The schedule starts at 8pm, just log onto the website and click on the live stream. Tim Montgomerie's show is first on and my Vox Politix programme goes on air at 9pm. Less than six hours...gulp.
If, when we are on air you cannot access the stream or have comments on any technical aspect of the streaming please direct them to my colleague Mike Rouse by emailing support AT 18doughtystreet DOT com. And if you have nice things to say, say them here!
Go for it... we'll be watching.
Good luck! I will of course be watching; there are a lot of people out there who will be willing you on and hoping the venture is a successful one. A few first-night nerves will be easily forgiven!
Who needs Trinny and Susannah when we have yourself and Tim?...
A new dawn in UK broadcasting Mr Dale. A great achievement to all involved!
great photo... looking fierce in the b&W! I'll be watching.
Really looking forward to it. Good luck.
By the way, check out my story on recent web trends. Looks like all the effort that Cameron has put into building his online presence hasn't paid off hugely. He is still neck and neck with Brown and Reid.
my 77 year old mother watches webcameron absolutely transfixed. I'll so grateful. I can read the paper again.
Iain does this mean you have become a member of the establishment now?
The hunter becomes the hunted.
You should ask Fraser why his News of the World column is so terminally piss-poor!
Congratulations on getting the project online.
Good luck Iain, I'm looking forward to it. Are you going to get the UKIP trolls on this week?
Good luck to all involved with this project.
A question, and apologies if this has already been answered somewhere but has sufficient consideration been taken in implementing this? I anticipate a lot of users might prove to be a problem causing excessive buffering or other errors.
I can't wait for some honest and direct goodness media reporting for a change.
But will 18 Doherty Street succumb to the dreaded DA Notice?
Good luck. But could we have some more bandwidth please?
Sehr geEhrter Iain
Das Gedammen und geblasten - I can't make sense of these buttons
Where's an 8-year old child when you need him !!!
18 Doughty Street will not escape my eaves-dropping for long !!!
Alles Gute
I suppose Hedgy is going to tick me off for my language
I've tried it three times and got a fantastic connection each time. Two Suggestions though:
1. Make the programmes available via video or even audio podcast. (though I'm sure many others have already suggested this)
2. Create a Flickr account with photos of the set and the effort that goes into the production.
First thoughts? You've been too ambitious. All of this would have worked much better (and been cheaper) as a radio station. The pictures are adding nothing. Too much studio talk and not enough video features to break it up. And why no titles for each programme? Is this because of a technical fault?
Congratulations on getting on air though - no mean feat.
Oh dear. More charisma - please!
Thanks, Iain, for doing the tribute to Eric Forth. I haven't seen any mainstream media since I got back from the service, but I doubt whether they would have given it the coverage 18 Doughty St. did. (But someone needs to do something about people speaking too close to the microphone.) All the best.
Quite extraordinary. Listening to political debate in Britain in 2006, without cutting off debate after 5 minutes, without heated confrontation, with questioning of holy cows such as the UN, the BBC, government policy on prisons.
You are the leading forum in the country - overnight, on day one. Ordinary TV debate doesn't get even close.
The voice of common sense, unheard in Britain for at least a decade, is once more detectable - alive and well.....like a rare bird that was thought to be extinct, here she is tweeting away happily, unstressed, ample time for everything, feeding contentedly.
Alastair Campbell and spinners will never stifle and intimidate the commentariat again.
watched it thought it was very good.
just finished watching your piece Iain, as interesting and refreshing as you hoped it would be.
good show
Thanks. I enjoyed it a lot.
Havent catched much of it, but i'm sure its good... the sounds is rather quiet though!
I agree with Call Me Dave, Iain - that is a great photo! It makes you look rather Cary Grant-ish ...
The sound and picture quality is great on my PC.
I have lived in Germany and can assure there are far more fat in germany than here
Excellent start. It's a delight to see actual discussion between actual people, presenters who aren't afraid to point out when a politician is talking out of their arse, and actually listen to the answers rather than trying to confect disagreement for the sake of it.
A mature and interesting evening of political debate. Beats Trinny and Susannah, that's for sure.
A most impressive start! Very intimate and inviting - a bit like having quality discussion in my living room!
It reminded me a bit of an expanded version of the old much-missed BBC2 show Despatch Box.
But I'm looking forward to checking out your new female co-presenter tomorrow night!
Oh dear. Mature, reasoned and informed political discussion? Guess you've no use for this then. Dayum.
I found those silver chrome tables distracting, one minute piled with books, the next with foilage, they didn't add anything. A couple of sofas might be better.
It would be helpful if you could have a caption with names of the guests who are speaking for those who are dipping in and missed the introduction.
Otherwise a great first night with some great in-depth discussion.
When Iain started with a bit of cheap celeb-bashing my heart sank. (Show me where Graham Norton has ever been a role model for children).
But, after that I really enjoyed the show. The debate was mature, which is a great step forward over what Auntie's been giving us recently.
I thought the first show featuring Oliver and the neo-cons (nice name for a band, eh?) was a bit one-sided. That might be down to some deliberate stall-setting on the first night or might just be that the young tory was a bit rubbish.
I wouldn't like to think of 18 Doughty St as a right-wing counterwieght to the Beeb's left-wing bias. I'd hope to see more left-leaning debaters in the future.
But these are quibbles, quibbles. Congratulations and well done all round.
Oh, and somebody kill the guy with the klaxon.
are you going to upload it to google video or youtube?
chris dodge -> "You've been too ambitious. All of this would have worked much better (and been cheaper) as a radio station."
i disagree Chris. having it on video makes it stand out from the plethora of online radio that is available. and theres also the human aspect too - its much nicer to actually *see* a person speak. thats just human nature i guess.
Self important wittering based on a VERY dodgy technical backbone. Mr Eugenides - more supine prostrating, please. You'll never be a bitch for Iain if that's the best you can do!
Iain, what are your thoughts on Jeffs observations?
"I have been trying all day to watch 18 Doughty Street, the new British online political network. I have installed no end of needless crap on my Mac and on Firefox. I have tried to watch it in Firefox, Safari, and IE. And nothing works. I tried to leave them a comment but they made me go through some complex registration process. I tried to send them email but the link was broken. Arrrrggghhh. They have made this needlessly, stupidly complicated. I just one a few seconds to play. But it made a horrible buzzing noise, then lost its sound, then froze. Never put technology in the hands of pols. Damned disaster." http://www.buzzmachine.com/index.php/2006/10/10/shoot-the-geeks/#comments
You're right, George Street. My previous comment was not nearly fawning enough.
It was the bestest thing ever in the history of broadcasting; Iain is even more attractive on TV than he is in the [magnificent] flesh, and I watched the entire evening's programming in a state of arousal. The old politics is dead; Paxman may as well drown himself in a sack.
Now, can I have my cheque, Iain?
Iain's been posting on here for a couple of days about how nervous he was; I see nothing wrong in a few words of encouragement. It's not like I'm angling for a job; if you knew me, George St, you'd know I've got a face for radio.
Plus, I put it on at 8 o'clock expecting to watch a few minutes, and ended up watching about three-quarters of the evening's programming. "Technical backbone" is something for other people to discuss, I know nothing of that.
I liked the fact that there were no name captions after the initial introduction.This added to the conversational style.I now know Lynne Featherstone is a rational,pleasant human being and not just a loony lib dem.I watched the first two hours and enjoyed all of it (the sound settled down after 30 minutes).All in all a good experience.I won't watch every night but will certainly tune in on a regular basis.You might help yourselves by giving instructions of how to watch via a television set,especially for the older generation.
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