Chancellor of the Exchequer: TESSA JOWELL
Chief Secretary: HARRIET HARMAN
Foreign Secretary: NEIL KINNOCK
Home Secretary: TONY BENN
Trade & Industry: JOHN STONEHOUSE
Work & Pensions: ROBERT MAXWELL
Leader of the House: DENNIS SKINNER
Culture, Media & Sport: CHRIS BRYANT
Chief Whip: TOM WATSON
Constitutional Affairs: WILLIE HAMILTON
Leader of the Lords: LORD LEVY
International Development: DAVID BLUNKET
Local Government: DEREK HATTON
Education: RUTH KELLY
And your nominations for a LibDem and Tory Nightmare Cabinet please...
Isn't a Lib Dem Cabinet a nightmare in itself?
How about in your fantasy Labour Cabinet Lord Longford as Home Secretary? didn't members of his own family say that they feared they would all be murdered in their beds if he became Home Secretary?
lol...that is truly funny.
otoh, it's neatly reminds why Labour spent so many years in the political wilderness and Mrs T reigned supreme.
I know that West Ham won today but you must learn to relax more old boy....
I would recommend a very large Gin and Tonic.
Perhaps it seems a bit obvious, but I can't think of anything more frightening than the present government/cabinet. No need for fantasy at all.
I'm glad I didn't mistakenly view this as news, I think I'd have just stuck my head in the oven. Truly nightmarish!
Tory nightmare cabinet:
Culture: Jeffrey Archer.
I'd have to give the other positions more thought.
Better to put Corbyn in the Foreign Office and McDonnell in Defence I think.
Rush-is-right is frightened by the current lot rather than Bruiser Hang-the-Irish Davis?
Del Boy Hatton is sadly now a Tory. Innit? A List.
(Exclusive, attribution please)
Attorney General has to be Sam Silkin (look him up if you don't know who he is), and George Brown has to be the Deputy Prime Minister- which other Poltician would ever have been seen collapsing in a gutter outside Parliament because he had had too much to drick. As far as chief whip goes, Callaghan, not Watson! He lost a vote of Confidence for gods' sake!
{ Rush-is-right is frightened by the current lot rather than Bruiser Hang-the-Irish Davis? }
Is Chris Paul a moron or simply a liar?
Fanatsy 101 Tory Cabinet (For all the Socialists reading this- not many, I know!)
Prime Minister- Michael Howard
Deputy Prime Minister- Boris Johnson
Lord Chancellor- Lord Norton
Chancellor- Ann Widdecombe
Foreign- Margaret Thatcher
Home- Norman Tebbit
Education- George Osborne
Health- William Waldegrave
Environment Secretary- Nigel Lawson
Defence Secretary- Nicholas Soames
Trade and Industry- Ian Lang
Work and Pensions- Kenneth Baker
Culture- Dsvid Mellor
Local Government and Communities- Patrick Mercer
Transport- Brian Mawhinney
Scotland- Michael Forsyth
Wales- David Hunt
Northern Ireland- John Redwood
Chief Secretary to the Treasury- Norman Lamont
Commons Leader- John Major
Lords Leader- Lord Archer
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury- Iain Duncan-Smith
Captain of the Gentlemen at Arms- Lord Goodland
wot no Hattersley?
International Development: DAVID BLUNKET (sic.)
Oh you cruel man....
Nightmare Labour Cabinet: Gordon Brown with Alistair Campbell as his spin doctor...not so far fetched as it sounds, perhaps. I read today that the Chancellor has entertained Ali at one of his chummy dinners at number 11 where he grasps diners hands afterwards and says, "I feel we can work together"
Tory nightmare Cabinet: any mix and match that has an Ali Campbell clone as the PM's spin doctor.
Auntie Flo'
Don't include Gwyneth Dunwoody - she's an honest, hardworking lady who says it like she sees it - and that's on inside info from a Tory MP. The NHS could well have been better off in her hands than in Ms Fuckwitt's.
Nightmare Tory cabinet?
The present shadow cabinet.
My nightmare govt:
PM: Tony Blair!
Chancellor: Gordon Brown!
wait a minute, take a bank note out and try reading it.... I CAN read it, its not a nightmare, its real....
what on earth did we do to deserve this
How about having Bernie Grant in Home Affairs or the Communities portfolio? Diana Abbott for Education?
Chancellor Red Dawn Primarolo
Don't have nightmares.........
You've missed out the worst of the lot, Iain:
Gordon Brown, the profligate lunatic who has drowned this country in debt and steered us into forthcoming stagflation which will take years of pain to overcome.
Enoch Powell for Home Sec, and it wouldn't be a nightmare either. Be nice to have some real brains in there for a change.
Prime minister ... Margaret Thatcher (bows)
Minister for women ... Lloyd george or Steven Norris
Home secretary....Adolph Hitler
Health secretary.... Bernard Manning (he looks Jewish but isn't)
Foreign secretary ... (see above)
Minister for transport ... Jeremy Clarkson
Leader of the house .......Robert Mugabe
Northern Ireland secretary....The Pope
Deputy prime minister........ any big fat illiterate oaf who just happens to be in the right place at the right time.
Defence .. Julian Clary
Lord chancellor ........ The Hitch
YAK40 (1206) Enoch Powell has been dead several years. But he's STILL got more brains than a lot of present cabinet ministers I could name.....
I've just noticed, you've made no space for one Viscount Stansgate?
You could find a place for him I'm sure. Maybe Minister for Public Buildings & Works?
Judith, I too have a huge amount of time for Mrs D. Her inclusion as Health Secretary was meant to be ironic as she wouldn't stand for the politically correct health faddists. but the irony was obviously lost.
Rush, Benn is included.
The Hitch, that was brilliant.
Deputy prime minister........ any big fat illiterate oaf who just happens to be in the right place at the right time. Although I would add, and knows things about Tony, Gordon and Peter.
Lord Chancellor - The Hitch. (Bows.)
Wouldn't Dalton be a candidate for worst Labour Chancellor- he did leak his own budget. What about for the Tories worst minister being Monckton as Labour Minister I know we don't have one anymore but he was pretty awful. If you go back far enough in time- North was probably the most disastrous Prime Minister we've ever had given the loss of America through a disastrous war.
The evil Crosland, who f***ed the grammar schools and a lot more as a consequence.
Surely the nightmare Pensions minister just has to be Gordon Brown. Maxwell stole nowhere near as much.
...and who, pray, would the above cabinet makers select as Lord High Executioner??
To crack down on sleaze and corruption, how about the new post of Hitch-finder General? Like the Spanish Inquisition, but with none of its namby-pamby pussy-footing about...
Prime Minister: ME
Deputy Prime Minister: MZI*
Foreign Secretary: JEREMY CLARKSON
Home Secretary: ENOCH POWELL
Constitutional Affairs: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN**
Minister responsible for getting us out of Europe: EDWARD HEATH
* He's not fat, but to most people he's unintelligable but he makes a damned good factotum
** She probably understands the constitution better than any politician living or dead
All other departments would be closed down as being superfluous
Can I be Minister at the Cabinet Office and the PM's advisor on media relations, please? The job needs someone with my subtlety and political skills.
Unfortunately there have never been enough lib dems of sufficient stature to be remembered let alone considered for a fantasy or nightmare cabinet!
Remittance Man - for your comment that all other departments would be closed down, you have won my Award for Man of the Month!
Surely blunkers should be minister for familys and children.
Of course, people who live in Lewes district already have a Lib Dem nightmare cabinet.
You will have to give me a little more time for this flight of fancy while I think of some names!
A winning team would have been-
Dep-Anthony Meyer
Chief Sec-james Gray
Home Sec-Fabricant
Defence-Edwina Currie
Envi-Piers merchant
Transport-David Cameron
Work & pensions-Hugh Dykes
Leader-Matthew Parris
Chief Whip-Ken Clarke
Cons Affairs-Mellor,Yeo or Whetstone.
Int Dev-Rippon
Local Gov-Major
Educ-Michael Mates.
Surely, you are missing (a) a notable fantasy Tory defector and (b) a Chairman of the Labour Party masqerading as a Minister and drawing a huge taxpayer-funded salary?
Of course, to be in a 'Nightmare Cabinet', you would need someone with experience of turning a marginal seat into a safe one.
Step forward Chancellor of the Duchy of WestHamkershire, Lord Dale of Norfolk No-broads?
Indeed, Did anyone hear the away fans chanting at Blackburn:
(a) "Iceland pays the linesman... Iceland pays the linesman... da da DA DA. da da DA DAAA."
followed by:
"We're going down...DA Da. We're going down Da Da ...we're going down with Ian Dale?"
Can't be worse than the cabinet we have at the moment:
Prime Minister: TONY BLAIR
Deputy Prime Minister: TONY BLAIR
Chancellor of the Exchequer: GORDON BROWN
Chief Secretary: TONY BLAIR
Foreign Secretary: TONY BLAIR
Home Secretary: TONY BLAIR
Trade & Industry: TONY BLAIR
Environment: TONY BLAIR
Transport: TONY BLAIR
Work & Pensions: TONY BLAIR
Leader of the House: TONY BLAIR
Culture, Media & Sport: TONY BLAIR
Chief Whip: TONY BLAIR
Constitutional Affairs: TONY BLAIR
Leader of the Lords: LORD BLAIR
International Development: TONY BLAIR
Local Government: TONY BLAIR
Scotland: TONY BLAIR
Education: TONY BLAIR
Actually Ron Davies was a pretty good Secretary of State for Wales. Certainly better than any of the Tories, including young Hague. How Sir Wyn Roberts didn't get to be Welsh Secretary I don't know, well yes I do know, Tory anti-Welsh prejudice. Anyway fair play to Ron, he may have made an arse of himself on Clapham Common but he was probably the best SoS since Cledwyn Hughes.
I'm surprised no one has suggested this already......
Fantasy Tory Cabinet
Prime Minister: Iain Dale
Deputy: Verity
Minister for Cycling: David Cameron (give him something to do so that he will shut the f*** up about global warming)
I was surprised no mention of the rancid monster Blears or the utterly deluded "squished rabbit in headlights" Hodge, who would be utterly useless as, well, pretty much anything.
For the Tories, just get Hague in charge and I am sure they can sort out the rest (would be good to see Widdi in Home and Clarke back in Treasury though).
The Hitch, Bernard Manning is part Jewish.
But Iain, you are being unkind. Gwynneth Dunwoody would make an excellent Transport Secretary. Dennis Skinner as Leader of the House? Why not? He's been there longer than almost anyone and is a truly exemplary attendee, who would undoubtedly fight for the House's rights within Cabinet.
And as for dear old Wedgie, if his scheme to use the North Sea oil money for investment had been implemented here (i.e., if Thatcher had not won the 1979 Election), as something almost identical was in Norway, then Britain, rather than Norway, might now be the richest country in the world.
Oh, and all three are Euroscptics, unlike Cameron or anyone actually likely to be in a Cameron Cabinet at least after a year, if at all.
For a lady of such obvious intellect and savvy - anytime ;-)
bj 10:30pm
Anon 10:47pm
I quite liked your cabinets ;-)
Think they'd do a damn good job!!
Anon 12:18pm
*This* was my idea of a nightmare..
God: Sir Winston Churchill
Jesus: John Major
The Virgin Mary: Baroness Thatcher
Satan: Tony Blair
The Antichrist: Polly Toynbee
Judas: Edward Heath
Deputy Prime Minister: DOUGLAS HURD
Chancellor of the Exchequer: NIGEL LAWSON
Chief Secretary: DAVID CAMERON
Home Secretary: NORMAN TEBBIT
Trade & Industry: EDWARD HEATH
Environment: EDWARD LEIGH
Work & Pensions: KENNETH CLARKE
Leader of the House: WILLIAM HAGUE
Culture, Media & Sport: DAVID MELLOR
Constitutional Affairs: JOHN MAJOR
Leader of the Lords: GEOFFREY HOWE
International Development: STANLEY BALDWIN
Local Government: KEITH JOSEPH
Education: LIAM FOX
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