Since then, they have expanded the Politico's range of books and they're offering much greater discounts than I ever did! Also, they're now giving every customer a free pack of Tony Blair playing cards. They are also building affiliate bookshops and have just done one for this Blog. Click HERE. Jonathan Sheppard at Tory Radio has also got one HERE.
If you have a blog with a reasonable amount of traffic and would like to earn commission from your own bookshop, do let me know and I will put you in touch with Harriman. It's not going to earn you a fortune, but I guess we all have an interest in promoting political literature.
Trying to get Rid of the Blair playing cards are they ? Guess they know they will be worthless soon...
Are they like the ones issued in the States showing the wanted members of the Baathist party?
The need to do a card set of the top NuLab politicians (can the find 52 and who's the joker?) and put their majorities on the cards. We can then play "death cards" at the next election as they fall and make the next "Portillo" moment.
What's the point of a pack of 54 Knaves?
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