We hope to have copies available by 17 September and you can now pre-order your copy HERE. It's a much bigger book than planned - 288 pages. It includes 32 articles on various aspects of blogging, 52 self penned profiles of Britain's leading blogging personalities, a directory of 1200 political blogs, lists of the best Conservative, Labour, LibDem, Non Aligned, Media, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Religious and Green blogs as well as a glossary of blogging terms. It's in full colour throughout and the RRP is £12.99 but Politico's have it available for £11.04. It isn't on Amazon yet but should be within a few days.
What's the difference between "ordering" and "pre-ordering"? Is it similar to the difference between "parking" and "parking up"?
I assumed I would be getting a free copy in return for my contribution
Have you remembered to include Recess Monkey this year?
According to your author profile on Politico's:
Iain Dale is Britain's leading political blogger.
...which rather spoils the suspense, doesn't it? ;-)
Why do you have the best of Scottish and Welsh blogs but not the best of English blogs?
Are you an anti-English racist?
Hughes - that's quite witty... for you!
Ed- :)
Delbert - sadly, I have.
Mr E - I can't be responsible for the good taste of the publishers' PR blurn, now can I?!! :)
Anonymous - well I have been called some things in my time, but as I am in favour of an English Parliament, you'd have a hard job making that one stick. However, you make a fair point and maybe we should have done a purely English list too. We'll consider it for next year's.
"I am in favour of an English Parliament, you'd have a hard job making that one stick".
Tut-tut-tut Iain. All these blog comments in the past complaining about England being ignored, neglected or slowly wiped off the collective conscious of the country, and then, BAM!! You go and do the same thing yourself.
What we really need for next time is for each English Region to be given its own section? With links to the regional assembly, worthwhile regional quangos etc?
Please do not feed the troll...
Once the RRP and P+P at Politicos is taken into account, you can save 5p by ordering at your local bookshop instead...
local bookshop
I don't think we have those in South London. Not my bit anyway.
Is Chris Paul being funny or not can anyone tell ? If so Ha ha .
I `m not sure why we should have English regions when in fact the best adminitrative units would include parts of France as well with approporiate links up to Brussles and back down the quangos idlers and layabouts.
At 60% of the price of Alastair Campbell's life story, it sounds like a bargain
I would have thought that all posters here past and present should get a free copy...?
Iain should really have just published The Guide to Political Blogging in England 2007 and devolved responsibility for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to Tartan Hero, Miserable Old Fart and Slugger O'Toole.
The Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish guides could be subsidised from sales of the English guide to make them cheaper, and Scottish, Welsh and NIish bloggers could be included in the English book as well as their respective national books.
That sounds fair.
Actually Toque Iain shouldn't have done the guide at all because he has two "i"'s in his first name, which is the Scottish spelling, which means that Dale has "Scottish blood in his veins" meaning he is unfit to represent the bloggers of England, despite the fact he was born, educated, raised and employed in, er, England.
Pretty similar to the English Democrats' view of David Cameron, right?
Don't be silly, no one would put up with that kind of outright inequality - or would they?
Anonymous, I think you might be unfairly mistaking me for someone that supports the English Democrats.
Personally, I prefer to look at it this way: it is assumed that the Top Bloggers are all English because, in the words of Flanders and Swann, the English, the English, the English are best; I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest.
This is the only reason that it is necessary to clarify that a few of these gentlemen and women hail from the provinces.
Have you remembered to include Recess Monkey this year?
I don't think that Iain is compiling a list of the Top 10 Smuggest Bloggers this year...
Anonymous": "Scottish blood in his veins"? No such thing. Scottish is a nationality, like English or Welsh, not a race.
Mind you, some people like David Cameron do seem to think they are part of a select race. I suppose that's why New Labour has imposed asymetric devolution - the Scots and Welsh elite and the assorted rabble in England.
That's why we have health apartheid, the West Lothian Question, a largely unaccountable PM, etc.
Say what you will, it reads like racism to me.
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