If I were a Labour supporter I'd be going for Hilary Benn or Alan Johnson. But Johnson may have his eye on the top job. As a Conservative I'd love it to be Ms Harman. Vote now in the new poll in the left hand column!
political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
During the last two years the Government has 'mispaid' four billion pounds of your money to people who had no entitlement to it. That's two pence of the standard rate of income tax. Gordon Brown will no doubt be proud of this and claim to be a latter day Robin Hood. And as for getting the money back, why is it that I suspect the Inland Revenue will be adopting a less than rigorous approach? Surely not because a majority of the six million people affected are Labour voters! Perish the thought, and wash my mouth out with soap. Another triumph for 'Red' Dawn Primarolo. And this woman is tipped to be in Gordon Brown's cabinet. You really couldn't make it up.
Some time ago I raved about the movie Green Street, which stars Elijah Wood and revolves around hooliganism at West Ham. In my Desert Island Discs posting a few days ago I chose a song from the soundtrack by Terence Jay called One Blood. I've just found the song on Youtube. Have a listen. I warn you now that the movie excerpt is very very violent - so violent in fact that I couldn't watch some of it. What a wuss. But the song is amazing. A bit like Mark Knopfler. Anyway, listen, rather than watch!
Your Political Profile: |
Overall: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal |
Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal |
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal |
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal |
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal |
I have just listened to yet another Labour MP call for Prescott to go. But this time it was a member of the Government! Unless I am very much mistaken Stephen Pound is still a PPS. On Jeremy Vine's show he follwed Derek Wyatt and Christine McCafferty in calling on the DPM to go. He said: "People question why he's paid 130 grand to play croquet." I suspect Mr P will be getting a call from the Chief Whip. If not, why not?
From Iain Dale's Blackberry
On my way to play golf-classic radio phone in moment from an ex teacher. She said: "I joined the police when I realised I would rather arrest children than trach them."
From Iain Dale's Blackberry
The rather portly man on the right in both pictures was unknown to the Conservatives when the picture was taken but he turned out to be none other than Jill Houlbrook's LibDem opponent, posing as a local resident. Strange that the photo on the LibDem website cropped out Jill Houlbrook. The LibDem candidate not only stole the photo but then claimed it was he who had organised the demonstration! Remember the advice to LibDem candidates from their election handbook? "Act wickedly, stir shamelessly"! Chester Conservatives have accused the LibDems of stealing the photo from their website and then photoshopping it. In fact, they're so angry they're taking the matter to the County Court. First of all the LibDems said they "did it for a laugh" but they have now admitted their crime and offered £50 compensation. It doesn't sound much, but when you face having to hand back £2.4 million I suppose the coffers aren't exactly full...
But all's well that ends well. The Conservatives won the election with a 10% swing. It was the first time the Conservatives had won a seat from the LibDems in Chester, having lost fifteen to them over the last two decades. Let's hope it's the first of many.
Cheriegate (that's the 2006 version - nothing to do with Peter Foster) took a new twist today when Telegraph journo Alice Thomson alleged in her column that not only did Cherie sign a copy of the Hutton Report for auction, she actually donated it to. If that is the case, who paid for it? Cherie - or us, the poor bloody taxpayer?