and cream the fans for extortionate season ticket prices. Scandalous.
edland, I am totally aware of what bent is on. I know people connected to his family. he turned down 60k a week from the spammers to join spurs.
The original list: http://www.futebolfinance.com/salarios-dos-jogadores-de-futebol-0708-v11/
Frank 'Tory' Lampard is at #3. I'm looking for regular donations to our cause Frankie.
Without a source this just looks like a made up pile of shite
Darren Bent on £94k? I think you let your imagination run a bit wild on that one Iain.
Utter nonsense
made the torygraph
Getting paid for not doing much? Sounds like a bunch of MPs to me.
Imagine what they would earn if they were literate.
Steve, if they did a worthwhile job they'd struggle to make 1% of what they're on now! But then, that's the contempt that the John Huttons and Caroline Flints of this world feel for nurses, teachers, scientists, small businessmen etc.
KUMB covered this story back in MID_MARCH!!:
Well, I suppose we have to take this with a pinch of salt, but still quite astonishing to see how much rarely uninjured Michael Owen is coining in at Newcastle - hardly a club which is going to trouble the competition for the UEFA cup / Champions League next year.
I'm remember that list next time I see one of those overpaid idiots running to the fans while kissing the badge on his shirt...
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