I've just created an
online shop, courtesy of Amazon, for political DVDs and CDs, which you can visit
HERE. There are about 80 DVDs and CDs to browse. If you think I have missed any, do let me know in the comments. I'll keep it updated with new releases.
By the way, at long last
THE THICK OF IT is being released in April. You can preorder it
Good idea! Brilliant prices on Yes Minister and Yes Prime, Iain, I'll order the ones I'm missing as soon as my pay clears.
What's the story in Balafuckinmorey ?
Tremendous series...
chris langham dvd's
what next , michael jackson and gary glitter?
Nice collection, though I reckon you should add Primary Colours (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Primary-Colors-John-Travolta/dp/B00079FGXK/ref=pd_bbs_1/202-1736153-7660648?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1174860366&sr=8-1)
I'd also suggest My Fellow Americans (the intro itself makes the film worth watching!) but Amazon doesn't seem to have it on DVD :(
Is the Blair/Brown play The Dual available on DVD?
It's all right wing stuff!
Could you not throw in a few books from across the political spectrum, say, a few by Mr Broon just for a laugh? How about Nelson Mandella's Words of Wisdom?
Also, how about some more heavy weight stuff? Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, Gramsci's Prison Notebooks, Rousseau's Social Contract, Marx Das Kapital, that sort of thing
Auntie Flo'
Auntie Flo, have you been on the sherry? It's a DVD & CD shop, not a bookshop (apart from books by me, naturally!).
One book I'd like to read is Steve Hilton's Good Business. Should prove instructive as it's seems to be embedded in Conservative ideology these days.
Interesting idea. Only 5% referral but every little helps.
Iain Dale said...
Auntie Flo, have you been on the sherry? It's a DVD & CD shop, not a bookshop (apart from books by me, naturally!).
All of them, Iain? What a swizz. CDs and DVDs are useless for mutt'n'Jeff's like me.
Air Force One?? Good film but not really political is it.
Got a couple of reccomendations to add
Battle for Algiers: French film about the Algerian war and terrorism
Dr Strangelove: Enough said
West Wing
13 Days about JFK and the Cuban missile crisis
King's Game- a Danish political thriller its good fun and really about the generic political arena, its very well done and very well crafted.
The Trial of Joan of Arc- directed by Robert Bresson- its a fantastic examination of Joan's life.
All the King's Men- not the modern version but the 1949 version starring Broderick Crawford, a good film about the process of politics in the south
Thinking of classic films- Mr Smith goes to Washington should be on there as should Eisenstein's films about Russia, October 1917, Battleship Potemkin, Ivan the Terrible Pts 1 and 2, Alexander Nevsky etc.
In truth many films- like Its a Wonderful Life say or Ingmar bergman's films about religion have a political subtext even though they aren't explicitly political they are still worth thinking about for the political ideas encoded in them.
Now this is what having a successful blog is all about!Optimising revenue streams.Glad to see you are exercising your free enterprise principles.
All the King's Men, Being There, Coming Home, Wag the Dog, The Manchurian Candidate, The Parallax View, Bulworth, Gandhi, Michael Collins, The Motorcycle Diaries, The Contender, Z, Medium Cool, Salvador, 3 Days of the Condor, Citizen Kane, The Last Hurrah
Iain, you have not done any of your top 10 political book picks for a while.
How about helping us anoraks out and doing a selection of your recommended biographies on politicians in the last 20 years?
How about GBH - an excellent warning on the efects of mob rule
Washington: Behind Closed Doors.
Iain, methinks they held off releashing the DVD of the show Langham stars in because of some rather disturbing charges against him. Its a pity he has been charged though as the show was rather good methinks.
Auntie Flo should spend a bit lss time with the sherry and a bit more time with the works of Armando Iannucci - then she'd realise that The Thick Of It is not remotely right wing.
(Having a crack at the spinmeisters on on side doesn't mean you love the spinmeisters on the other.)
Any numpty with access to a computer should be able to find these films/television shows. What would be more helpful would be a list of political programs that aren't on DVD but that should be made available. I am thinking of such programs as "Jeffery Archer, The Truth" and the "Trial of Tony Blair."
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