The John McCain campaign commercial which preceded his speech was excellent. I tried to find it on YouTube so I could link to it but I couldn't find it. It caused Tim Montgomerie and I much amusement when it talked about tax cuts and abolishing Inheritance Tax. Well, we need some entertaining...
One thing struck me about McCain's appearance. If you saw the speech on TV, just look at his picture here and compare how he looks now. Either he's lost a hell of a lot of weight, or he's been to the same clinic as Joan Rivers.
Now, I suppose I'd better go and annoy Guardian readers a bit more and do my daily blog for CommentIs Free. Check out THIS link for the piece I wrote yesterday. It's had them foaming at the mouth.
I saw his photo on the wall of the Hanoi Hilton. He was very thin then. Those guys had it rough.
His health is a big question mark, lots of rumours. Don't you just love the way the (US) press has him annointed at the Republican candidate already ? He has a lot of baggage and his nomination is by no means a slam dunk, also remember that historically Presidents do not come from the Senate but from jobs like state Governor where they actually have to run something.
The health issue is a big one- it just strikes me that that and age will cause his downfall- having said that a good person for Cameron to be associated with as he is everyone's acceptable Republican.
Quite right, yak40, and one Governor is Mitt Romney. There's an excellent piece on how his Mormonism may (or may not) harm his prospects in this week's Economist.
Gosh....... by no means a 'slam dunk' ?
Thank goodness for that
He sounds like Eeyore, the donkey off Winnie the Pooh.
I saw McCain with Andrew Marr this morning and I wasn't impressed, he wasn't inspiring in any way. I'm sure he is great as a senator, but I can't see him running for President.
If your piece really did have them foaming at the mouth (I'm sure you're not given to over-exaggeration) - then I truly do despair.
Locally, I have ssen barely any movement on Hanging, Flogging, No immigrants / any johnnie foreigners of any kind, unless they're picking my fruit / vegetables, no lee-way on bias towards women (because unless they can afford full-time childcare and a live in nanny and have a wealthy enough husband to support them working for the party for free for many, many years) as the best candidate will be chosen regardless of gender... yer right (super chooses, so far), No warming to poofters (unless they're firmly in the closet, or so charming that they simply defy bigotism (take a halfa star - they didn't elect you here darling), no thanks to single mothers - what do we pay our taxes for?, My children go to Gresham's, so who the hell cares about state education.....
blah, blah
Iain sweetie.... are you ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you're rooting for the right party?
Tell us about your doubts.
( I bet you wont until after wednesday)
For god's sake - more women friendly from Sunday to Wednesday?
Don't tory party grandees realise that somone has to wash and iron the children's school uniform and P.E. kit at the weekend? not to mention my white shirts (and boxers !!!!) .... not me obviously, .... that's the wife's department.
This is an odd post. McCain has delivered a lecture? Where? He's supposed to speak on Tuesday isn't he? And why are you criticising him, particularly his appearance. He's here to help the Tory cause isn't he?
OK, I've been out all day, but I seem to be well and truly out of the loop on this one.
Let me get this right - this guy is 70 years old. And he's the next big thing? An inspiration to Cameron? If he serves 2 terms he'll be 80?
Are you serious?
Me and the people around me in the party were entranced with McCain. Admittedly, he talked about Reagan a lot but his moral clarity was outstanding. By calling for smaller government and honest dialogue with his electorate he put distance between himself and Bush and Blair. Despite a few misplaced syllables, he was a natural orator and showed that he had the right approach on a number of important issues (from global warning to American role in the world). Personally, I was impressed and won't forget what his speech in a hurry.
It caused Tim Montgomerie and me. . .
Sincerely yours,
Bad Egg
I see McCain as a great 'thinker' and someone who can offer real insight. He is also an inspiring person simply because of his experiences as a POW. But I am not sure is really presidential material. He inspires - but he doesn;t strike me as a natural orator. But maybe that isn't important. I would certianly like to see his policies in the White House - just not sure he is the person to get them there!
But DC seems to have nailed his colours firmly to the McCain mast!
The Americans haven't anointed McCain. There's huge speculation about all manner of people connected to the race for President. I think Giuliani is actually more likely as his liberalism offends the Republicans less than McCain's lack of partisanship.
I think your account of this speech is alright for the bulk of it Iain but the last two minutes, on the special relationship, were sublime. Particularly the last couple of sentences which were great. That was the impression I took away with me to the blog and I don't think I'll have been the only one.
I think your criticism is pretty unfair. He is not a natural orator but he is a man of deep character and substance. Timing is very important in politics and after 6 years of George Bush and the all the problems we have gotten into in Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of his gung ho approach, maybe we need someone what is thoughtful and moderate, whilst at the same time tough. His age is a factor but I think he has a great deal of grativas. I like is position on the environment too. George Bush is never going to challenge the oil companies and special interests. McCain by contrast may be able to do the right thing for his country and set a good example for the rest of the world. I wish him luck. Although I am quite keen on Condoleezza Rice.
given their mindless kowtowing to bush's various high crimes and misdemeanours, i don't think cameron should be associating himself with the US republican party in any way whatsoever. extremely foolish
martinfatguts - you ought to be more concerned about the quality of state schools, because you're totally wasting your money by sending your kids to gresham's. i am a former inmate of said institution. teaching, for the most part, was and is abysmal. pastoral care is either lacking or laughably naive. the headmaster is an utter cretin, concerned only with brainwashing as many of the pupils into becoming members of alpha or the vine family church. if ever i should have children, gresham's would be the last place in the world that i'd send them
Quite right, yak40, and one Governor is Mitt Romney.
I met Mitt Romney years back - I liked him.
Jeremy, I agree with your synopsis of his many qualities and agree with your assessment of what he could do and achieve. I too like his commitment to the environments, and am very pleased that he has raised the issue of sepcial interest groups, lobbyists and the money that bankroles US politics. But you then accuse me of being unfair on him - yet saying you agree with my point - which is that his oratary skills are not his strongest!
I was merely seeking to point out that he would be a great thinker/elder statesman - manybe even a Vice President, but given who is likely to be lining up against (Rice/Clinton et al), he could do with some public speaking assistance, as TV is now so important.
There seems to be a lot of tosh re: McCain (JM) here.
1. In a very politically polarized atmosphere, JM is and has been most popular American politician with the bien pensant, press, independents, and now it seems Euros (see puffy/cuddly Today Interview). Not sure why, but I venture because:
a. awe inspiring life story.. POW…
b. taken on right of his party on campaign finance, Immigration, torture, tax cuts, some on environment…tho also taken on Cameroonies re; EPP membership.
2. Yet popularity a little inexplicable because:
a. JM very conservative.. has 100% voting approval record from National Right to Life (abortion)
b. Agrees 100% with GWB’s strategic foreign policy objectives, only disagrees tactically como more troops in Iraq/Afghanistan, less torture, no Guantanamo.
c. Has some scandals in past….Saving and Loans crisis in 1980s..
d. Can be non-PC…infamously apologized for a joke involving Chelsea, Hillary and lesbianism.
3. Nevertheless, seems to have made peace with Republican right wing, has made up with the Rev Jerry Falwell..he of 9/11 was God’s just punishment on America fame…and spoke at Bob Jones University. .it of no inter-race dating (since corrected fame) where GWB was excoriated for speechifying.
4. JM never been good orator/thinker…but if Hillary is up in polls come 1/08, Republicans will be seen flocking to JM in droves.
5. Dunno about health/rumors. Sound to me similar to rumors put out by GWB people in 2000 in South Carolina primary that JM was “unstable” owing to long incarceration, and that he had a black lovechild. JM has an adopted Bangladeshi daughter.
McCain, who is a second-hand connection of mine, is a man of rare character (and rare flaws) but you have to realize a few things about the US to understand why he's a frontrunner for President in 2008, and also why his speech was so retro.
He's got to divorce himself from the Bushes, both 41 and 43, if he wants to be President. This is part of the reason he resisted the newest torture/habeus corpus bill for awhile before caving; just to show he can take on the big boys. He's trying to capitalize on the Reagan charisma, ride the tail of that comet, and his people probably assumed that a reference to Reagan would warm the cockles of British hearts as an honorary reference to Thatcher.
He's a frontrunner simply because he was a frontrunner last time, and probably got more than a few chits he's about to cash in that say "next time we're working for you if you help us out this time". Look at the rest of the candidates; how many have a national profile? How many are counted as heros? How many have a service record at all, let alone a record like his and a reputation as a hero?
Oh, and age and health really aren't issues that bother Americans so much. Reagan was virtually incapacitated through most of his second term, and nobody even noticed except Nancy's astrologer (NOTHING got by that woman!).
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