Friday, April 06, 2007

It Shouldn't Happen to a LibDem...

Courtesy of Tory Radio


Gavin said...

Actually, I quite often read the odd newspaper headline and think "What on earth does that mean? Is that even a sentence?"

Machiavelli's Understudy said...

Obviously a typo.

It should read 'Labour' instead.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there is a way one can correlate the inanity of newspaper headlines with the abolition of the grammar schools, with a ten-year or so lag?

Anonymous said...

Not so sure its a typo myself just very true.Ming-asleep at the wheel charlie-drunk in charge.Oaten-well lets not go there eh?.
arrest them all for criminal irrelevance

Richard Havers said...

They don't need police on the streets up here in Scotland to see the morally bankrupt nature of Lib Dems. Their ability to get their snouts in the trough of expenses.

See what I mean...

Anonymous said...

Surely we don't need more "beat" police to investigate Lib-Dem funding irregularities? More Detectives are needed, I think...

(And perhaps they could investigate those "Lib-Dems winning here!" claims while they are at it.)

Craig said...

Least the Lib Dem justice spokesman is admiting to all the crime. What a fool Purvis is

Anonymous said...

There was an astonishing headline in my local paper recently: "Crab prick kills fisherman".

No, no. Not what you are all fervently imagining! He apparently pierced his finger on a bit of sharp claw and the wound turned septic and did for him before he could get back to port. I still wonder whether the hadline writer actually realised the humour in what he had written.

Anonymous said...

When I worked on a local paper I remember that one week there were two big stories; one was about filibustering at a local council meeting and the other was a shock/horror report on teenager pregnancies.
The newspaper hoardings read: Record Number of Abortions in Kingston/Mayor's Wasted Night.

Anonymous said...

In the old days, this would have been a bunch of underpaid typesetters having fun. Nowadays of course it's likely to be a bunch of overpaid editors.