On tonight's Live at Nine I'll be interviewing former Radio 1 DJ Mike Read, who is seeking the Conservative nomination. Then tomorrow at the same time it will be the turn of Warwick Lightfoot and Victoria Borwick. The last time I talked to Mike Read it was on his Radio 1 Breakfast Show in 1979 when I took part in his BEAT THE JOCK competition. Sadly I didn't, although he very kindly sent me a badge to say I did!
If you have any questions you'd like me to put to them please leave them in the Comments.
Guests tonight on Vox Politix at 10pm are Sean Fear, a regular pundit on PoliticalBetting.com, Lefty blogger Jon Worth, ueber-Lefty blogger from Dave's Part Dave Osler, and former Paddy Ashdown Spin Doctor Jo Phillips. Tory TV?!
UPDATE: 3pm Mike Read has just pulled out of the interview tonight. Anyone want to be grilled for an hour in his place?!
I thought you hinted Jo Philips was going to 'defect' to the Tories? Did she not go through with it?
Anonymous, email the programme tonight and ask her the question!
Can you ask Mike to play Unchained Melody for my mother Ethel Scruggs of Southwark - it is her birthday on saturday, she will be 138!
Mike Read recently appeared on " I’m a celebrity get me out of here " and otherwise appears to have hit a career impasse. I wonder if this is not just another “I `m a celebrity”, attempt to reinvigorate his ailing smashy persona with the verisimilitude of engagement with the world around him. It is highly likely that this is what the LABOUR Party will suggest and imply that the triumph of image over substance has reached its nadir in the Conservative Party should such a “Personality” be representative of the Conservative Party. As with anyone of this sort the vital questions are
1 What s your political background
2 Why should the members support you….leaving aside London for the moment , when there are
3 Is there anything you can say to convince me that this is not an insulting publicity stunt that will bring lasting shame and deserved odium upon the Less Bleus ?
On Policies
Congestion Charge. Yes or No
Surveillance/ Cameras such a feature of London life …views?
CPZ`s and the plethora of anti car taxation
The Extension of the Planning Authority of the GLA
Most important is the attitude he will adopt to the GLA `s role in stuffing London with endless Social Housing that is used to suck in Social Problems and benefits serfs and keep labour Alive in the South . IE does he want London to look like Camden or Lambeth. We know what Ken wants .
Controlling the infringement of the sex industry
Has he looked at the figures and the demo graphics of London and come to conclusion about to what extent the Conservative Party can support a Conservative Candidate and hope to win? Not much is my impression and this would be an argument in his favour .
If he has any plus points they are likely to be promoting the City Abroad which Ken has not done preferring to visit Marxist Dictators and Terrorists …but he cannot get away without a view on housing in London which is where the real politics is and ther real problem
Well, seeing as I thought Mike Read was the bloke off Eastenders I think I'll pass on suggesting a question.
Both the Tories and UKIP have/are considering DJ's as their London candidate.
It's all a bit embarrassing really.
Still, I guess Mike Read has the political gravitas that Nic Boles lacks... ;-)
What's wrong with the present Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, I thought he was doing a fine job from where I'm sitting?
There's only one credible Tory candidate and that's Steve Norris. How does this nobody stand up against this giant of London political life?
firstly could you please ask mike to close his legs instead of sitting there looking like he is about to accomodate a space hopper in his lap and secondly how does he maintain that fine head of hair so late into his 60's
Thank you.
I saw him coming out of the wine merchants on Clifton avenue a few months ago , we must be neighbours.
See if you can get Mike Reid instead. Wouldn't have to change the programme name then
He's a funny bloke, Mike Read. He came up to my Dad in an Indian restuarant in Frinton and read out a poem he'd written, in the style of Betjamen's 'Joan Hunter Dunn', relating to his desire to save Frinton's railway gates, which are scandalously are under threat from Network Rail. Not a lot you can say to that.
Would love to see you interview Guido, any chance?
There's only one credible Tory candidate and that's Steve Norris.
Agreed lets kick this Boles nonsense in to touch once and for all
jonny mac
Not a lot you can say to that.
Yes there is
"Piss off you weirdo ,Im trying to eat this chicken Madras and I dont give a shit about some railway crossing"
That would have worked for me. Pass it on to your dad just in case he is ever bothered by dave lee travis or simon bates
iipqAsk him about these two members of an all girl music combo. Playing with fire, but not with Teine.
The day this was taken they worked the whole room. Providing oo-er cheeky threesome pics for old chancers and beard shots for the needy.
Is that old bat from Westminster not available? She knew how to appeal to Londoners.
To answer the Hitch's point, that is actually Read's Tussauds' figurine which has the same waxy/plasticky complexion as our hero. If I told you who he was with the last time I saw him in person that might count as juxtaposition and excite the legals.
Ask him about Gary Glitter - a great pal of his - and the proposed Sarah's Law.
Let's not have pants questions for pants candidates.
From Mike Read to My Creed? Mmmm...
Ask him whether he has slept with more women than Shagger Norris.
And would he still ban Frankie's "Relax"? If yes, he is still a prig. If not, ask him when he stopped being a prig.
T for two and two Ts into tonight...
I thought the picture looked more like Professor Roger Scruton. Why don't you try him?
Eww - not very impressive really, is it? Surely if the Conservatives are that confident they/you will put up a stronger candidate: "If you can't win London, you can't win Westminster' [and I don't mean the Borough of].
So that's "Mikey" gone - so where's "Smashy"?
I spy George Osborne with the talcum powder!
The Tories are going to have to do a lot better than joke candidates like Mike "the old woman" Read.
And as for Shagger Norris, now Politically-Correct Norris, that clown should have been pensioned off years ago.
No real competition for Red Ken there.
I would vote for the ghost of John Peel as London mayor. Peel, an undisputed legend on many levels, will be \turning in his grave knowing a vacuaos twat like Mike Reid is a candidate. Says alot about the niche Red Ken has carved out for himself dont you think?
I think Jonathon King would be a more credible candidate
Jock? Mike Read's not Scottish!!
Chad April 11, 2007 1:08 PM:
Better a DJ as a candidate than some bigoted boxing promoter...
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